If You Think N145/litre of Fuel Is Expensive Checkout The Price Of fuel In Other Countries (Page 3)

Date: 18-05-2016 11:42 am (8 years ago) | Author: kaygee
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- okuboye at 18-05-2016 05:42 PM (8 years ago)
how much is their money to dollar( exchange rate).? how much is there minimum wage ? don't let us deceive ourselves, bhuari can mistakenly crash this country
Posted: at 18-05-2016 05:42 PM (8 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- okuboye at 18-05-2016 05:56 PM (8 years ago)
Quote from: Chukwunonso on 18-05-2016 05:00 PM
One fact u will know abt Buhari supporters , even if Buhari cooked stone and give them to eat, they will foolishly eat it and tell u that dis yam Buhari gave us is very sweet o! IDIOT SECT OF PEOPLE!!!  mtcheeew
u are wrong, I voted for bhuri and support him but that will not make me take any shit from him. I stand with Nigeria to say No on fuel increase and Bad government. let av a voice
Posted: at 18-05-2016 05:56 PM (8 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- warribimboye at 18-05-2016 06:15 PM (8 years ago)
They should free Biafra and let's see the way forward .
Posted: at 18-05-2016 06:15 PM (8 years ago) | Upcoming
- Oways at 18-05-2016 06:18 PM (8 years ago)
Poster, can u compare cost of living of those countries with Nigeria?
Posted: at 18-05-2016 06:18 PM (8 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- mia4321 at 18-05-2016 06:36 PM (8 years ago)
duhhhhhh....dey should sha reduce it...                                                       
Posted: at 18-05-2016 06:36 PM (8 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- fmswag at 18-05-2016 07:04 PM (8 years ago)
In all d states listed above, au many citizens buy fuel? Dere is constant power supply.
Posted: at 18-05-2016 07:04 PM (8 years ago) | Upcoming
- kacylee at 18-05-2016 07:21 PM (8 years ago)
All these countries what is the per capital income, besides they dont have the crude oil the way we do,

Posted: at 18-05-2016 07:21 PM (8 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- oscarpatt at 18-05-2016 07:49 PM (8 years ago)
Mr poster u be illiterate what is the value of that money in those countries
Posted: at 18-05-2016 07:49 PM (8 years ago) | Newbie
- Otikadinje at 18-05-2016 09:34 PM (8 years ago)
Quote from: oworen obong on 18-05-2016 12:06 PM
Poster you are lying
[/quote   I thought as much that mr poster's information couldn't have been genuiine, just wondering where he got his bunch of lies from.

Posted: at 18-05-2016 09:34 PM (8 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- osarobo62 at 18-05-2016 10:01 PM (8 years ago)
Quote from: Man of peace on 18-05-2016 12:18 PM
Poster stop lying in Canada official Fuel pump price is 14 cents per liter,
which canada Huh?.....i just bought gas (petrol) for Canadian $1.15 or 88 cents US.
@ KEJGUV has the correct data
Posted: at 18-05-2016 10:01 PM (8 years ago) | Hero
- osarobo62 at 18-05-2016 10:02 PM (8 years ago)
Quote from: JESU AJEPAKO LOVE. on 18-05-2016 12:17 PM
Poster can you kindly post the source of your information please?.
Posted: at 18-05-2016 10:02 PM (8 years ago) | Hero
- osarobo62 at 18-05-2016 10:23 PM (8 years ago)
Quote from: kaygee on 18-05-2016 02:23 PM
i dont usually reply people who are so uncivil to use abusive words to drive home their point, and if you read the whole post maybe you will understand my point better and as for me being on this govt payroll,that would be wonderful and you would pray for such opportunity too, next pls
don't trouble your mind. many nIgerians don't like to hear the truth. they turn emotionally aggressive when you tell them the truth.
the website is there for them to read.
how can you reason with people who expect Buhari to turn the economy around in one year,(with less revenue) ,after more than 20 years of disastrous blunders and corruption.
it's a pity and very disturbing that Nigeria is over populated with these type of youths.
Posted: at 18-05-2016 10:23 PM (8 years ago) | Hero
- Novic at 18-05-2016 11:19 PM (8 years ago)
Abi ooo.... dont mind them... we all knw how much the they buy beer and we still they buy ham in this country. i beliv the price wey then put ham nw still they ok.
Posted: at 18-05-2016 11:19 PM (8 years ago) | Hero
- yawa_don_gas at 18-05-2016 11:51 PM (8 years ago)
Na so una take c am? Yawa dey
Posted: at 18-05-2016 11:51 PM (8 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- kayveetee at 19-05-2016 04:12 AM (8 years ago)
@ poster, if we are 2 fall for what u posted, what about the bureau de exchange of the listed countries, did u think their currency is devalued the same way naira is ?
Posted: at 19-05-2016 04:12 AM (8 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Oworen25 at 19-05-2016 06:48 AM (8 years ago)
Nigeria should sit up please
Posted: at 19-05-2016 06:48 AM (8 years ago) | Hero
- Eazyatumeyi at 19-05-2016 08:34 AM (8 years ago)
fake post, this poster dey support bad thing
Posted: at 19-05-2016 08:34 AM (8 years ago) | Hero
- mia4321 at 19-05-2016 10:23 AM (8 years ago)
mk una reduce am Jo..                                                                                       
Posted: at 19-05-2016 10:23 AM (8 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- lexiferanmi at 19-05-2016 01:50 PM (8 years ago)
Quote from: kaygee on 18-05-2016 12:02 PM
why do everybody talk about minimum wage as if that is what everybody depends on, the problem is because govt is the largest provider of labour in Nigeria, which is not suppose to be so,  its only in Nigeria that you attach govt minimum wage to the rise and fall of commodities, as for me posting rubbish,post your own lets see how knowledgeable you are.

There is nothing you can call this other than rubbish, most of the countries on your list don't even have crude oil, they import. so imagine if Nigeria don't have crude oil, how much will fuel cost ? am glad you include China on your list, i have been living here in china for 8 good years going on 9 and the pump price only goes up twice, the first time was about 5 to 6 years ago with 1 yuan difference and the second time happens just last year with 0.5 yuan difference, . i drive everyday and i have never got to see any gas station congested with cars cos gas is available every where in a country that doesn't produce oil. i have been to some  part in Europe everything seems really cool out there too. and now what you think 145 is okay right ? dont limit yourself just go outside the country and you will see Nigerians are suffering back home. and the only problem all African countries have is our leaders. imagine a country ( Nigeria ) who owns multiple presidential airlines without a single commercial airline for the masses and then  want to borrow money from uk who doesn't even have crude oil or  a single airline for their prime minister, but multiple commercial airline for the masses these things are things that brings in money for the government dialy, how does that sound to you ? please be sincere what is bad is bad. what is going on down there in Nigeria is a complete bullshit.
Posted: at 19-05-2016 01:50 PM (8 years ago) | Newbie
- kachasi at 19-05-2016 01:55 PM (8 years ago)
see u love to suffer abi
Posted: at 19-05-2016 01:55 PM (8 years ago) | Gistmaniac
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