@FBI_CIA, - the person without picture, often faceless fakes and shameless cheats here. It's absurd. It's bad. It Stinks. It's shameful. It's uncivil and it's uncalled among others that you criticize Treasure2. This lady is one of the respected ladies here on NP. She is not and has never lived in Italy either. GEJ has depicted enough poor and shameless leadership and cowardice in Nigeria. It boils down to show or reveal his past. May be he never attained the Vice Presidency position through merit route. Since he assumed power, like the predecessprs, no development of praise has happened in Nigeria. I was never a fan to Obasanjo at all, but he at least he privatized NITEL and today, many Nigerians can now be online, use BBs, telephones, etc. which since 1960 Nigerians never afforded unlike other African countries. THAT MAN, JONAH SHOULD GO. His history will be written. It's only a question of time.
So your criticism against Treasure2 is SHAMEFUL (if you have any), FAILURE and BIASED. Check my writings here, I have no time to talk on trivialities. I hate your statement against Treasure2. I do not know Treasure2 either, and she did not make any bad comment, but I follow her and most comments here, often. She is a careful lady. You FBI_CIA is the WORST PERSON hiding under the cloak of NP to mess around, I have seen here. Those who reap on peoples blood and unhappiness. I am not interested to know your person or your like you even those in the present Presidency. Very Important Personality, Integrity and Dignity (Hereoism) is obtained by those who can demonstrate courage and true leadership.
Don't mind him, he took up his arm at the wrong time.
Posted: at 4-06-2012 10:41 AM (12 years ago) | Hero |