Drama In Court As IPOB Leader Nnamdi Kanu Refuse To Have Handcuff Removed (Page 3)

Date: 09-02-2016 1:29 pm (9 years ago) | Author: kaygee
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- zezprincess at 9-02-2016 08:55 PM (9 years ago)
Hmmmmm,Prince nnamdi kanu is no longer happy with the way&manner his court case is being handled,he is afraid of everybody now,liars&fake judges.##free nnamdi kanu##,He is a prisoner of conscience.
Posted: at 9-02-2016 08:55 PM (9 years ago) | Hero
- nwaafoigbo at 9-02-2016 09:14 PM (9 years ago)
If we think that they can allow us Go in peace, I think we should have rethink. The high time we go for self defense the better for us.all hail great biafra........i love my father land called great biafra the land of wisdom.the land of rising sun.one love to all umu biafra in this forum hold on.the zoo army kiled us today but we ar comein for them
Posted: at 9-02-2016 09:14 PM (9 years ago) | Upcoming
- oscarpatt at 9-02-2016 09:32 PM (9 years ago)
he's my man
Posted: at 9-02-2016 09:32 PM (9 years ago) | Newbie
- BournIdentity at 9-02-2016 09:35 PM (9 years ago)
Oga Yagomekus u don miss road abi na comments u dey comment so?
Posted: at 9-02-2016 09:35 PM (9 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- BournIdentity at 9-02-2016 09:40 PM (9 years ago)
As una no 1 analyze my simple kweshion wey I ask una except 4 1 waste product wey try small, make I dey identify all of una biafra morons one by one
Posted: at 9-02-2016 09:40 PM (9 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- BournIdentity at 9-02-2016 09:42 PM (9 years ago)
Quote from: mr gogo on  9-02-2016 01:33 PM
Total waste of tax payers money, make them jail am if he is guilty if not leave am.. no time
Ur head correct
Posted: at 9-02-2016 09:42 PM (9 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- BournIdentity at 9-02-2016 09:47 PM (9 years ago)
Quote from: Ibraheem Olalekan on  9-02-2016 01:40 PM
see u see u.... it is better you better cooperate with Buhari or u rot in jail
No mind d idiot
Posted: at 9-02-2016 09:47 PM (9 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- BournIdentity at 9-02-2016 09:49 PM (9 years ago)
Quote from: Michael on  9-02-2016 01:34 PM
KANU try to make a bargain and get ur freedom first,then u will continue ur struggle without violence..
Wen u c criminal wey don already dey geda weapons, say na wetin u go dey talk?
Posted: at 9-02-2016 09:49 PM (9 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- BournIdentity at 9-02-2016 09:52 PM (9 years ago)
Quote from: EDWIN GRACE on  9-02-2016 01:54 PM
Why will they handcuff him at d first. He is a criminal? If u say wat he did is treason or whatever then why is dat thief dasuki not been handcuff all d time they bring him to prison. They shld let him go and he can be coming from home. I don't support break up or d country but at least he shld be bail haba. Or is d case he is been accuse of not bailable?Huh?
Walahi, e dey pain me say dem no tile im leg join as confirm criminal e b. dis 1 pass thief
Posted: at 9-02-2016 09:52 PM (9 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- BournIdentity at 9-02-2016 09:55 PM (9 years ago)
Quote from: Williams Vancouver on  9-02-2016 01:57 PM
U better thank God it's democracy in action ,otherwise dem for no dey see your break light again on the street of Nigeria .Democtazcy paved way for some nuisance character and it accommodate critics,but certain privileges should not be abused as this guy is becoming knowing to be showing some ego in foolish style.Well,Referendum is not option here to decide which side the Igbo ethnic want .Like it or leave it Nigeria is indivisible and does not matter what manner of law used in affirming this amalgamation but it's decreed.
No b lie u talk, na confirm
Posted: at 9-02-2016 09:55 PM (9 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- BournIdentity at 9-02-2016 09:57 PM (9 years ago)
Quote from: Williams Vancouver on  9-02-2016 02:03 PM
Treasonable felony is a crime with the most punishable offense in law,it is same as coup plot in milliatary martial law,so for this guy be handcuffed to the court room is justifiable ,since his crime is weighty and it's capable of destabilizing a nation and causing social and security unrest .Infact ,his crime should be punished by execution or life imprisonment .
I beg all dose mad Biafra faggots neva hearam, tell dem again
Posted: at 9-02-2016 09:57 PM (9 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- BournIdentity at 9-02-2016 09:59 PM (9 years ago)
Quote from: Ubong Etuk on  9-02-2016 02:03 PM
Is he getting used to the handcuffs?
E don too sweet am. Make dem cut all im hands commot
Posted: at 9-02-2016 09:59 PM (9 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- BournIdentity at 9-02-2016 10:02 PM (9 years ago)
Quote from: Bright on  9-02-2016 02:12 PM

Ur mouth odour smell pass aboki own, use kiwi brush am. Na too much of biaframadness shouti shouti cos am
Posted: at 9-02-2016 10:02 PM (9 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- BournIdentity at 9-02-2016 10:04 PM (9 years ago)
Quote from: christian eze on  9-02-2016 02:33 PM
mazi nnamdi kanu is our nelson mandela no retreat no surrender.biafra is all we have.biafra is our life.biafra is our right.biafra is our past.biafra is our future.after considering the past the present and the future.biafra is likely the way forward. for biafra move on wt biafra and the right for seif determination.mazi nnamdi kanu we love u and we ar wt u.biafra is runing in our vain no goin back.all hail biafra.one love to umu biafra all ove the world ka chukwu okike abiama gozie umu biafra.........one love fr spain
Nw, I dey personally ask u, as in how?
Posted: at 9-02-2016 10:04 PM (9 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- BournIdentity at 9-02-2016 10:07 PM (9 years ago)
Quote from: prudy on  9-02-2016 02:47 PM
Don't worry joy cometh in d mornin...we back u up with prayer day nd nite...d GOD of Abraham Isaac will see u true...that same GOD that delivers daniel from d lions den will deliver u...nd we will be alive to see d end of dis case......
Leave God 4 dis mata, una biaframadness dey locked up for 1 babalawo pot.
God sef don vex, hw person go enter church com begin to dey pray 4 criminal?
Posted: at 9-02-2016 10:07 PM (9 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- BournIdentity at 9-02-2016 10:10 PM (9 years ago)
Quote from: Onojovwo Michael Ochuko on  9-02-2016 03:05 PM
Whaledog, can u please define the word Treason? did he carried arms against the Nigeria government? in what way has he committed treason and felony? I guess by mare spoken words, right? then tell me, the current president of Nigeria did not commit treason when he says he will make Nigeria Ungovernable should he loose an election, both dogs and baboons will bath in blood, an attack on north east terrorist is an attack on muslims and many more others. the United Nations charter give indigenous people living together before colonization the right to agitate for freedom and should not be taking as an act of treason. So my brother, do not comment on issues you Know nothing about, OK?
My man don give una video take watch. If u neva watch am, na im b say, u no BT u no 1 no.. Una n bunch of FOOLS
Posted: at 9-02-2016 10:10 PM (9 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- BournIdentity at 9-02-2016 10:12 PM (9 years ago)
Quote from: Blessed Chiboy on  9-02-2016 03:22 PM
Buhari and his supports go tired shame will surely be on them
Na wich kind of smoke wey u smoke?
Posted: at 9-02-2016 10:12 PM (9 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- BournIdentity at 9-02-2016 10:13 PM (9 years ago)
Quote from: Hassan Rasheed  link=topic=282797.msg4691795#msg4691795 date=1455030279
That fool should be hung to death
Like I take tell u b4, im time never reach
Posted: at 9-02-2016 10:13 PM (9 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- BournIdentity at 9-02-2016 10:14 PM (9 years ago)
Quote from: sanusi modele on  9-02-2016 04:14 PM
this is season film oooo, i dey wait d next episode.
Make I follow u 2 dey wait
Posted: at 9-02-2016 10:14 PM (9 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- BournIdentity at 9-02-2016 10:17 PM (9 years ago)
Quote from: Williams Vancouver on  9-02-2016 04:22 PM
Any action that sabotage or is liable to cause threat on sovereignty of a state is regarded as treason and felony.And in this column Kalu case is meshed ,doesn't matter been verbal or through physically carrying arms to destabilize a nations social and society security,thereby causing unrest through his verbal and misuse of language that is capable of instigating ethnic crisis or civil war.In this case Kalu is guilty of treason and punishable by the maximum penalty as stipulated in Nigeria constitution .
U don 2 explain 4 dis place, I beg leave dose morons wey get dead headed brain, bunch of imbecile Biafra mad faggots
Posted: at 9-02-2016 10:17 PM (9 years ago) | Addicted Hero
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