softkid at 19-12-2012 04:30 PM (12 years ago) (m) why would you wanna conduct virginity test on them if you were not a pervert trying to grope lil kids? Posted: at 19-12-2012 04:30 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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steveoneal at 19-12-2012 04:54 PM (12 years ago) (m) the principal has gone too far , how could you carry out such an act on students who aint your kids????are those deflowered students going to be expelled???she took laws into her hand fondling with those kids pie, Posted: at 19-12-2012 04:54 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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Sniper101 at 19-12-2012 06:03 PM (12 years ago) (m) That principal must be a pervert. If not, since when did Conducting Virginity Tests become part of secondary schools syllabus in Nigeria??? In-fact, she ought 2b hanged 4rm her tits. Posted: at 19-12-2012 06:03 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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adejamu at 19-12-2012 06:11 PM (12 years ago) (m) The principal is up to something. What is her business with virginity test? If the girls are not virgin what will she do/ If they are virgin what will she do? What is the necessity of the information to the principal. The principal must be a cult or into fetish activities. Posted: at 19-12-2012 06:11 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie | |
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monteeiyke at 19-12-2012 07:11 PM (12 years ago) (m) That woman must be diabolical! What is she doing poking her stinking finger inside somebodys' p***y? For what? That is segxwal harassment & her ass should be cooling in jail! Nonsense!  YOU ARE SO AWKWARD, AND DUM WITH UR THINKING.. SO U THINK BY ALOWING UR DAUGHTER TO BE FINGERED BY HER PRINCIPAL WHEN SHES IN SECONDARY SCHOOL COULD STOP HER FROM PROSTITUTION? UPGRADE UR WAY OF THINKING MAN............. Posted: at 19-12-2012 07:11 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie | |
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monteeiyke at 19-12-2012 07:18 PM (12 years ago) (m) That woman must be diabolical! What is she doing poking her stinking finger inside somebodys' p***y? For what? That is segxwal harassment & her ass should be cooling in jail! Nonsense!  SORRY THE LAST MESSAGE WASN NOT FOR U::::::::: Posted: at 19-12-2012 07:18 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie | |
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monteeiyke at 19-12-2012 07:19 PM (12 years ago) (m) i hope u dont have a daughter some day, whom would venture in2 d world of prostitution and promiscuity simply bcuz she never had a good father figure
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The Principal must have a skeleton in her Cupboard, either she's a lesbian or doing if for fetish reason, what in Gods name would she be pushing an EGG into little kids honeypot.? in the name of conducting Virginity test, believe me if my kid is among of those Girls she did such nasty thing to, what i will do to her she will not see with her 2 eyes to tell the story Nonsense Posted: at 19-12-2012 07:29 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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ochekawu1 at 19-12-2012 07:35 PM (12 years ago) (m) I think the principal went out of her jurisdiction by conducting virginity test for students without the consents of their parents even if she does not mean any harm..... People in authority should learn to act within the confine of the law and their jurisdiction... One of the greatest undoing of Nigeria is abuse of power and office, under the rule of law, there is a limit to what anybody can do regardless of whatever office he or she occupies but Nigerians can be power drunk and that every body has his/her own right and must be accorded respect .. If it were in advanced country that she tried that i bet you nothing stops from going to jail..... In any case the parents of the girls should not press charges against her but warm her to desist from such unlawful exercises if only she can prove that she meant not harm by doing that. Posted: at 19-12-2012 07:35 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming | |
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Posted: at 19-12-2012 08:07 PM (12 years ago) | Hero | |
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Conducting a virginity test isn't bad, but the principal should have informed their parents before the act. For crying out loud, it is against human privacy and therefore should face the law. Posted: at 19-12-2012 08:13 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie | |
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Sourboy at 19-12-2012 08:29 PM (12 years ago) (m) Is not good to conduct this cain of test in school Posted: at 19-12-2012 08:29 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie | |
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jesustine at 19-12-2012 08:43 PM (12 years ago) (f) Reply |
Berlisa at 19-12-2012 09:00 PM (12 years ago) (f) :-X, mr wireless p/s if u can do more reseach on dis case,i wil lik to no d reason for d test,if there is a prize for dat. Posted: at 19-12-2012 09:00 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie | |
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doctest at 19-12-2012 10:05 PM (12 years ago) (m) theres nothing bad in conducting a virginity test for her students, shes only playing a mother figure...those parents against her should really be ashamed of themselves
Keffe no vex , but u are the biggest foool in the vex:) Posted: at 19-12-2012 10:05 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie | |
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doctest at 19-12-2012 10:09 PM (12 years ago) (m) i hope u dont have a daughter some day, whom would venture in2 d world of prostitution and promiscuity simply bcuz she never had a good father figure
so u are still arguing.. i repeat kefee no vex but u remain the biggest no1 fool in the world i never see u before but i dont need to be told that u are a total frogg Posted: at 19-12-2012 10:09 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie | |
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doctest at 19-12-2012 10:12 PM (12 years ago) (m) if its not for juju den aint nothing bad in dat though we all know most of them will fail d test anyway
shut up goat, they dont ever do that in schools, Posted: at 19-12-2012 10:12 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie | |
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lee22 at 19-12-2012 10:26 PM (12 years ago) (f)  wonders Posted: at 19-12-2012 10:26 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac | |
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dat principal is a big lesbian joo... Posted: at 19-12-2012 10:33 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie | |
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zoe61 at 19-12-2012 10:56 PM (12 years ago) (f) nawa oo why virginity test on girls this is very wrong Posted: at 19-12-2012 10:56 PM (12 years ago) | Hero | |
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