Nigeria's government is asking cinemas to stop showing a science fiction film, District Nine, that it says denigrates the country's image.
Information Minister Dora Akunyili told the BBC's Network Africa programme that she had asked the makers of the film, Sony, for an apology.
She says the film portrays Nigerians as cannibals, criminals and prostitutes.
An actor from the film said that it was not just Nigerians who were portrayed as villains.
The Malawian actor, Eugene Khumbanyiwa, plays a gang leader with the nickname of Obasanjo, also the surname of former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo.
The film is about alien refugees who set up home in a South African shanty town called District Nine.
It is a loose allegory about apartheid and recent violence by South Africans against foreigners.
It's not like Nigerians do eat aliens
Actor Eugene Khumbanyiwa Ms Akunyili said it clearly took aim at Nigerians.
"We feel very bad about this because the film clearly denigrated Nigeria's image by portraying us as if we are cannibals, we are criminals," she said.
"The name our former president was clearly spelt out as the head of the criminal gang and our ladies shown like prostitutes sleeping with extra-terrestrial beings."
The information minister said she had ordered the Nigerian film and video censors' board to ask all cinemas to stop showing the film and to confiscate it.
"I have also formally written to Sony Pictures Entertainment, the company that produced this film, demanding an unconditional apology for this unwarranted attack on Nigeria's image," she added.
She also said she had asked them to review the film with a view to remove "all offending portions that injured our image as a nation".
Ms Akunyili said said Nigeria was now hitting back with a policy of "rebranding", after allowing the international community to define the country based on the behaviour of "[a] few criminals".
She said that Nigeria's Nollywood film industry was also being pressed to help portray Nigeria in a better light.
But Mr Khumbanyiwa said Nigerians in the cast did not seem worried by the portrayal of their country.
He suggested that the film, which depicts people wanting to eat aliens to gain the superhuman powers, should not be taken too literally.
"It's a story, you know," he said. "It's not like Nigerians do eat aliens. Aliens don't even exist in the first place."
black_samurai at 19-09-2009 11:26 AM (15 years ago) (m)
Nigerians!!! How long will it take us to draw a line between a movie (fiction) and documentaries? This comment made me to watch district nine. It isn't as bad as we take it to be. South Africans made a real movie unlike what we Nigerians do in the name of a film. The story has to do with apartheid and Zimbabwean immigrants in south Africa.
Does it mean that Nigerian home videos showing ppl involved in fetish things like money rituals and crimes actually portrayed the city mentioned as practitioners of such acts?
Speach is silver, silence is Gold!
Posted: at 19-09-2009 11:26 AM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
duduvalentino at 19-09-2009 02:31 PM (15 years ago) (m)
I walked into the cinema to see African"s finest movie of the year ""DISTRICT 9"" but to my greatest surprise I watched my country being black painted. It was meant to be a sci-fi, but they had criminals and prostitute-like girls being verbally described as Nigerians and the leader of the criminal gang was referred to as Obasanjo. What a shock, just weeks ago I read a Sony PS ad referring to all of us as scammers, and today a movie describing us as the same produced by Sony Pictures Entertainment,. I am angry, where is our foreign ministry, only the information ministry writes against and defend the good Nigerians in foreign matters, IS THE FOREIGN MINISTER DEAD?!!!, 20 Nigerians Are on death row in Libya, only an organisation could write to stop it, A Nigerian killed in China, a Nigerian killed in Austria, A Nigerian molested against in Germany, in Italy all over the world. No one says nothing. the embassies are sleeping and chatting offices, The same generation that destroyed us remain our ambassadors, they"ve got NO LOVE FOR THE NATION. The Germans responded to an ad referring to Adoph Hitler as a killer through HIV, The Indians responded sharply when a bollywood movie star was stopped from entering the US, But the minister of information begs when our name is being robbished, at least she tried but the foreign ministry as done nothing at least not to my hearing. I for one loves Nigeria and Africa, but most of us do sometimes forget who we truly are, there were some Nigerians acting as criminals in the movie portraying us as criminals, is"nt that a sell out of our birth rites? WAKE UP NIGERIANS, THOUGH WE STRUGGLE TO BE STABLE, DARKNESS DOES NOT LAST TOO LONG, MORNING SHALL ALWAYS PREVAIL AND THEN WE WILL LIVE TRYING TO BUY BACK OUR SOLD AWAY DESTINY. WAKE UP MY PEOPLE, STOP THE WORLD FROM USING OUR WEAKNESS AGAINT US.
Posted: at 19-09-2009 02:31 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
bali4real at 19-09-2009 07:46 PM (15 years ago) (m)
Quote from: duduvalentino on 19-09-2009 02:31 PM
I walked into the cinema to see African"s finest movie of the year ""DISTRICT 9"" but to my greatest surprise I watched my country being black painted. It was meant to be a sci-fi, but they had criminals and prostitute-like girls being verbally described as Nigerians and the leader of the criminal gang was referred to as Obasanjo. What a shock, just weeks ago I read a Sony PS ad referring to all of us as scammers, and today a movie describing us as the same produced by Sony Pictures Entertainment,. I am angry, where is our foreign ministry, only the information ministry writes against and defend the good Nigerians in foreign matters, IS THE FOREIGN MINISTER DEAD?!!!, 20 Nigerians Are on death row in Libya, only an organisation could write to stop it, A Nigerian killed in China, a Nigerian killed in Austria, A Nigerian molested against in Germany, in Italy all over the world. No one says nothing. the embassies are sleeping and chatting offices, The same generation that destroyed us remain our ambassadors, they"ve got NO LOVE FOR THE NATION. The Germans responded to an ad referring to Adoph Hitler as a killer through HIV, The Indians responded sharply when a bollywood movie star was stopped from entering the US, But the minister of information begs when our name is being robbished, at least she tried but the foreign ministry as done nothing at least not to my hearing. I for one loves Nigeria and Africa, but most of us do sometimes forget who we truly are, there were some Nigerians acting as criminals in the movie portraying us as criminals, is"nt that a sell out of our birth rites? WAKE UP NIGERIANS, THOUGH WE STRUGGLE TO BE STABLE, DARKNESS DOES NOT LAST TOO LONG, MORNING SHALL ALWAYS PREVAIL AND THEN WE WILL LIVE TRYING TO BUY BACK OUR SOLD AWAY DESTINY. WAKE UP MY PEOPLE, STOP THE WORLD FROM USING OUR WEAKNESS AGAINT US.
well spokenbuddy
Posted: at 19-09-2009 07:46 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
I walked into the cinema to see African"s finest movie of the year ""DISTRICT 9"" but to my greatest surprise I watched my country being black painted. It was meant to be a sci-fi, but they had criminals and prostitute-like girls being verbally described as Nigerians and the leader of the criminal gang was referred to as Obasanjo. What a shock, just weeks ago I read a Sony PS ad referring to all of us as scammers, and today a movie describing us as the same produced by Sony Pictures Entertainment,. I am angry, where is our foreign ministry, only the information ministry writes against and defend the good Nigerians in foreign matters, IS THE FOREIGN MINISTER DEAD?!!!, 20 Nigerians Are on death row in Libya, only an organisation could write to stop it, A Nigerian killed in China, a Nigerian killed in Austria, A Nigerian molested against in Germany, in Italy all over the world. No one says nothing. the embassies are sleeping and chatting offices, The same generation that destroyed us remain our ambassadors, they"ve got NO LOVE FOR THE NATION. The Germans responded to an ad referring to Adoph Hitler as a killer through HIV, The Indians responded sharply when a bollywood movie star was stopped from entering the US, But the minister of information begs when our name is being robbished, at least she tried but the foreign ministry as done nothing at least not to my hearing. I for one loves Nigeria and Africa, but most of us do sometimes forget who we truly are, there were some Nigerians acting as criminals in the movie portraying us as criminals, is"nt that a sell out of our birth rites? WAKE UP NIGERIANS, THOUGH WE STRUGGLE TO BE STABLE, DARKNESS DOES NOT LAST TOO LONG, MORNING SHALL ALWAYS PREVAIL AND THEN WE WILL LIVE TRYING TO BUY BACK OUR SOLD AWAY DESTINY. WAKE UP MY PEOPLE, STOP THE WORLD FROM USING OUR WEAKNESS AGAINT US.
Nigerian Home movies are worst than district 9. Peoples frame of mind are involuntarily displayed on their movies, they way you show your self will be the way people looks at you.
Nigerian home movies all about Juju, money, and power
Posted: at 19-09-2009 08:23 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
I am most impressed with this development, its just crazy to see stupid sci-fi writing who has insisted on using non-fictional characters and names to depict evil scenes.
The movie is a crime against our country
please do not distract and keep discussions along line of topic - make proper use of capit
Posted: at 20-09-2009 08:49 AM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
black_samurai at 20-09-2009 02:35 PM (15 years ago) (m)
Quote from: dguy on 20-09-2009 08:49 AM
I am most impressed with this development, its just crazy to see stupid sci-fi writing who has insisted on using non-fictional characters and names to depict evil scenes.
The movie is a crime against our country
It is not. What about the Russians, Italians and Afghanistans being depicted as maffians ans terrorists respectively in movies?
What about the Ibos and money rituals in Nigerian movies?
Speach is silver, silence is Gold!
Posted: at 20-09-2009 02:35 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
It is not. What about the Russians, Italians and Afghanistans being depicted as maffians ans terrorists respectively in movies?
What about the Ibos and money rituals in Nigerian movies?
That was too odd of you to say, no matter how bad Nigeria may be, we shud alwayz support and do the right thing, for the name of former president Obasanjo to be mentioned in that movie, i think they went too far across their mergin, it may be the best ever african movie produce but to me it the most stupid and african racial movie have ever watched for an african to belittle a fellow african is bad, let face the fact, Nigeria was never involved with south africa slavery so why will they portray Nigerians image so bad as if we where the ones that locked up Mandela.
Posted: at 20-09-2009 05:57 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
DarkCoco at 20-09-2009 06:32 PM (15 years ago) (f)
Nigerian govt has nothin to do with their life i swear people are starving and dying, and no water or light, and omg, AINT SCHOOL STILL ON STRIKE, and they wanna phyukin talk about a movie....DIS SHIT IS GETTIN OUT OF HAND FOR so annoyed and angry right now...
im out of dis place
Woman Of Valor~~~~I Am DeStInEd FOr gReAtNeSs
Posted: at 20-09-2009 06:32 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
I walked into the cinema to see African"s finest movie of the year ""DISTRICT 9"" but to my greatest surprise I watched my country being black painted. It was meant to be a sci-fi, but they had criminals and prostitute-like girls being verbally described as Nigerians and the leader of the criminal gang was referred to as Obasanjo. What a shock, just weeks ago I read a Sony PS ad referring to all of us as scammers, and today a movie describing us as the same produced by Sony Pictures Entertainment,. I am angry, where is our foreign ministry, only the information ministry writes against and defend the good Nigerians in foreign matters, IS THE FOREIGN MINISTER DEAD?!!!, 20 Nigerians Are on death row in Libya, only an organisation could write to stop it, A Nigerian killed in China, a Nigerian killed in Austria, A Nigerian molested against in Germany, in Italy all over the world. No one says nothing. the embassies are sleeping and chatting offices, The same generation that destroyed us remain our ambassadors, they"ve got NO LOVE FOR THE NATION. The Germans responded to an ad referring to Adoph Hitler as a killer through HIV, The Indians responded sharply when a bollywood movie star was stopped from entering the US, But the minister of information begs when our name is being robbished, at least she tried but the foreign ministry as done nothing at least not to my hearing. I for one loves Nigeria and Africa, but most of us do sometimes forget who we truly are, there were some Nigerians acting as criminals in the movie portraying us as criminals, is"nt that a sell out of our birth rites? WAKE UP NIGERIANS, THOUGH WE STRUGGLE TO BE STABLE, DARKNESS DOES NOT LAST TOO LONG, MORNING SHALL ALWAYS PREVAIL AND THEN WE WILL LIVE TRYING TO BUY BACK OUR SOLD AWAY DESTINY. WAKE UP MY PEOPLE, STOP THE WORLD FROM USING OUR WEAKNESS AGAINT US.
well spokenbuddy
Posted: at 21-09-2009 08:35 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie