yar' adua is still alive. pls my fellow nigerians let us pray for him instead of carrying rumour around. REMEMBER: RUMOURS ARE CARRIED BY ENEMIES, SPREAD BY IGNORANTS AND RECEIVED BY FOOLS.
I dont really know wats going on. Girls are after me. I have up to 6 serious girls in my life. some are even ready and willing to give their body to me but I'm some how scared I dont know wat to do. pls your suggestion is highly needed
This is another example of a visionless state and leaders, redesigning the currency is just an act to seeking recognision or achievement by Lamido, It is not what the state requires now. The citizenry wants to see an enhanced living standard, Good health care, improved education standard, jobs for the unemplyed. Changing or redesigning the currency of about1.915 billion units , did not cost 100000, rather millions. These are avenues of stealing money. Sanusi knows he will not be there for a long time cos he will be changed becos of his illiterate and weak personality, he's doing what he got to do. We Nigerians are not fools! it's time our selfish leaders understands that facts. ...d current CBN governor did dat to sign his signature on them
have u ever asked urself, if i die now where will i go? i know if i die now i'm going straight to hell, but i'm asking God for his grace. I quote, "without his grace it is impossible to go to heaven"
There papa and mama spoil dem so it gets 2 there heads......they feel they don't need 2 do watever they say because they will own all d inheritance and that there parent's shower them with money and gifts also the gurls knowing that there r rich will be tripping all over them like no 2morrow so dat will make dem feel proud some of them even r in secret cults follow d wrong crowd all because they r tryna be bad maybe it's 4 attention only god knows...any rich mans son here or any1 dat knows any1 like dat ?