Why RCCG pastors can't remarry

Date: 17-08-2009 8:17 pm (14 years ago) | Author: King Samuel O Dguy
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- at 17-08-2009 08:17 PM (14 years ago)

What should a man do after ten years of separation from a wife that has refused to heed the ‘for better for worse’ call of matrimony?

‘Get on with his life, of course.’ This would be the most likely response one would get.

However for a born-again Christian and, by extension, a minister of God, a pastor taking that course of action would be violating biblical injunctions, says Pastor Patrick Enilama, a zonal pastor under Lagos Province 18 of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG).

And that seems to be the message the RCCG sent out recently with the sack of one of its dynamic pastors, Ituah Olajide Ighodalo, who until about two weeks ago was the shepherd of the Christ Church Flock Parish.

For the dashing man of God, who has had to endure ten years of ‘unplanned celibacy’, relieving him of his office for following his heart, soul (and probably body) by remarrying was just plain politics being played by the ‘Governing Council’ of the church, a member in one of the parishes (who has known Ighodalo since his Freedom Hall days) told this reporter.

“I didn’t know what they wanted him to do. The woman (former wife) didn’t want to come back to Nigeria. Asking him to step down as pastor is just politics by the Governing Council. It is this same politics that sent Pastor Tony Rapu out. I sent him a text encouraging him, sha.”

However, Sunday Sun gathered that for the man in question, leaving the Redeemed fold might not be the next line of action for now, says a member of the Christ Church flock.

“He didn’t say categorically that he was leaving the church. What he said was that he was stepping down as pastor and that his assistant, Segun Omotosho, was going to take over his responsibilities.”

According to this source, it has been business as usual in most of Ighodalo’s initiatives in the church like the Heritage Homes (a motherless babies home), Lydia Grace Foundation (a rehab for prostitutes), Eden’s Field (a hospital medical support organisation) for the Needy, Timeless Newspaper, a Christian newspaper he publishes.

While this source affirms that it is not about the person but the church, she however admits that she could follow Ighodalo if he were to start his own church, just like many members at the Christ Church Parish are already contemplating.

“The week after he announced he was stepping aside was convention, so there was no service in the morning but evening and I couldn’t say if he attended because I didn’t go for that service. But people are already saying that if they don’t see him next Sunday, they will start going to City of David (Parish). Though it is not about the person, but I must admit that I can also leave. You just cannot ignore his charisma.”

Whether Ighodalo (whom many see as one fit to step into the late Pastor Eskor Mfon’s shoes) leaves RCCG or not, church will continue so also his many initiatives, says Enilama.

“There will be no vacuum if he decides to leave the church. But I will advise him not to leave (if he must) without the blessings of Daddy G.O (General Overseer, Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye). Daddy G.O has said God will purge the church one way or the other. There have been people of greater status who have had to leave the system.”

While empathising with him and reacting to a story angle that Ighodalo remarrying had encouraged some other pastors in the church to divorce their wives, which prompted the action of the church, Enilama says a man of God no matter what must not be found wanting in this respect.

“Honestly, ten years is a long time for a young man to be without a wife. But what the Bible says is that a minister of God must be blameless, husband of one wife. The Bible does not allow one to remarry. Rather it encourages both parties to reconcile. There is nothing like irreconcilable differences.

“Whether his action has encouraged other pastors to divorce their wives, I don’t have the facts but you don’t bend the rules in the word of God. If it is tolerated, it can be an encouragement.”

Citing Malachi 2:13-16, Matthew 19:1-9, I Corinthians 7:10, scriptures from the Bible, he says remarrying is not an option for any Christian but rather reconciliation. He adds that marriage is solemn, as the couple must know what they are going into, and sacred because God made it so, and serious because it is binding for life.

Adding his voice to the controversy, the shepherd of Cherubim and Seraphim Church, Kirikiri, said that marriage is a very spiritual matter that should not be handled with kid gloves as it portends a relationship sealed by God himself.

“Who is man, no matter his designation, that he should judge the action of the sacked pastor?” the cleric queried. According to him, what the RCCG authorities ought to have done was to call the pastor to order by correcting him through admonition and not outright sack.

He contended that many illicit relationships that may even result in the birth of fatherless children go on in the churches yet nothing is done by the pastors.

By Oluwatoyin Akinola & Onukwube Ofoelue

Posted: at 17-08-2009 08:17 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Lalaa2 at 19-08-2009 04:57 PM (14 years ago)
I don't actually have enough time to read more than the first page, maybe tomorrow when I will take time to read very well.

I want you to get this story.

There was this man He was my former boss, though late now.

He had a wife before traveling abroad, which when he returned had married to another man.  This man (a Reverend)  was advised to take up another wife, which he did.

The former wife came to him and explained reasons why she did was she did which was genuine.

At last the man( Reverend) became a man with Three official wives and lots of concubines.

I think this is what God whats us to avoid by declaring that its better not to leave your spouse rather pray that God should transform the person and make him/her a better Christian.

My prayer is that I will not experience this and my husband will not experience this and you will not experience this as well
Posted: at 19-08-2009 04:57 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- kenyawest at 21-08-2009 05:47 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: dguy on 17-08-2009 08:17 PM
But what the Bible says is that a minister of God must be blameless, husband of one wife. The Bible does not allow one to remarry. Rather it encourages both parties to reconcile. There is nothing like irreconcilable differences.

Citing Malachi 2:13-16, Matthew 19:1-9, I Corinthians 7:10, scriptures from the Bible, he says remarrying is not an option for any Christian but rather reconciliation. He adds that marriage is solemn, as the couple must know what they are going into, and sacred because God made it so, and serious because it is binding for life.
By Oluwatoyin Akinola & Onukwube Ofoelue

I think that they may be misinterpreting the Bible a little bit.  God hates divorce, but does not disallow it.  This topic was brought to Jesus Christ because Moses allowed divorce.  Jesus told them that Moses allowed divorce because we were stubborn or they were stubborn.  Divorce is allowed in the case of adultery and abuse.  The one that has been offended is allowed to forgive should they choose.

The Minister of God must be blameless, there is no evidence that this particular minister was to be blamed for his marriage failure.

The minister of God is to be husband to one wife.  There is no evidence here that this particular minister is married to more than one wife at a time.

I remember so many parts in the bible where men put away their wives.  I remember King Solomon that built the temple with hundreds of wives and hundreds of concubines.  King David had many wives also and Jesus Christ came from the lineage of King David as well as the lineage of prostitutes.

God understands.  We are not encouraging divorce.  Marriage must be held as sacred at all times.  Ten years of waiting for his ex-wife was long enough and God understands that as well. 

The minister should leave the church, join another tolerant church or set up his own.  Let the mightier than thou judges in those redeemed churches keep their church.  They are not God!
Posted: at 21-08-2009 05:47 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- bemyfriend at 21-08-2009 06:33 AM (14 years ago)
@ Kenyawest.
You got the whole thing WRONG. When you wrote that Jesus permitted divorce, you must have been referring to Matthew 19:9:"I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery." We know that Jesus didnt speak English. So in the original Aramaic and Greek versions of the Bible, the Jews had 3 acts that they called ADULTERY. The were 1) Worship of false gods as we have in Hosea 1:2. (2) Unlawful marriages condemned in Leviticus 18. (3) Illicit sex as is commonly understood. The word Jesus used (and which has been wrongly translated Adultery in some Bibles) refers to the marriages in Lev 18. He was saying that you can divorce if you marry but come to discover that it wasnt supposed to be so in the first place. In that case, that case, there was no real marriage, so the two people can go their ways. Its like you unknowingly marrying your cousin, then having to leave her when you discover it. Thats the only time that divorce is permitted. It cant be really called divorce because there was no valid marriage in the first place. Get the point now?
Posted: at 21-08-2009 06:33 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- agboola1 at 21-08-2009 03:06 PM (14 years ago)
let us all read our bible well. 1,we are not to judge, for that is above us. 2, leaving the chruch, starting his own his not the right thing to do. God gave us the bible as a reference, to teach us, lead us and we are asked to leave by it. it said a man can alone remarry if his wife is dead, which is not the case here. to me the concerned pastor acted in flesh. if his wife refuse to come back home why not ask the whole nation to come together to God in one voice, or even just the RCCG the bible make it clear that where 2 or 3 shall gather in my name there will i be, it also said what ever you lose on earth shall be lose in heaven. her not coming home was for a reason. pharaoh is and example, job is another. if he would have just trust in God, nothing is to hard for him to do. truely 10 years without a woman is not easy, i believe God had a plan for there lifes.now there are controversy the best thing to do his remain under the anointing of the most high God.
Posted: at 21-08-2009 03:06 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- uchedoris at 21-08-2009 03:45 PM (14 years ago)
for me i did no see any thing roung about what the pastor did, cos he has tried and wetied for 10yrs, brother and sister is not easy to be alone. yes the bible comdn it but we shld luk at it very well beacuse there is no somk without fair..God bless u
Posted: at 21-08-2009 03:45 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- help6210 at 21-08-2009 04:17 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: agboola1 on 21-08-2009 03:06 PM
let us all read our bible well. 1,we are not to judge, for that is above us. 2, leaving the chruch, starting his own his not the right thing to do. God gave us the bible as a reference, to teach us, lead us and we are asked to leave by it. it said a man can alone remarry if his wife is dead, which is not the case here. to me the concerned pastor acted in flesh. if his wife refuse to come back home why not ask the whole nation to come together to God in one voice, or even just the RCCG the bible make it clear that where 2 or 3 shall gather in my name there will i be, it also said what ever you lose on earth shall be lose in heaven. her not coming home was for a reason. pharaoh is and example, job is another. if he would have just trust in God, nothing is to hard for him to do. truely 10 years without a woman is not easy, i believe God had a plan for there lifes.now there are controversy the best thing to do his remain under the anointing of the most high God.

You are right what he did is not good, He ought to be strong in prayer for God to intervine on it not to go and open his own church .

My question now is what is he going to teach his new members on married aspect. and others ? it is how to remarry or what
Posted: at 21-08-2009 04:17 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- GMan at 21-08-2009 05:17 PM (14 years ago)
I think you have only stated the obvious. You don't need to be a biblical scholar to know that if a marriage comes under the conditions stipulated in Leviticus 18 that it is null and void. In the King James Bible, the word used by Jesus is "segxwal immorality". Except the original word used means something different, I understand that to include infidelity. To the other posters, ask yourself a question...If a man marries a woman who turns out to be unfaithful, are his only options to stay with her or live a life of celibacy for the rest of his life?
Posted: at 21-08-2009 05:17 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- Hollaburday at 21-08-2009 09:42 PM (14 years ago)
My fellow Nigerians....i read all this comment ..and they are only two sets of comments.........

Those who taught its nt fair for asking the pastor to Step aside base base on the fact he waited for 10year n moreover the divorce wife is now remarried...n its better for him to marry to avoid temptaion or rather burng with passion...and also he is reknowned man of God with influence in rccg n prob he should  have been treated in such away........
those who spoke on biblical principle...about Marriage in Christaindom.....and church rules curled from the Bible as well...
My questions is will the case be examined on campassion or pathetic,or human feelings,.... If this what te Bible say about this so let it be... no one condemn d man...we dont even have right to do it....when we talk the talk we must work..the word.... Let  this man..leave this position..then get married because humanly speaking is good..but as long as the position of leadership...in Things of God...God laid down principle must be adherred to Strictly..without looking has whose toes is step on...cos is not anybody work is God's Work
In conclusion
God laid down principle from the scripture must nt be  altered..or manipulated or taking out of context to suit our desire..
God bless Pastor Ighadalo......God bless Pastor EA Adeboye....God bless RCCG...od bless all the Christ family in faith
Posted: at 21-08-2009 09:42 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- sokari at 21-08-2009 10:00 PM (14 years ago)
they should kne they are not deperlifers oh
Posted: at 21-08-2009 10:00 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- abdayor at 22-08-2009 10:35 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: bemyfriend on 21-08-2009 06:33 AM
@ Kenyawest.
You got the whole thing WRONG. When you wrote that Jesus permitted divorce, you must have been referring to Matthew 19:9:"I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery." We know that Jesus didnt speak English. So in the original Aramaic and Greek versions of the Bible, the Jews had 3 acts that they called ADULTERY. The were 1) Worship of false gods as we have in Hosea 1:2. (2) Unlawful marriages condemned in Leviticus 18. (3) Illicit sex as is commonly understood. The word Jesus used (and which has been wrongly translated Adultery in some Bibles) refers to the marriages in Lev 18. He was saying that you can divorce if you marry but come to discover that it wasnt supposed to be so in the first place. In that case, that case, there was no real marriage, so the two people can go their ways. Its like you unknowingly marrying your cousin, then having to leave her when you discover it. Thats the only time that divorce is permitted. It cant be really called divorce because there was no valid marriage in the first place. Get the point now?

I want us all to tread softly on this matter, because i don't by expressing our views on it we are justified, let God in hhis infinity mercy guide RCCG Governing Council on their deliberations on the matter is not the way you people are thinking you turn your selves to judges.

Please let us all becareful on what we say, it may be your turn tomorrow "10 years " is not a joke. Let us ask for God guardian/guidian on this matter.
Posted: at 22-08-2009 10:35 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- kemoprosper at 22-08-2009 12:27 PM (14 years ago)
we are not to Judge but at d same time we know our right from left,what is d woman doing Abroad for that long,and also Man is the head of d family,if not that d woman in question is trying to Scattered or Spoil her husband's call,how on earth will she tell the husband to come over or to leave his call?Habba Women like Delilah,i think d woman is up to something,i pity d Pastor sha,cos d woman does'nt worth his wife.....Setting up a new church is not approprate rather step down and look unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of his Faith.
Posted: at 22-08-2009 12:27 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- mikejunior at 22-08-2009 12:28 PM (14 years ago)
I don't care!
Posted: at 22-08-2009 12:28 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- e4ma at 22-08-2009 02:24 PM (14 years ago)
Posted: at 22-08-2009 02:24 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- fanu_02 at 22-08-2009 03:27 PM (14 years ago)
Its most important the way God sees things and not the way humans sees.

Somethings are just beyond our comprehension. I cannot blame neither the Pastor nor the RCCG Gov. Council. God understands everything, but an act that may be interpreted as rebellion is not adviseable at this point. The Church is a family and he has been part of the RCCG family.

The Pastor, like Paul who for the sake of others that may misinterprete his action refuse meat sacrifised to idols, should look unto Christ the author and finisher of our faith despite the pain of having to obey the Church governence I believe he must have pledged loyalty to before serving as a Pastor in the first place.

I agree its a difficult one. I pray God guide and see him through this storm.
Posted: at 22-08-2009 03:27 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- babylaja4real at 22-08-2009 05:51 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: kenyawest on 21-08-2009 05:47 AM
Quote from: dguy on 17-08-2009 08:17 PM
But what the Bible says is that a minister of God must be blameless, husband of one wife. The Bible does not allow one to remarry. Rather it encourages both parties to reconcile. There is nothing like irreconcilable differences.

Citing Malachi 2:13-16, Matthew 19:1-9, I Corinthians 7:10, scriptures from the Bible, he says remarrying is not an option for any Christian but rather reconciliation. He adds that marriage is solemn, as the couple must know what they are going into, and sacred because God made it so, and serious because it is binding for life.
By Oluwatoyin Akinola & Onukwube Ofoelue

I think that they may be misinterpreting the Bible a little bit.  God hates divorce, but does not disallow it.  This topic was brought to Jesus Christ because Moses allowed divorce.  Jesus told them that Moses allowed divorce because we were stubborn or they were stubborn.  Divorce is allowed in the case of adultery and abuse.  The one that has been offended is allowed to forgive should they choose.

The Minister of God must be blameless, there is no evidence that this particular minister was to be blamed for his marriage failure.

The minister of God is to be husband to one wife.  There is no evidence here that this particular minister is married to more than one wife at a time.

I remember so many parts in the bible where men put away their wives.  I remember King Solomon that built the temple with hundreds of wives and hundreds of concubines.  King David had many wives also and Jesus Christ came from the lineage of King David as well as the lineage of prostitutes.

God understands.  We are not encouraging divorce.  Marriage must be held as sacred at all times.  Ten years of waiting for his ex-wife was long enough and God understands that as well. 

The minister should leave the church, join another tolerant church or set up his own.  Let the mightier than thou judges in those redeemed churches keep their church.  They are not God!

I don't see a bad thing in the Pastor remarrying. Since the Bible is for reference purpose; the book of Esther Chpt. 1 Vs 10 - 22. King Xerxes invited his Queen (Queen Vashti) but due to her selfish interest and pride, she refused to honour the invitation [Just like in the case of the said Minister's Wife]. Which made the King's Legal Advisers advised him to take another Queen in chapter 2 of Esther [Which the so called fellow Ministers of his would have advised him since they are using the Bible as point of reference].

In a nutshell, the wife's refusal to come back to him could be a way that God wants to use and uplift him, it is not as if God likes divorce but He removes whatever that would stop him from blessing His faithfuls, afterall God used Esther to kill Haman [Chapter 7 of Esther] in order to save His (God) people from Haman's evil plans, that was why He removed Queen Vashti from the palace and put Esther because Queen Vashti couldn't have carried out His (God) assignment... [This is not blasphemy]
Posted: at 22-08-2009 05:51 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- chrisomoniyi at 22-08-2009 09:32 PM (14 years ago)
If he is now committing adultry withot the knowledge of anyone , who is to blame then?
The wife refuse to come backfor the past 10years, some people who is jugding now cannot wait for 
1year talk of 10years.
When God know the best.
Posted: at 22-08-2009 09:32 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- emmyG at 22-08-2009 09:50 PM (14 years ago)
u re ryt my brother
Posted: at 22-08-2009 09:50 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- LORDHONEYLOVE at 22-08-2009 11:03 PM (14 years ago)
the bible in corinthians 7 says if d unbelieving wants to leave let him leave & a brother or sister is not under bondage in such a case. this supports what d pastor has done as being right as he's free from d previous marriage bond!!! this shows d bible support him.
even logic will too: y sould d wife be married all this yrs & be living her life fully while d pastor burns & risk immorality?
Posted: at 22-08-2009 11:03 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- kolly02 at 23-08-2009 07:53 AM (14 years ago)
please becarefull this is a spritual matter
Posted: at 23-08-2009 07:53 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie
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