There are stages in life which are inevitable, surely they must occur. One of them is puberty stage, that is when the boys and girls become like their mothers and fathers and expose more to life. Ok let's and fun, how can you describe your first MENSTRUATION, was it in the SCHOOL or GATHERING, who did you tell and what was the action of that person, strictly for adult please.
There is no diety worthy of worship except Allah, take it or leave it!
Posted: at 8-07-2013 04:15 PM (11 years ago) | Gistmaniac
jossy4reall at 8-07-2013 07:32 PM (11 years ago) (m)
My first Menstruation happened while I was On-board with Nigeria Airways........D pilot said our survival is only known by God and dat was exactly wat happened
Love or Hate me its ur Biz, I have more important things to think abt since u never gonna change me
Posted: at 8-07-2013 07:32 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
akinmanchy at 8-07-2013 08:33 PM (11 years ago) (m)
What is the meaning of this? Why would a decent lady want to share such personal and extremely private experience with the whole world....It felt like ya gorinmapa head,EWU! Mtcheew
Life na jeje so just try to take am softly
Posted: at 8-07-2013 08:33 PM (11 years ago) | Hero