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1  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: Very Sad! Majek Fashek (Send Down The Rain Crooner) Found on The Street Begging For Money (Photo on: 12-06-2015 06:51 PM
We like to deceive ourselves as giant of Africa but we are not! neither do we understand what the term giant mean when we trample on the less privileged in our country, how can we pretend to to be giant of Africa when we are ALL greedy people devoid  of all aspects of humanity like looking after each other. I notice that whenever there is an automobile accident in Nigeria, the usual crowd will gather with their both arms on their heads or akimbo, shouting and doing nothing except to cause further confusion whereby creating double jeopardy.
Such is the life of Majekunle Fasheke (Majek Fashek). Rich Nigerians throws away millions on nonessentials every weekend but NO, they will never think of doing something worth while, like rehabilitating Majek.

My suggestion, someone close to him should set up a Majek Fashek fund for his rehabilitation, it is never to late to save this soul. The write obviously asked a philosophical question, did Nigerians failed Majek? and my answer is YES WE FAILED HIM.    
2  Forum / Politics / Re: Anybody That Ask You To Change Should Be Stoned -1st Lady Tells Party Supporters on: 3-03-2015 01:06 PM
It is the fact that many Africans (and in this case, some Nigerians) can read and write but have ability for critical thinking; that in my view is the main problem. Before any conclude, I do not reside in Nigeria therefore I do not have a vote but supposing I have a vote, I will vote for people with integrity and on this occasion it is Buhari and Osinbanjo.
3  Forum / Politics / Re: Photo Of An "Ordinary" General Buhari At Heathrow Airport Health Control Section on: 20-02-2015 12:55 PM
Why are some people so daft? Buhari was only waiting for his turn at the immigration control check right in front of him, whereas the health control entrance is at his left side. I think most Nigerian are sick is just that it is only a matter of degree of the illness. Otherwise, how do you explain how a people will accept substandard projects as they do in that country.
Doing the same thing and expecting different result is absolute insanity, that is why PDP need to give Nigeria a break, if I have a vote I definitely vote for a change and this occasion Buhari is the lesser evil.
4  Forum / Politics / Re: President Jonathan Is The First Nigerian Leader To Attend OIC Meeting - Osinbajo on: 5-02-2015 09:08 AM
Sometimes, it looks like Nigerians don't know what they want, there is nothing that one does that is ever correct. They cry for the lack of godly people in Nigerian politics and whenever someone godly gets involved they run them down by saying; "NO ONE CAN SERVE TWO MASTERS AT SAME TIME.U CAN'T BE A REAL CHILD OF GOD AT SAME TIME BE A POLITICIAN IN THIS COUNTRY"
Can anyone tell me on this forum how we are ever going to sanitise our ailing democracy?
5  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: NEWS: Spread Of Ebola In Liberia Is Slowing Down - WHO on: 30-10-2014 08:05 AM
The LORD said to Moses, "Make a snake and put it up on a pole; anyone who is bitten can look at it and live." Numbers 21:8
6  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: SCOAN SAGA: Pastor TB Joshua To Give Families Of Victims $4,500 Each on: 25-10-2014 08:26 AM
Why I do not agree with the hypothesis of porpoted "spiritual" attack, there is a possibility of controlled explosion, this is used to systematically demolish building in civilised clime. A critical look at the video will show my assumption. The other possible cause can be as a result of structural defects. What I dont understand is why all this trouble to TB, he is definitely not the contractor, granted, the building belong to his organisation but there is a difference between an individual therefore, in my view the organisation' s lawyer is the one to attend the enquiry. If TB decides to attend then that will be out of his personal generosity towards the Nigerian establishment.
Again the contractor is the one who have to answer for these because if he/was given a job to do, that job includes proper survey and advice on the feasibility of such job. For example, I live in Britain, if I take my car to a garage for my tyre to be repaired and they observed that the repair will not hold instead lead to accident, they will legally refuse to go ahead with it.

The problem with Africans especially Nigerians is, the can read and write but lack the ability to think critically. It runs even through our legal system.
7  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: WHAT! TB Joshua Avoiding Court Case, Lagos Magistrate Demands Appearance on: 25-10-2014 08:19 AM
Why I do not agree with the hypothesis of porpoted "spiritual" attack, there is a possibility of controlled explosion, this is used to systematically demolish building in civilised clime. A critical look at the video will show my assumption. The other possible cause can be as a result of structural defects. What I dont understand is why all this trouble to TB, he is definitely not the contractor, granted, the building belong to his organisation but there is a difference between an individual therefore, in my view the organisation' s lawyer is the one to attend the enquiry. If TB decides to attend then that will be out of his personal generosity towards the Nigerian establishment.
Again the contractor is the one who have to answer for these because if he/was given a job to do, that job includes proper survey and advice on the feasibility of such job. For example, I live in Britain, if I take my car to a garage for my tyre to be repaired and they observed that the repair will not hold instead lead to accident, they will legally refuse to go ahead with it.

The problem with Africans especially Nigerians is, the can read and write but lack the ability to think critically. It runs even through our legal system.
8  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: First Lady Allegedly Orders Arrest of Missing Schoolgirls Protest Leaders on: 5-05-2014 11:28 PM
It high time someone tell Patience Jonathan the truth, when I saw shed those tears, I know it was 2015 tears and not for Chibok girls.
I don't remember Nigerians voting and electing Patience but it is now clear that she has kidnapped the Presidency and in total control.
But then again, "God is Watching" 
9  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: Police Declare Obesere Innocent Of Rape Allegation! Set To Release Full Album On on: 1-04-2014 06:17 PM
I am not in the habit of making comment on social media, but something isn't right here, premise 1, Police has vindicated Obesere, ( the Lady in question is a swindler) premise 2, police as still investigating the case, premise 3 police is now the judge and jury all at the same time.

I smell coffee in this case, human right lawyers must get involve in the case please see below legal defination of rape. Nigerians must not allow this lady to be victimised because she is poor since the police are now singing new song because there has been exchange. Beside, this is total abuse of the Nigerian judicial system. The police have no constitutional right to try any body, they have to follow due process as laid down in the Nigerian constitution.

1) n. the crime of segxwal intercourse (with actual penetration of a woman's honeypot with the man's penis) without consent and accomplished through force, threat of violence or intimidation (such as a threat to harm a woman's child, husband or boyfriend). What constitutes lack of consent usually includes saying "no" or being too drunk or drug-influenced for the woman to be able to either resist or consent, but a recent Pennsylvania case ruled that a woman must do more than say "no" on the bizarre theory that "no" does not always mean "don't," but a flirtatious come-on. "Date rape" involves rape by an acquaintance who refuses to stop when told to. Defense attorneys often argue that there had to be physical resistance, but the modern view is that fear of harm and the relative strengths of the man and the woman are obvious deterrents to a woman fighting back. Any segxwal intercourse with a child is rape and in most states segxwal relations even with consent involving a girl 14 to 18 (with some variation on ages in a few states) is "statutory rape," on the basis that the female is unable to give consent. 2) v. to have segxwal intercourse with a female without her consent through force, violence, threat or intimidation, or with a girl under age. Technically, a woman can be charged with rape by assisting a man in the rape of another woman. Dissatisfied with the typical prosecution of rape cases (in which the defense humiliates the accuser, and prosecutors are unable or unwilling to protect the woman from such tactics), women have been suing for civil damages for the physical and emotional damage caused by the rape, although too often the perpetrator has no funds. Protection services for rape victims have been developed by both public and private agencies. On the other side of the coin, there is the concern of law enforcement and prosecutors that women whose advances have been rejected by a man, or who have been caught in the act of consensual segxwal intercourse may falsely cry "rape."

10  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: Obesere Rape Scandal DVD Selling-Out Like Hot Cake on: 31-03-2014 07:33 PM
Does this young man have a lawyer? If not he should be prepared for a very long legal battle as he has created an exhibit for himself by making this senseless video. He will be sued for infringing on the girl's privacy, Obesere has not right to do that is we have judicial process, not he has violated the girl's right to privacy . This an abuse of power over the vulnarable, Obesere must understand that money cannot buy every especially what is in the public domain like this one, I call on human right lawyers in Nigeria to take this matter serious and make Obesere pay for his stupidity. As someone said on this forum he should be ashamed of himself .
11  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Photo Of a Baker Sitting On Stack Of Agege Bread on: 20-01-2014 07:51 AM
Clearly, this Photoshop! Please always use common sense.
12  Forum / Religion / Re: There Is No Hell Fire; Adam and Eve Not Real – Pope Francis Claims on: 29-12-2013 11:49 PM
The supposed article is a SATIRE, the Pope did not make any such statement. Check out this link
13  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: VIDEO & AUDIO: War That Will Befall Nigeria Says Boko Haram Leader Shekau on: 27-09-2013 05:16 PM
Hi, everyone on Naijapals, I wonder why people cannot see that this video is not genuine. There are clear evidence that is either a cooked up video or it is an old propaganda video. Margaret Thatcher I am afraid no longer exist plus the guy in the video appeared to be a disguised person and the voice does not sound like him I mean the Nigerian no 1 terrorist common wake up Nigeria and smell the coffee.   
14  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Watch Patrick Obahiagbon’s Speech On The Rivers Crisis And State Of Nigeria on: 30-07-2013 07:41 AM
Listening to Mr Patrick Obahiagbon is sickening because he appears not to understand  the basic rules and purpose for communication; according to the Oxford Dictionary Communication is "the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium" but in my opinion Mr Obahiagbon is not communicating rather he is desperately trying to make an impression on people's minds which indeed ends up only confusing his listeners.
I can't stop wondering why on earth someone will recommend or elect such a person for a public  office in the first place as he is not serving the interest of any body but himself. In The United Kingdom where I live which I believe is the cradle of the English language there is something call plain English which according to Wiki is "a generic term for communication in English that emphasises clarity, brevity, and the avoidance of technical language, particularly in relation to official government or business communication. The goal is to (speak) / write in a way that is easily understood by the target audience: clear and straightforward, appropriate to their reading skills and knowledge, free of wordiness, cliché and needless jargon."which is not the case with this self styled high sounding so called (English)
I think Mr Obahiagbon is taking Nigerians for roller coaster ride and I believe it's high time someone let him know however I do not blame him rather those who continue to scratch and celebrate him but we must understand that he is not a good example of leadership unless as a Nigerian political "sit down comedian" engaged to entertain certain class.
I wonder if he has ever traveled to the UK, if he does he will be needing an interpreter at the point of entry which him alone can provide as no one in the UK can interpret his purported 'English'. If Nigeria is really serious about moving on in the twenty first century people like Mr Obahiagbon should never be allowed to hold any public office it is a shame that the astute Governor of Edo State continues to waste tax payer's hard earned money on Mr Obahiagbon if the Governor really wants to help him he should give him scholarship to Oxford or Cambridge Universities to study communication and English that I believe will be more beneficial to the good people of Edo State. Tell me how can the trader in one of those markets in Benin ever understand this incongruous individual yet he was meant to be representing them, Obahiagbon  should not be allowed to continue this abuse of language he should be arrested and be prosecuted for misleading and wasting of press time. The Queen of England will be highly disappointed and regret sharing the language with people who will attempt to recreate and abuse this beautiful mixture of Anglo-Saxon, Jute, Germanic and Scandinavian language.
15  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: Video: Stella Damasus spits fire, condemns underaged marriage on: 22-07-2013 09:47 PM
This is it the Nigerian Amazonias are coming! Go Girl! Go Stella!
16  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: Queen Elizabeth II To Wed Her Longtime Female Partner (Page 2) on: 9-02-2013 04:42 PM
Quote from: osarobo62 on  8-02-2013 05:29 PM
i am beginning to think that i am in the wrong forum.
don't abuse our intelligence Angry Angry
I think you are right Naijapals may not be a forum for intellectuals and I am of the opinion that continued membership will emotional and intellectual sucide and dangerous threat to consciousness especially young people who read articles for news.
17  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: Mother Slump,Dies As Daughter Rejects Europe-based Fiance on: 5-02-2013 09:10 AM
It baffles me sometime what a jungle journalists NP people are, I use to love reading post here but it's increasing turning to something else. Why do Nigerians like fake things ie stories etc. I have read many posts in here that are complete lies which in my opinion only the sparrows can be impressed by such unfounded stories. Emphasising on the word Grave Digger in Europe does not add up, in most parts of Europe, it is extremely difficult to get into the Funeral business as it is normally a family business, as for grave digging, it is mechanised but the picture the poster is trying to paint is that of a man sweating it out in the hot sun as it is case in Africa beside in Europe there is dignity in working wether it is washing of plates (kitchen porter) or sweeping the streets you are paid at least a living wage and if that is not enough you will receive further help from the government. Nigerians are very proud, lazy people who uses all means by all means to cheat in order to live. If there are no grave diggers how will you be buried when you finally get killed as you will one of these days, common wake up and smell the coffee.
18  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: PIG!! Footballer Kolo Toure Abandons Wife & Kids To Go After Zimbabwean Student on: 27-11-2012 05:47 PM
A council house, otherwise known as a local authority house, is a form of public or social housing. The term is used primarily in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Council houses were built and operated by local councils to supply uncrowded, well-built homes on secure tenancies at reasonable rents to primarily working class people. Council house development began in the late 19th century and peaked in the mid-20th century, at which time council housing included many large suburban "council estates" and numerous urban developments featuring tower blocks. Many of these developments did not live up to the hopes of their supporters, and now suffer from urban blight.
Since 1979, the role of council housing has been reduced by the introduction of right to buy legislation, and a change of emphasis to the development of new social housing by housing associations. Nonetheless a substantial part of the UK population still lives in council housing. Approximately 40% of the country’s social housing stock is owned by local authorities, 15% is managed by arm's length management organisations, and 45% by housing associations.[1] In Scotland, council estates are known as schemes.
19  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: OMG: Photo Of A 11-Year-Old Boy With A Rare Swollen Hand Disease on: 17-11-2012 07:53 AM
Could the poster get further details of this young man, I live in Scotland and will be interested in finding some help.