Volcanic eruptions in Benue

Date: 06-11-2010 4:52 pm (13 years ago) | Author: Aliuniyi lawal
- at 6-11-2010 04:52 PM (13 years ago)

Tragedy struck yesterday in Mkomon District, Kwande Local Government Area, Benue State, a border community to Cameroun, when volcanic eruptions on a mountain claimed the life of one person as well as destroyed property worth millions of naira.

Saturday Sun gathered that the tragedy occurred while residents of the community were attending the annual thanksgiving service of the local church.  Terzungwer Iorhemen, a member of the community, told our correspondent that midway into the thanksgiving service, vibrations on the earth overwhelmed the area, located at the Cameroun boundary.

“While the thanksgiving service was going on, we suddenly noticed heavy vibrations in the mountain bordering the area with Cameroun Republic, which was followed by a sudden eruption from six points on the mountainous terrain,” he said.
He disclosed that the vibrations were followed by the eruption of lava from the mountain covering wells, streams, trees and houses in the area, leaving residents with no other option than to flee for their lives.

While people were scampering for safety, due to the effect of the vibrations and the lava eruption, it was gathered that a young boy, who wanted to have a feel of the lava, was killed. Villagers tried effortlessly to save the boy, but failed.
Sources said that many villagers of the Mkomon district are still on the run for fear of further volcanic emissions from the mountain.

Residents of the affected community have deserted their homes, as sources of potable water have been polluted by the heavy magma emitted from the eruption.
Saturday Sun gathered that the accident has been reported to the paramount ruler of the community, the Ter Kwande, Chief James Atzape and the local government council leadership, just as desperate moves were being made to evacuate the affected inhabitants to safety.
Attempts to reach the local government council chairman on phone for comments proved abortive. When our reporter called at the Benue State Emergency Management Agency, executive secretary of the agency, Adikpo Agbatse, was said to have led other officials

Posted: at 6-11-2010 04:52 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac