leave men of God alone,u ppl re busy castigating him and uv forgotten his works of love,how many ppl he has helpd to bcom somthing today how many families he has restored,uncountable testimonies,where wil i strt.
its normal for ppl to always see 1% not done but easy to forget 99% done for them.the man was good,is good and wil continue to b good as far as im concern.
dont forget how david was always after women in d bible,he even killed a man to keep his wife yet God said david is a man after his heart.Jesus said He is of the tribe of david.the same man.
finally dont forget wht Jesus did wen they tried to stone that woman.
He said,he witout sin should cast d first stone.
even if he did it,i dnt care.its not my biz.if i were his member,i wouldnt hav bn there bcos of him but to meet God.even if he goes i wil remain there,soldier goes n com,barrack remains.but im not his member.but iv seen,iv heard. he is good.
99/100 is an excellent result.haters shuld go test their faith first.
remove d plank in ur eyes first, see all the problem in ur life and u stil hv tim to discuss anothers' u so hav tim?
its a pity.