Nobody will hear my voice if i say this but i MUST say it.
1. Forbid and forsake eating suya meat from Hausa people.
2. You never know what you're eating or what you've been eating (gluttony)
3. It's not hygienic and it can be poisoned and you might be a victim
4. To avoid premature death prohibit suya spot and keep your eyes off from it
5. Avail yourself to learn how to roast it at home, there's more happiness in making in your home
6. Never train yourself, partner or spouse to be a fan of suya, if it's not going to prepare in your home
7. Government never wants to be in constant checking them to know the kind of meat they were selling
8. It's too bad to eat something you did not know what it is... Your life is in a higher risk.
Those who have ears, let them listen
Posted: at 21-09-2012 04:06 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming |