1. Dopybadass on: BREAKING! Lagos Police Successfully Rescue Abd..
    Sometimes when I see some of this white men living thier comfortable zone and travel all the way d.. (6 minutes ago)
  2. Dopybadass on: Reality Star, Ka3na Faces Backlash Over Photosh..
    This fake life from this useless yeyebrities is becoming somethin else (8 minutes ago)
  3. Olandetujaa on: ‘We Have To Protect Tinubu’ - Reps Spokesman De..
    Not a waste to buy new aircrafts and sell of the old ones. The No.1 Citizen deserves the best! (14 minutes ago)
  4. KDoinspire on: "Almost All The Wealthy Men’s Wives Are Da..
    Useless cougar. Ugly and wrinkled face. You think all women are as useless as u are. (35 minutes ago)
  5. gogoman on: Ghanaian Socialite, Shatta Bandle, Dragged Over..
    ::) ::) ::) (58 minutes ago)