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Forum / Politics / Re: House Speaker, Aminu Tambuwa Jumps Fence To Gain Access To NSS (Pix + Vid) |
on: 21-11-2014 03:04 PM
| See our Speaker of the House of Reps, Aminu Tambuwal who is aspiring to be the next Nigeria President jumping fence. Oh God Help our country Nigeria. You can see the type of leaders we[/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img] have in Nigeria. What is the difference between Aminu Tambuwal and an agboro in the street? Nothing my brothers. | | |
Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: ((((BOMB)))) Explosion rocks minister’s house |
on: 25-01-2012 04:22 PM
| hopE y'all will nt open ur alcoholic stinky mouth nd say is boko haram again. nd to all of u sayin some stupid things abt d north(muslims), without north how all those carpenters, vulcanizers, prostitutes, spare parts sellers,nd fake drug sellers will survive. cannibalism nd rituals is wat u've inherited from ur forefathers nd dat's hw all of you will end up in dirty life here nd hereafter. LONG LIVE AREWA!! ISLAM IS THE BEST AND MOST DECENT RELIGION WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!!
You are so foolish. your generation will not live to repeal their labour. All northerns are also foolish. Tell ur politician over there to divide the country into two whither hunger will not kill u people. muslims are heartless because they serve man made god. shame to them | | | |