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7841  Forum / Relationships & Romance / My Experience With My Nagging Wife - Nigerian man Laments Bitterly on: 27-09-2021 10:41 PM

A Nigerian man has shared his sad experience with nagging wife who doubts every move he takes, and accuses him of sleeping around with women.

According to him, his life with her was sweeter than honey prior to their marriage, but after marriage, everything changed.
In his words;

“Three years ago, I and my wife stood before the altar and professed our undying love to each other. When we took the vow in the presence of God, we understood what we were doing and we knew the journey we were embarking on will be forever. We knew right from the start that problems may come but we also understood right from the start that when problems come, it’s our responsibility to put our heads together and conquer that problem.
Three years after marriage, we started having issues. At first, I called them petty issues until I realized it was sucking the joy out of our marriage. It started as nagging complaints until it grew into an argument, an argument that nearly turned into a physical fight. We won’t talk for days. I won’t eat from the house for days. We’ll sleep in the same bed but determine not to bring our skins close to each other. It was terrible.

To date, if you ask me what really happened I wouldn’t have the answers. All I know is that one day, I came home late to meet an angry wife. She asked where I went. I told her. She asked, “So why didn’t you tell me that you’ll be going somewhere?” I said, “I didn’t know I will keep that long.” She said, “You’re cheating?” Who is that woman?” I said, “If you don’t have any important thing to tell me, please don’t waste my time.” I was about to walk away when she stopped me. She said, “Remove your joystick from your trousers let smell it. Wherever you put it, today you’ll explain.” I was shocked. “Hey, what has come over you? Are going crazy?” She said, “You haven’t seen anything yet. You think I don’t know that you’re cheating? You think I don’t know that you’ve been going around chasing small girls. I said remove the thing let me smell it.”

I pushed her off my way and went to the bedroom. She followed me everywhere, chanting, “Womanizer, hoo womanizer.” I entered the bath, turned on the shower, and started bathing. She stood outside shouting, “Wash it off. You can even decide to wash it off with the blood of Jesus but it wouldn’t change the fact you’re out there sleeping with small-small girls.” That day, I didn’t sleep in the bedroom. She went in earlier, threw my pillows outside, and locked the room. She screamed, “I’ve given you another opportunity. You can go out there and continue cheating, I don’t care.”

I tried breaking the bedroom door, then it dawned on me that if I break it, I will be the same person to pay to fix it so I stopped. The following day, she was about to repeat it when I snatched the key and threw her out of the bedroom. She was really in a fighting spirit but the man in me was patient enough not to retaliate.

One morning I asked her, “What have you seen that makes you think I’m cheating?” She didn’t talk. I asked the question several times before she answered; “Spotting a cheating husband is not rocket science. Every woman can smell from afar when their husband is cheating.” I asked, “So what’s the scent of my cheating? She answered, “Go and ask those women you’ve been sleeping with.” Obviously, she didn’t have any evidence to what she was saying so I decided to do a self-assessment and bring back what we were missing as married couples.

Our s*x life had been boring since we got married. We both played the tired card so we can escape from doing the real job at night. I realized also that we were always home and were not going out together like we used to. Before marriage, we went to a lot of places together. There was no me without her and vice versa. We got married and played the busy couple roles so we forgot to do those things that made us stuck with each other.

One Saturday evening I told her, “Let’s go out. Let’s go and catch some fun outside.” She asked me, “Where are we going?” I said, “There’s nothing planned but I believe if we step out, we’ll find a place to sit and enjoy the night.” She dressed up and we went out. We found a place where they were playing a live band and decided to go there. Immediately we sat down she asked, “How did you know about this place? So this is where you’ve been bringing your girls, right? How come you know about this place and I don’t?” I said, “You and I found this place together. It’s also my first time.” She said, “Liar! Continue wai, one day your cup will be full.”

When the waiter brought our meal, she smiled at us and said, “Enjoy your meal. Call me when you need anything.” When the waitress left, another wahala ensued; “I said it. See how she was smiling at you. You’re a constant customer. See how she’s giving you special treatment.” At this point, I couldn’t take it anymore. I got up, paid for my meal, and started leaving. She didn’t follow. I went home and went straight to bed. An hour or so later, I heard the door opened. When she came she said, “That’s how they all are—cheaters. When you catch them, they try to use anger to cover up. Anyway, I didn’t ask you to take me out so kindly refund the money you made me pay at that place.”

Nothing I said will make her believe that I wasn’t cheating. I come home early from work. On weekends, I don’t go anywhere except going out to watch football. Even that, I don’t overstay after the match. I just don’t know how to clean that perception off her head.

Weeks ago, we were having some action when I decided to add some spice. She was lying there when I was changing the styles and alternating between positions. She didn’t say a word or revolt. After everything, she asked, “Which of the girls taught you all these?” I was like huh? What did you just say?” She said it slowly, “I’m asking you which of the women taught you all these styles? Next time when you go out there and live your sinful life, don’t try to bring it on me. I don’t like that. You see how I was watching you? Continue, one day your cup will be full.”

There’s nothing I do in the house that doesn’t bring an argument. I can be thirsty today and drink water and I will be asked, “Which of the girls taught you that when you’re thirsty you should drink water?” I’m in a marriage where I’m always trying to prove my innocence because everything I do raises suspicion.

It gets tiring and I sometimes want to leave everything behind and go away. No, I’m not thinking about divorce. I’m thinking about leaving the house because I find no joy in my own house. I’m not someone who stays on his phone all day. I don’t talk on the phone at ungodly hours. My phone doesn’t ring at the night.

I don’t even know where my wife got that idea of me cheating from. I’ve asked questions. I’ve had a conversation with her on the same issue. I’ve poured my heart out to her and even tried to change things around but everything I do is met with suspicion.”
7842  Forum / The Buzz Central / Photos: Gifty Powers, Reveals Her Son’s Face For The First Time As He Turns A Year Older on: 27-09-2021 10:23 PM

Former BBNaija star, Gifty Powers took to her official Instagram page earlier today to share photos of her son’s face for the first time as he turns a year older today, September 27.
The proud mother of two shared the photos of her son, Elijah, on her IG page and celebrated him. She also revealed she suffered four miscarriages before she had him.
She wrote,
    “Dear Elijah, God’s favourite friend, birthing you is one of the greatest joys i have ever experienced in my life, and i could never have asked for more.

    The thought of being called your Mother gives me a googolplex feeling that i will forever cherish.

    You’ve brought so much Love, Happiness and Satisfaction into your Father and i eyes and we are so much blessed and proud to have you, Son.
    It has always been your father’s wish to have a Son, and there – you came along.

    I thank the Lord every day for blessing us with you – it took me 4 miscarriages before you came along – we wailed, we fasted, we prayed, but God knew what he was preparing – indeed our ways are not of God’s but his, and with that, i am so much very thankful.

    Thank you for choosing us – the moment i first held you in my arms was the moment that my life, my home changed forever, I was overcome with an insane amount of love for you, you were like the kiss of true love that broke the curse of forever winter in some Disney animated movie or something – that’s the kind of spell you got us under till now.

    I can feel a trillion different emotions pumping in me all at the same time right now – it’s amazing, truly.

    Now, i know i may not hide/protect you forever (physically tho) – in as much as i would love to, but hey – that would be so selfish of me not to show God’s beautiful creation to the world, and if anyone – i mean ANYONE, tries as much as to think or even as to dream of hurting you both spiritually and physical – (scoffs) then they will know that i serve a LIVING GOD and NEVER A DEAD GOD.

    I named you Elijah for a purpose, a reason and so shall you fulfil your mission on earth.

    You are God’s image, God’s pride, God’s love, God’s anointed son, no evil weapon formed against you shall ever succeed.

    You will always step forward and never backward.

    Just as sugar becomes absorbed into the water, so shall my blessing as your mother absorbs in your life.

    You are blessed and forever favoured beyond any measure.


    Mom & Dad”

See more photos as you scroll,

7843  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Photos: Meet The Gulder Ultimate Search Contestants on: 27-09-2021 09:32 PM

The 16 contestants who will be competing for the Gulder Ultimate Search season 12 ₦50 million prize have been unveiled on Sunday, September 26, 2021.

The contestants, who were picked from 20 finalists, comprised four ladies and 12 men. Two more contestants will join when their fates are decided by viewers who have 24 hours to vote in two more contestants among the remaining four finalists.

GUS 12 will air on Africa Magic Showcase (DStv channel 151), Africa Magic Urban (DStv channel 153) and Africa Magic Family (DStv channel 154 & GOtv channel 2) on Saturdays and Sundays from 8 pm till 9 pm, from October 16,

Here are the contestants:

Chidimma Okeibe

Chidimma Okeibe is a 29-year-old project assistant who says she is on the show for the adventure and to achieve a better life.

Having participated in Students politics at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Chidimma believes she has the leadership qualities to win the ultimate prize.

Damilola Odedina

Damilola Opeoluwa Odedina is a 25-year-old cinematographer and video editor.

He is a graduate of the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, and plans to challenge herself on the show. With a height of 6ft, Damilola towers above a number of the other contestants. He intends to use the prize money to contribute to the development of sports in the country.

Damola Johnson

Adedamola Johson is a digital marketer, filmmaker and a graduate of the University of Lagos. James Cameron, the famous Hollywood director, inspires him, and he intends to spend the prize money to boost his filmmaking career.

He also plans to challenge himself on the show and leverage exposure from the platform.

Esitima Edem

Esitima Edem is a 24-year-old hostess and a graduate of accounting from the University of Port Harcourt. The aspiring model hopes to become the first female winner of Gulder Ultimate Search.

Emmanuel Nnebe

The 30-year-old paralegal, model and actor was the Face of Sapphire 2020.

He is self-motivated with a desire to be a lawyer someday. According to him, he’s on the show because of the money and his love for adventure.

He plans to start a fashion school and a law firm if he wins GUS Season 12.

Gerald Odeka

Gerald Odeka, known as Speedstar, is a 35-year-old athlete. He won Gold, Silver and Bronze at the 2012 edition of the National Sports Festival and was at the World Athletics Championship in Russia in 2013.

He plans to run a sporting bar, return to school and set up a business for his wife if he wins the ₦50 million prize.

Godswill Oboh

The 25-year-old businessman is a graduate of Electrical Electronics.

Also known as Oreva, he is an MC and runs his own event lighting company, which he founded in 2019.

Oboh plans to set up a standard fitness centre and standardise his event lighting business if he wins the GUS ₦50 million prize.

Iniabasi Eme Umoren

Iniabasi ‘Saint Bond’ Umoren is a singer and music producer. He won the ‘Kill Ma Beat’ competition in 2018, and according to him, he has a production credit on DJ Cuppy’s album. He has a black belt (Shotokan karate) and says he will be the “life of the party” during the show.

If he wins the ₦50 million prize, Iniabasi plans to give back to his community through charity and promote his music career.

Jennifer Okorie

Jennifer Okorie, known as Queen Bee, is a philosophy student at Delta State University and wants to be the first woman to win the GUS show.

In its 11-season run, no lady has won the reality show, but the 22-year-old athlete wants to be the first Ultimate Woman.

Mfon Mikel Esin

Mfon Esin is a freelance writer, model and ardent supporter of Arsenal who likes adventure, writing and reading. He says he is a Casanova and considers himself uniquely charming.

In 2013, he made it to the final selection stage of GUS but was not selected as a contestant, and now he is determined to make the most of it.

Olayinka Omoya

The 26-year-old music artiste, writer and content creator is a graduate of Bowen University.

He hopes to be an A-list musician, redefine pop music, and invest the GUS N50m prize in his music if he becomes the Ultimate Man.

Omokhafe Bello

Omokhafe Racheal Bello is a 34-year-old realtor and entrepreneur.

She is a microbiology graduate from Ahmadu Bello University and owns a soap brand.

She hopes to establish her cosmetic business and poultry farm if she emerges as the Ultimate Woman.

Samuel Ishmael

Samuel Ishmael is a 35-year-old IT expert with a multinational company in Nigeria. He had made five attempts in the past to be on the GUS show but failed.

Now that he is here after several years of trial, Samuel hopes to be a brand ambassador for Gulder, and he believes we should ‘never give up on things you find achievable.’

He loves mountain climbing and has climbed three mountains. He plans to climb four mountains before the middle of 2022.  

Solomon Yankari

Solomon is a 26-year-old fitness instructor, personal trainer and owns a fitness centre in Bauchi state.

He loves to explore, the reason why he hikes and organises boot camps for fitness enthusiasts. He is working towards building a fitness and music community.

He plans to build one of the biggest fitness brands in Africa that offers health and fitness services if he wins the GUS N50 million prize.

Tobechukwu Okoye

Tobechukwu is a 26-year-old technician, car tracker installer and student.

According to him, he plans to change his career and family’s current situation if he wins the GUS Season 12.

Tosin Emiola

Emiola Michael Tosin is a 33-year-old civil servant based in Abuja, and he’s married with a daughter.

This is his 5th attempt to be part of GUS and he doesn’t plan to play second fiddle but be the Ultimate man. The Ahmadu Bello University graduate hopes to use the GUS prize money to establish a tomato paste factory.
7844  Forum / The Buzz Central / Tonto Dikeh's Ex-Boyfriend, Kpokpogri Apologises To Jane Mena and Her Husband on: 27-09-2021 06:44 AM

Tonto Dikeh's ex-boyfriend, Kpokpogri has tender apology to Jane Mena and her husband.
In his post which he tagged A PUBLIC APOLOGY, he wrote...
I woke up this morning feeling very uneasy and decided to say this from the depth of my heart
To the family I respect, love and hold in high regards, I am deeply sorry.
First and foremost, I also want to use this medium to apologize to Jane’s Husband, Mr Andre, it’s an unfortunate incident on how your wife was dragged into this.

You are a good man and I have always commended you for your support towards Jane and her craft multiple times. I deeply apologize over and over again, Mr Andre. We have been family friends for over 3years+ and I hope we still remain friends even after these issues has surpassed

I also want to profusely apologize to Jane’s Parents who are also mine, I am sorry that I brought these upon the family unknowingly, Jane has always hated social media drama and doesn’t want to involve herself which a lot of persons can testify.

To the entire family, I am deeply sorry. Please do find a place in your hearts-of-hearts to forgive me. My relationship with your family has been nothing but Beautiful, Peaceful and I hope it remains this way with your forgiveness I truly don’t deserve.
7845  Forum / The Buzz Central / Teni Otedola’s Boyfriend, Mr Eazi Spent Over N18m In A Single Night At Lagos Club on: 27-09-2021 06:33 AM

It appears singer and Teni Otedola’s boyfriend, Mr Eazi spent over N18m in a single night at a Lagos club,

Eazi shared receipts of his night out on his insta-story.

The receipt shows the singer spent over N18.3 million in one single night.

See receipt below.

7846  Forum / The Buzz Central / BBNaija: Angel, Pere Tasks To Compete A Game To Know Who Joins Other Finalists on: 26-09-2021 09:53 PM

Two Big Brother Naija, BBNaija housemates, Angel and Pere have been given a game to compete to join other finalists.

Pere and Angel were evicted from the house, not the reality show,

Their eviction, announced by Ebuka Obi-Uchendu during Sunday live show, was a fake one.

Pere and Angel were taken to a white room where they were instructed to stay and play a game of trucks and screw.

According to Biggie, their performance in playing the game will determine their fate as top 5 housemates.

Biggie told Pere and Angel: “This is a game of trucks and screwdrivers.

“Whoever wins the game secures a spot to the finale and gets to enter the house.

“The loser will be finally evicted from the reality show.”

The winner between Pere and Angel will be announced on Monday.
7847  Forum / The Buzz Central / #BBNaija: No Emotional Connection” – Nini Refutes Having Feelings For Saga on: 26-09-2021 09:32 PM

Housemate Nini has disclosed after her eviction show on the aisle that she likes Saga as a friend and has no emotional connection with him.
Standing on the aisle with TV host, Ebuka, Nini has disclosed that she’s in a relationship and there’s nothing for Saga.

Furthermore, she also said that there’s no emotional connection between her and Saga and she sees him as a friend only.

According to her, Saga keeps ringing it to her head that he loves her and she made it clear on several occasions that she has a boyfriend.
In a piece of related news, housemate Saga has revealed that his best moment during his stay in Big Brother Naija’s house was when Nini won the veto power.

Recall that Nini was once up for eviction, following the veto power game, she won the veto power and replaced herself with Cross for possible nomination.
7848  Forum / Law and Crime / Gunmen Abduct And Kill IMSU Law Student, Kenneth Ibeh on: 26-09-2021 09:23 PM

Gunmen suspected to be kidnappers have killed a 300 level law student of the Imo State University, Owerri, Kenneth Ibeh.
The youth leader popularly known as Wenceslaus, was reportedly kidnapped alongside another person while they were on their way to a burial wakekeep in Ugiri in the Isiala Mbano Local Government Area of the state.
His body was found dumped on a road along Nkwo Mba on Friday, September 24.
His friends have taken to Facebook to mourn him. Chidiebube Okeoma, one of his kinsmen from Anara, described the killing as “dastardly ”
"The killing of our brother from Isiala Mbano Local Government Area, Kenneth Ibe, a three hundred law student of Imo state University today is most unfortunate. Those who live by sword will die by the sword. What a world. Just dimmed such a shining light. My heart bleeds,” he wrote.
Julius Enemaku wrote: "Kidnapped and killed at Umueze 1. In all these doggedness, fights to reposition, concentrated bravery , effervescent pace and God fearing disposition death still hanged on the loose to devour you in a tale of arrested development. Whatever, you deserve to live to bring down the forces of stagnancy.
"Who do we cry to ? God who has decreed it or man who has inherited it .... It is the way of all the earth. But a civilization was stolen and a pitch black night set in. Weep not my people. Weep for yourselves. We are forever weepers. Humanity has lost ability. Humility and agility. Gone with dignity"."
A youth leader, Darlington Onyelike, wrote “rest in peace Kenneth Ibe. There is always an end to every creature. Though yours was so sudden. Those that murdered you today will never go unpunished."

7849  Forum / The Buzz Central / BBNaija: Saga, Nini and Queen Evicted From Reality Show, Queen Expresses Shock on: 26-09-2021 08:34 PM

Saga, Nini and Queen, Big Brother Naija, BBNaija Season 6 housemates have been evicted from the reality show.

The host of the show, Ebuka Obi-Uchendu, made this known during the live eviction show on Sunday.
When Queen was asked how she feels about being evicted, Queen told Ebuka Obi-Uchendu that’ she’s shocked.

According to her, she came into the show with the mindset to win.

Queen said:
“I’m shocked to be evicted because I came with a winning mindset.”

Recall that Angel, Whitemoney, Queen, Pere, Nini and Saga were put up for eviction this week.

However, two housemates will be joining Cross, Emmanuel, Liquorose as the top five finalists battling for the N90 million grand prize.
7850  Forum / The Buzz Central / Everybody knows You’re Bisegxwal – DaffyBlanco Blasts Mompha on: 25-09-2021 09:40 PM

DaffyBlanco has alleged that Nigerian big boy, Mompha is really bisegxwal and just trying to silence people because he has money.
DaffyBlanco wrote;

“Everyone knows you’re a bisegxwal. Stop trying to silence people just because you have money. Oga just keep quiet Sha. The more you defend the more you look guilty. If it was not true you suppose shut up.

Y’all favorites take it in the a$$ and like it in the a$$. This is why there are so many single ladies. Let’s not even begin with your trip to South Africa and stuffs you did to the poor girls you invited to your hotel”.

7851  Forum / The Buzz Central / Bobrisky's Ex-PA, Kyme Oye Slides Into Mompha's DM to Apologise on: 25-09-2021 09:23 PM

Kyme Oye the former PA to crossdresser, Bobrisky, has tendered an apology to businessman, Mompha, after she went on social media to allege that he and Bobrisky were involved in an amorous affair.
Kyme while in a question and answer session on IG alleged that Bobrisky told her that he had an affair with Mompha. Mompha then threatened to sue Kyme for the comment she made.
Hours after his threat, the Ivorien lady slid into his DM to tender an apology,. He however demanded that she makes the apology public.
See their exchange below

7852  Forum / Law and Crime / Gunmen Attack Kaduna Community Again, Kill Two, Kidnap Teacher on: 25-09-2021 08:39 PM

Armed men suspected to be bandits have again, attacked the Kuregu community in Zaria Local Government of Kaduna State, killed two residents and abducted an Arabic and Islamic studies teacher.

 It was learnt that the incident occured on Friday night when the armed men stormed the village with sophisticated weapons, gunned down two persons before whisking the teacher to unknown destination.

When contacted, the state’s Police Public Relations Officer, ASP Jalige was unable to give details of the incident saying he would inquire and revert.

This is coming few days after three suspected kidnappers of the Bethel School Students in Kaduna were arrested and paraded at the force headquarters in Abuja.

Recall that bandits had on January 19, attacked the same community and abducted one Professor Aliyu Mohammed of Abubakar Tafawa University Department of Agriculture , Bauchi who was released after a ransom was reportedly paid.
7853  Forum / The Buzz Central / Video: Bobrisky And Mompha Appear On Instagram Live Together To Debunk Claims That They Dated on: 25-09-2021 08:21 PM

Cross-dresser Bobrisky and businessman, Mompha have both gone on Instagram Live to dispute the allegation that they had a segxwal relationship.

The allegation was made by Oye Kyme, Bobrisky’s former PA.

Mompha initially pleaded with Bobrisky to debunk the allegations but this led to a war of words as Bobrisky refused to do so in voice notes exchanged between them.
Bobrisky has now cleared Mompha’s name during an Instagram Live interview Freeze held with Bob and Mompha.

“This thing never happened,” Bobrisky said during the interview.

Watch below:
<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win" rel="nofollow"></a>

7854  Forum / The Buzz Central / Video: Watch The Moment Wizkid With His Kid Majestically Stormed Las Vegas on: 25-09-2021 09:06 AM

Nigerian singer and songwriter, Ayodeji Ibrahim Balogun, known professionally as Wizkid, Wizzy, Big Wiz, Machala or Starboy storms Las Vegas with his kid.
This has generated a lot of questions from his fans worldwide who are curious to know may be he is there for UFC fight or tour.
Watch the video below...
7855  Forum / The Buzz Central / #BBNaija: Nini’s Real Fiancé Revealed, Says Alleged Boyfriend Is Her Friend on: 25-09-2021 08:41 AM

Hours after the alleged boyfriend of BBNaija housemate, Nini was exposed, another Abuja-based entrepreneur is reported to be her fiance.
According to an Instagram blogger, Nini is officially engaged to an Abuja-based fashionpreneur whose name is Osas.

New reports revealed that Osas allegedly confirmed that the man who is referred to Nini’s boyfriend in the viral photos is her friend from the University.
“Meet Nini’s actual boyfriend, Osas! Actually, fiancé, as they have reportedly met each other’s family in an introduction marriage ceremony, hence why he would refer to her as ‘wife’ in some photos. He(they) own a boutique in Abuja “fpubabj,” which Nini has brandished on her IG profile as the C.E.O. When asked what he knows of the viral photo making the round on social media of a certain ‘Nini’s boyfriend’, he said it’s fake information as Nini and Peter were just friends while in the University.
Long story short, Nini is very much in a committed relationship with her beau, and their relationship is nowhere over,” the blogger revealed.
7856  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Check Out Education System In The Republic Of Finland on: 25-09-2021 08:08 AM

Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include teaching, training, storytelling, discussion and directed research.
Check out how education is run in Finland
1-A primary teacher is required to have a master's degree.

2-School principal is chosen by parents of students.

3-Each primary student is given a laptop and no Text books or Exercise books in the first place.

4-Grade does not exceed 20 students.

5-number of lectures 5 only.

6-The salary of the teacher is higher than the salary of the head of state.

7-in metro and buses there are white seats for teachers only.

8-For a teacher {exchange card} he buys whatever he wants from the goods and half the value.

9-Every student receives a healthy meal daily and an estimated salary of $ 50 per month.

10-There are no exams in Finland and the teacher evaluates the student and puts the score he deserves.
7857  Forum / The Buzz Central / Bobrisky's Former PA from Ivory Coast, Kyme Oye, Makes Shocking Revelations About Him on: 25-09-2021 07:53 AM

Social Media sensation, Instagram Influencer from Ivory Coast, Kyme Oye who became an internet sensation after her fight with Idris Okuneye aka Bobrisky has come out to expose the Nigerian cross dresser, Bobrisky.
Check her post below...

7858  Forum / Politics / PHOTOS: Benue Gov Ortom Serves His Aides Food Personally To Appreciate Their Services on: 25-09-2021 07:37 AM

Governor Samuel Ortom, on Friday personally served his aides and friends food at the Governor’s Lodge, Benue Peoples House Makurdi to appreciate the services rendered to him and his wife, Dr Eunice Ortom.

The Governor noted that his aides have been working for him diligently and deserved to be served too, stressing that “what you sow is what you reap.”

Governor Ortom prayed that God rewards the aides abundantly for standing by him and his wife since they were appointed into their various offices.

The Governor also enjoined his aides and those of his wife to continue to do their work as unto God and not into man, saying theirs is service to the state.

He stated that if God wills, those serving him will one day be in positions of authority and be served by others.

Principal Special Assistant to the Governor on Special Duties, Abrahams Kwaghngu, who spoke on behalf of the aides, thanked the Governor and his wife, Dr Eunice Ortom for the love shown their aides, saying the first family’s humble disposition has been a source of inspiration to their subordinates.

7859  Forum / Sports / Brentford v Liverpool : English Premier League Match, Team News, Goal Scorers and Stats on: 24-09-2021 10:17 PM

Date: Saturday 25th September, 2021
Time: 5:30 pm
Stadium Brentford Community Stadium
Referee    Stuart Attwell (England)
Goal Scorer:
Team News

Thomas Frank barely has any roster issue hampering the preparations of his team ahead of the visit of Liverpool. On Saturday, the Brentford manager will be bereft of the services of just two first-team players, with Mads Sorensen (knee) and Joshua Dasilva (hip) unavailable.

The good news, though, comes in the form of the returns of Rico Henry and Shandon Baptiste, with the former overcoming a minor ankle injury to declare himself available while the latter has served a one-match ban after being sent off against Wolverhampton Wanderers last time out.
Baptiste and Henry’s availability is crucial for a Brentford side that revels in minimal tinkering, meaning much of the starting lineup from the game against Wolves ought to be retained. In goal, David Raya is a certainty, with Brentford likely to line up in their usual 3-5-2 system that will focus on numerical advantages in the defensive and middle third to ensure Liverpool are never on top.

Kristoffer Ajer, Pontus Jansson and Ethan Pinnock will form the three-man central defensive unit, with the trio largely remaining compact in the defensive phases while spreading out when in possession to open up more passing avenues. Sergi Canos and Henry will be the two wing-backs who will drop deep to create a back five off the ball while providing width higher up the pitch.

Baptiste will be one of three central midfielders, who will have the onus on them to keep a check on the movement of the ball around the middle of the park. The other midfielders will likely be Vitaly Janelt and Christian Norgaard. Finally, Bryan Mbuemo and Ivan Toney will form the strike partnership, with the duo having the responsibility of being clinical in the final third.
Probable Lineup (3-5-2): Raya; Ajer, Jansson, Pinnock; Canos, Janelt, Norgaard, Baptiste, Henry; Mbuemo, Toney

Unlike his counterpart in the Brentford dugout, Jurgen Klopp has fresh injury concerns to deal with ahead of the trip to the Brentford Community Stadium. On Saturday, the Liverpool manager could have to make do without as many as five first-team players.

The latest player to be sidelined is Naby Keita, who sustained a knock on his foot earlier in the week against Norwich City in the Carabao Cup and will miss out versus Brentford. The other players who are unavailable are Neco Williams (match fitness), Thiago Alcantara (calf), Harvey Elliott (ankle) and Roberto Firmino (match fitness).
However, there is some good news as well, with Trent Alexander-Arnold and James Milner recovering from their respective illnesses to be available to take on Brentford. Alexander-Arnold will return to his usual right-back spot, with Andrew Roberson starting on the left flank. At the heart of the Liverpool defence, there is no looking past Joel Matip and Virgil van Dijk.

Up ahead in midfield, Curtis Jones is set to make his first Premier League start this season, owing to the absence of Keita and Thiago. Jones will have the indomitable Fabinho and Jordan Henderson alongside him in the middle of the park.

Finally, with the game coming too soon for Firmino, Diogo Jota will once again pair up with Sadio Mane and Mohamed Salah in the final third. Divock Origi and Takumi Minamino will be options off the bench, although the duo would have hoped for a rare league start after their heroics in the EFL Cup fixture earlier this week.

Probable Lineup (4-3-3): Alisson; Alexander-Arnold, Matip, Robertson; Henderson, Fabinho, Jones; Salah, Jota, Mane

Key Stats

    Brentford have eight points from five matches so far – no promoted side has started a Premier League season that well and gone on to be relegated.
    Liverpool are unbeaten in this season’s top flight, conceding just one goal in their first five games for the first time since 1977. The Reds have the longest current unbeaten league run in England’s top four divisions, spanning 15 matches (W12 D3).
    Only Chelsea, Liverpool and Manchester City (one each) have conceded fewer goals than Brentford (two) in the Premier League this season.
    Liverpool have scored an unrivalled 16 Premier League goals from corners since the start of last season.
    Ivan Toney has scored 33 league goals since the start of last season, the joint-most by any player in the top four divisions.

Prediction: Brentford 0-1 Liverpool
7860  Forum / Sports / Manchester Utd v Aston Villa : English Premier League Match, Team News, Goal Scorers and Stats on: 24-09-2021 09:51 PM

Date: Saturday 25th September, 2021
Time: 12:30 pm
Stadium Old Trafford
Referee    Mike Dean (England)
Goal Scorer:
Team News

Manchester United
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has been handed a boost on the team news front ahead of the visit of Aston Villa. On Saturday, the Manchester United manager will only be bereft of the services of two first-team players, with Marcus Rashford being the major absentee, although he is closing in on his return from a shoulder injury.

The good news comes in the form of Edinson Cavani’s return to fitness, with the veteran striker rejoining full training this week. The Uruguayan international is in contention to feature against Aston Villa, although he is unlikely to start ahead of Cristiano Ronaldo, who was rested earlier in the week versus West Ham United.

While Ronaldo will lead the line for Manchester United, Bruno Fernandes and Paul Pogba will be the chief creators for the hosts, with the latter likely to be deployed on the left flank ahead of Jadon Sancho. On the right-wing, there is no looking past Mason Greenwood, who looked lively off the bench in the cup fixture.

Pogba’s positioning higher up the pitch means Scott McTominay is likely to have Fred for company in the midfield double pivot. The duo’s presence in the middle of the park will provide Manchester United with a relatively more solid base in front of the defenders, although the Red Devils will still have a soft underbelly.
At the heart of the Manchester United defence, there is no looking past Raphael Varane and Harry Maguire, with Aaron Wan-Bissaka and Luke Shaw being the two full-backs. Finally, in goal, David de Gea is the undisputed first-choice following some brilliant performances at the start of the season, like the one against West Ham last week.

Probable Lineup (4-2-3-1): de Gea; Wan-Bissaka, Varane, Maguire, Shaw; McTominay, Fred; Greenwood, Fernandes, Pogba; Ronaldo

Aston Villa
Unlike his counterpart in the Manchester United dugout, Dean Smith has a number of roster issues hampering his preparations ahead of the trip to Old Trafford. On Saturday, the Aston Villa manager could have to make do without as many as six first-team players.

The major absentees for Villa is Leon Bailey, who was top class off the bench against Everton last week. The Jamaican winger, though, is unavailable due to a hamstring injury he sustained in the same game. The rest of the sidelined players are Morgan Sanson (hamstring), Trezeguet (knee) and Keinan Davis (knee).

In addition, Axel Tuanzebe is unavailable as he is ineligible to face parent club Manchester United. Finally, Smith is sweating over the fitness of Matt Targett, who is recovering from a groin injury. The 26-year-old will face a late fitness test, although it appears likely that Ashley Young will start instead.

The former Manchester United captain will likely be deployed in a left wing-back role, with Aston Villa likely to line up in a 3-5-2 formation. The role should suit Young better after struggling against Callum Hudson-Odoi in the Carabao Cup fixture. On the right flank, the in-form Matty Cash is a certainty.

As for the three-man central defensive unit, Kortney Hause, Tyrone Mings and Ezri Konsa pick themselves, with Hause earning the start on Saturday after a solid showing earlier in the week. In goal, Emiliano Martinez is an automatic pick while in midfield, John McGinn, Marvelous Nakamba and Douglas Luiz are expected to start.

McGinn will be the ball carrier for Aston Villa while Luiz and Nakamba will have the onus on them to keep things tight in the middle of the park. Finally, Danny Ings and Ollie Watkins ought to form the strike partnership, with Bertrand Traore and Emiliano Buendia being options off the bench.
Probable Lineup (3-5-2): Martinez; Konsa, Hause, Mings; Cash, Luiz, Nakamba, McGinn, Young; Ings, Watkins

Key Stats

    Aston Villa’s solitary win in the past 45 Premier League meetings came at Old Trafford in December 2009, with Gabby Agbonlahor scoring the only goal of the game. In fact, the Red Devils hold the Premier League record for most wins against a particular opponent (37 versus Villa and Everton).
    Manchester United are unbeaten after their opening five league games for only the second time in 10 seasons. They went eight matches without defeat from the beginning of 2017/18. However, the Red Devils’ seven most recent Premier League defeats have all come at Old Trafford.
    Aston Villa have lost both of their away Premier League games this season, and five of the past eight on the road in the top-flight. The Villans have suffered eight away league defeats in 2021; only Southampton have lost more among current Premier League teams.
    Manchester United have scored in 15 successive Premier League matches at Old Trafford. On the other hand, Aston Villa are on a run of eight top-flight away fixtures without a clean sheet.
    Cristiano Ronaldo has scored eight Premier League goals against Aston Villa – his highest versus any English club.

Prediction: Manchester United 2-1 Aston Villa
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