Collective Laziness Under “PRAYER”

Date: 11-02-2010 4:09 pm (14 years ago) | Author: Daniel Bosai
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- at 11-02-2010 04:09 PM (14 years ago)

What is it with us and prayer? If I hear, after another major national disaster, any “leader” urging people to pray or declaring national holiday dedicated to prayer, I would disown my green passport . Okay, perhaps I would not, but seriously I know I would go crazy, figuratively. Please do not get me wrong, I believe in prayer but I do not believe prayer works without work. After-all, heaven helps those who help themselves.
When will Nigerians get it that until we start animating our prayer with actions, Nigeria is not going to get better? God is a living God! He does not take 50 years before answering prayers, and HE does not believe in magic and would not send “messiah” to clean up our mess. We are going to have to get on our grind in addendum with prayer if we want to see a better Nigeria. Most societies have gone through what we are going through but none of them made it out of their funk due to one messiah or two or more, but a collective work of everybody saying enough is enough to status quo, and mounting massive effort to and for change.
In fact, God has answered our prayers a long time ago, we are just too blind, wasteful, and lazy to see and realize it. Our land is blessed with lushness, natural resources galore, great minds, and the can-do ability of “never say die”. God has put in forces for us to harness for our greatness, yet we barrage him everyday asking for the same things He has provided. We are such ungrateful fools. We let love and glorification of vices destroy our society but want God to just appear or send his angel to come down and clean up our mess. Ask yourselves, if you were God, what would you have done?
It is rampant to see students living and dying in church under the guise of “doing God’s work” and praying their life away, instead of being in the library studying, yet they expect to be successful in their courses. It is pervasive in our society to see a “leader” praying to God to solve society issues. What are you a leader for? Isn’t finding solutions to issues plaguing the society the reason you were selected (oops, elected)? It is like we are expecting God to come fix our death trap roads, our suffocating self-inflicted noise pollution, our death enabling hospitals, and our violence wielding empty-headed government.
Listen to a Nigerian talk; before s/he says one or two things, he’s already invoking the name of God. It seems we do this in order to absolve ourselves of pro-action, responsibility, or fault. The fatalistic frame of mind has left us vulnerable to be taken for a ride. I was, on the other day, watching the TV NEXT program asking regular Nigerians on the street what they are expectant of in year twenty ten. Everyone was talking God this God that, “Nigeria needs prayer” “Our government is useless but everything is in the hand of God” “God shall perfect me this year” “my economic prosperity this year will not be based on economy of Nigeria” “I shall be rich this year despite the economic stagnation or regression of the country” “We shall continue to pray” “Let us continue praying.” Nothing was mentioned as to how they are going to go by the daily businesses or make change in order to achieve greater height or effort to hold their “leaders” responsible but God this! God that!! God there!!!
To make matters worse, our over-religiosity has voluntarily submitted us, supinely, to the hands of religious 419ers aka “Men of God” (most of them anyway). We made it easy for these religious capitalists to use Christianity—a true weapon for social justice, for their self aggrandizements. We rather pay attention to them than our bible. They urge us to pray and pray and pray for better days without encouraging or mobilizing us as to how we can use our hands to shape our destiny, while they collude with our tormentors to lord it over us with no end in sight.
Do we think at all? Have we not realized that our progress lies in collective good and not individuality, collective empowerment and not individual empowerment? We need to realize that our rulers are not lording it over us individually, they have managed to gather themselves (like-minded), built a deadly cohesive oppressive force (e.g. PDP). To fight back, we must mount a collective unrelenting force and go for their jugular just as they have been doing to us. Stop praying for them and most importantly stop praying for a president who is so selfish that he puts his love for power above the needs of millions of people. He left us for dead when he abdicated his duties and failed to pass over power to his deputy. If he’s dead, good riddance, it may have been your prayer that sent him to his early demise, so why pray to have him back. And please save me the sententious condescension of the saying “pray for your enemy”, I know many of you pray negative prayers against your enemies, in Church weekly.
Why are we afraid to act and have a ceaseless movement until our space is sanitized? We do not want to die but rather cling on to a useless subhuman life of “suffering and smiling.” However, we are overlooking that we die daily when there is no dignity, honor, and self-respect. Also, literally, we die daily from the weapon of violence---POVERTY that our rulers exert on us daily. Have you imagined if we could just conquer ourselves, our fear of death, and fight to the death for our future, our children, and our sanity? We would probably shed less blood than we are shedding right now under the incessant nefarious entity that is our government. TIME FOR ACTION IS NOW. LET US STOP THE NEVER-ENDING PRAYERS. GOD HAS ALREADY ANSWERED OUR PRAYERS; WE JUST HAVE TO GO GET IT.

Posted: at 11-02-2010 04:09 PM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- deelaw2001 at 11-02-2010 05:52 PM (14 years ago)
There is no nation that attains greatness tru prayer but commitment tru hard work and dedication to society.It is a deceitful act from the leaders use to steal the people resources
Posted: at 11-02-2010 05:52 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- EHISE at 11-02-2010 06:30 PM (14 years ago)
Posted: at 11-02-2010 06:30 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- bobs at 11-02-2010 06:31 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: deelaw2001 on 11-02-2010 05:52 PM
There is no nation that attains greatness tru prayer but commitment tru hard work and dedication to society.It is a deceitful act from the leaders use to steal the people resources
Posted: at 11-02-2010 06:31 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- mafiaa at 11-02-2010 06:41 PM (14 years ago)
My broda that na good question Jare.

In nigeria Prayer is an escuse for lazy white people bring religion to Nigeria. We all believe in God and we fear God as well, but the point is God wants u to help urself before he helps u.
Posted: at 11-02-2010 06:41 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- jeez at 11-02-2010 07:21 PM (14 years ago)
Prayer cannot work without hard work true!!
but therez no book(including d bible) where "heaven helps those who helps themselves" is written
Posted: at 11-02-2010 07:21 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- omatu at 11-02-2010 07:31 PM (14 years ago)
Your article seems to attack christianity in Nigeria and you appear to forget that Moslems make up to 40% of the nation and they pray a minimum of 5 times per day.  You also forgot other religions in Nigeria.  There is still traditional religions and they pray daily as well.  We should pray and continue to pray.  We have not been getting what we want via prayer because we do not know how to ask for what we need in our prayers.  We do not wrestle against flesh but against principalities in high places, powers of darkness, etc.  We may want to ask God to send us good leaders.  It is God's instructions that we pray for our leaders and we should continue to pray for our leaders.  Your urge for us to stop praying for our leaders is a sign of anti-God movement.

Faith without works is dead, but it was never referred to prayer.  We are urged to pray without ceasing and that we shall do.  The devil is the only spirit that does not want prayers.  God is a spirit, we are spirit beings.  Prayers when uttered correctly can move mountains and cast into the sea.

I refuse to listen to anti-prayer demons.

Posted: at 11-02-2010 07:31 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- omatu at 11-02-2010 07:32 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: jeez on 11-02-2010 07:21 PM
Prayer cannot work without hard work true!!
but therez no book(including d bible) where "heaven helps those who helps themselves" is written
Praise God.
Posted: at 11-02-2010 07:32 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- megafather1 at 11-02-2010 07:58 PM (14 years ago)
Not my phyukin business
Posted: at 11-02-2010 07:58 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Bukkee9109 at 11-02-2010 08:01 PM (14 years ago)
Because for alot of nigerians that's all they have to a way out of poverty and suffereing. It's the one thing left that gives us hope.
Posted: at 11-02-2010 08:01 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- bouncysarah at 11-02-2010 08:06 PM (14 years ago)
What ur saying makes sense tho... yes God answers prayers but many people nowadays sit down nd do nothing and expect God 2 work some magic on their situation. dey forget itz a two way tin... u have 2 put the work in and God will make it fruitful nd prosper that work that you put in
Posted: at 11-02-2010 08:06 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- gwadagirl at 11-02-2010 08:21 PM (14 years ago)
because without God everything is impossible
Posted: at 11-02-2010 08:21 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- omatu at 11-02-2010 08:28 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: Bukkee9109 on 11-02-2010 08:01 PM
Because for alot of nigerians that's all they have to a way out of poverty and suffereing. It's the one thing left that gives us hope.
The effective fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much.

Posted: at 11-02-2010 08:28 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- omatu at 11-02-2010 08:29 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: bouncysarah on 11-02-2010 08:06 PM
What ur saying makes sense tho... yes God answers prayers but many people nowadays sit down nd do nothing and expect God 2 work some magic on their situation. dey forget itz a two way tin... u have 2 put the work in and God will make it fruitful nd prosper that work that you put in

If you do not work, you do not eat.
Posted: at 11-02-2010 08:29 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- ojukwu at 11-02-2010 08:46 PM (14 years ago)
I know devil works in different ways, probably he sent de writer of this article to decieve christians...we reject u in jesus name
PAUL AND SILAS PRAYED.....and God answered them without trying to escape on their own, Daniel prayed without trying to explain
his actions b4 the king.....but God answered him.........we will continue to pray and God will answer us, just like he answered our prayers and returned power to south.....Amen
Posted: at 11-02-2010 08:46 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- omatu at 11-02-2010 09:16 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: ojukwu on 11-02-2010 08:46 PM
I know devil works in different ways, probably he sent de writer of this article to decieve christians...we reject u in jesus name
PAUL AND SILAS PRAYED.....and God answered them without trying to escape on their own, Daniel prayed without trying to explain
his actions b4 the king.....but God answered him.........we will continue to pray and God will answer us, just like he answered our prayers and returned power to south.....Amen

Amen & Amen
Posted: at 11-02-2010 09:16 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- derbi at 11-02-2010 09:21 PM (14 years ago)
i go pray sote, sote sote sote, sote sote sote, looorrrd Grin
Posted: at 11-02-2010 09:21 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- nozie at 11-02-2010 09:50 PM (14 years ago)
I know devil works in different ways, probably he sent de writer of this article to decieve christians...we reject u in jesus name
PAUL AND SILAS PRAYED.....and God answered them without trying to escape on their own, Daniel prayed without trying to explain
his actions b4 the king.....but God answered him.........we will continue to pray and God will answer us, just like he answered our prayers and returned power to south.....Amen
I think your writting is not very smart, Show me any advance nation that believe in God like our people do.I think "religion is the opium of the masses"karl max.Only in Nigeria you steal money and thank God for saving your ass. oUR POLITICIANS loot the nation,thank and praise God. Check our home movies, most end with TO GOD BE THE GLORY. I agree with most of the pals who think there is too much prayer in Nigeria. WAKE UP Nigerians and smell the air. we could do better without too much believe in supernatural. I can equally say that cultism and witches,too much indulgency in religious believe will disappear.
Posted: at 11-02-2010 09:50 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- Andycaptain at 11-02-2010 09:54 PM (14 years ago)
I am not a supporter of Amodu but i think his greatest achievement in that tournerment was not to field Kanu, and his greatest mistake was to invite kanu to the tournerment.
Posted: at 11-02-2010 09:54 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- QuinnMaeback at 11-02-2010 10:45 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: nozie on 11-02-2010 09:50 PM
I know devil works in different ways, probably he sent de writer of this article to decieve christians...we reject u in jesus name
PAUL AND SILAS PRAYED.....and God answered them without trying to escape on their own, Daniel prayed without trying to explain
his actions b4 the king.....but God answered him.........we will continue to pray and God will answer us, just like he answered our prayers and returned power to south.....Amen
I think your writting is not very smart, Show me any advance nation that believe in God like our people do.I think "religion is the opium of the masses"karl max.Only in Nigeria you steal money and thank God for saving your ass. oUR POLITICIANS loot the nation,thank and praise God. Check our home movies, most end with TO GOD BE THE GLORY. I agree with most of the pals who think there is too much prayer in Nigeria. WAKE UP Nigerians and smell the air. we could do better without too much believe in supernatural. I can equally say that cultism and witches,too much indulgency in religious believe will disappear.

USA prays a lot.  The politicians have morning breakfast prayers before they start their day.  They always say "God bless America".
Karl Max was an atheist.  Communism does not believe in God.  Nigerians needs to be very prayerful.  Cultism and witchcraft is rampant as well which also makes the land sick.  Majority of the politicians subscribe to the powers of darkness to get their power.

As far as I am concerned this is an anti-Christ, anti-prayer thread.
Prayer is not the reason why Nigeria is in shambles.  Family breakdowns, witchcrafts, occultism, devil worshiping, etc. are part of the powers of darkness that is troubling our great nation.  We should be concerned when parents condone their children stealing, selling drugs, etc. because the child is bringing in money for the family, what was wrong has now become right.  We should be concerned when parents condone 419 practicers.  I am not asking any parent to turn their children in to the law, I am asking parents to become parents again.  I am asking parents to teach children that aspire to be leaders and politicians good morals and etiquettes and what it is to serve a nation.  We need to strengthen the family.  The family that prays together stays together.  The nation that prays together stays together.

God bless Nigeria.  We should encourage more prayers but the right prayers for our people and for our great nation.

Long Live Nigeria
If the devil does not like tell satan to go to hell and sit on a tack while the fire is blasing.

Posted: at 11-02-2010 10:45 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
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