1. gogoman on: Tensions Rise As South Africans Celebrate The K..
    check the picture  and you will see na women celebrate more ::) ::) ::) women like evil, dey .. (10 minutes ago)
  2. gogoman on: Fake Visa Agent, Temnam Lamfa Arrested For Defr..
    ::) ::) ::) (14 minutes ago)
  3. gogoman on: Gunmen Attack Niger State Village, Killing Sev..
    we are on to it (15 minutes ago)
  4. gogoman on: Flood Ravages INEC Office In Benin, Damages Vot..
    slum  ::) ::) ::) (16 minutes ago)
  5. Panaki on: Tensions Rise As South Africans Celebrate The K..
    South African people are crude, uncivilised, barbaric and very archaic. Anything negative that hap.. (30 minutes ago)