Pastor Insults His Church Members During Service [VIDEO]

Date: 04-07-2013 7:11 am (11 years ago) | Author: Adeniyi Opemipo
- at 4-07-2013 07:11 AM (11 years ago)

During his sermon, 76-year-old Pastor Jim Standridge of the Immanuel Baptist Church in Skiatook, Okla., begins by calling out a member of the congregation for sleeping while he was preaching.

The pastor then moved on to another man, like hey you “Where have you been? You’re one of the sorriest church members I have! You’re not worth 15 cents.”

Watch the viral video below...
<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win" rel="nofollow"></a>

This video of Pastor Jim insulting members of his congregation during his sermon has gone viral since it was posted to YouTube on June 24.

Complaining about his pastor behaviour on that faithful day, one of the church member wrote on Facebook: “Things were not done right that morning," he said adding that I was “shocked and hurt.”

But Pastor Jim, who attacked several people in the church that day, has refused to apologize for his action. Watch the video to get the whole picture of what transpired.

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Posted: at 4-07-2013 07:11 AM (11 years ago) | Upcoming
- winace at 4-07-2013 08:23 AM (11 years ago)
D pastor has takn gbana b4 service dat day
Posted: at 4-07-2013 08:23 AM (11 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- micc at 4-07-2013 08:29 AM (11 years ago)
The man was high na can't u see it. ?
Posted: at 4-07-2013 08:29 AM (11 years ago) | Hero
- firmlord2011 at 4-07-2013 08:46 AM (11 years ago)
Is not his fault ,he is control by a dangrous one
Posted: at 4-07-2013 08:46 AM (11 years ago) | Upcoming

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