Nigerian University Student Crushed To Death By Campus Shuttle (Video)

Date: 22-02-2018 7:28 pm (6 years ago) | Author: Mister Jay Wonder
- at 22-02-2018 07:28 PM (6 years ago)

A Nigerian university student has been caught on camera being crushed to death after falling under a campus shuttle.

This is a very graphic video showing the moment a Nigerian university student was crushed by the campus shuttle.
The deceased was reportedly a student of the University of Abuja and was killed this morning after the sad incident which happened during a rush to get to class.
The viral video shows a group of students trying to rush into a campus shuttle when the incident happened. The affected student, who is not yet named, suddenly fell under the shuttle and got crushed amidst cries of horror from the onlookers.
The deceased reportedly passed away in hospital.
Watch the video below:

A post shared by Instablog9ja (@instablog9ja) on

Posted: at 22-02-2018 07:28 PM (6 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- cypanyahucha at 22-02-2018 08:00 PM (6 years ago)
This is so painful.
Posted: at 22-02-2018 08:00 PM (6 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- slimber at 22-02-2018 08:33 PM (6 years ago)
Chaii RIP
Posted: at 22-02-2018 08:33 PM (6 years ago) | Hero
- xspraise at 23-02-2018 08:15 AM (6 years ago)

Posted: at 23-02-2018 08:15 AM (6 years ago) | Hero
- fineboy77 at 23-02-2018 09:02 AM (6 years ago)
RIP. But the cause is not far fetched,Nigerians are not orderly,very impatient and thinks that everything is hustling. Out here,you see people taking to the Que according to when you arrived at the bus stop. When a shuttle arrives,it stops and waits for people to get in according to the Que,and in that way,no one gets hurt and everyone gets served. But in Nigeria,the passengers want to jump in,and even the driver wont stop entirely,he will be in slow motion while people mount the bus,therefore,you must learn the skills of a conductor to be able to meet up. Funny,but NOT.

Posted: at 23-02-2018 09:02 AM (6 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- ruthie at 23-02-2018 09:14 AM (6 years ago)
Posted: at 23-02-2018 09:14 AM (6 years ago) | Hero
- nature7888 at 23-02-2018 10:19 AM (6 years ago)
Sad one
Posted: at 23-02-2018 10:19 AM (6 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- imaculate7 at 23-02-2018 10:21 AM (6 years ago)
Quote from: bohlah on 22-02-2018 07:28 PM

A Nigerian university student has been caught on camera being crushed to death after falling under a campus shuttle.

This is a very graphic video showing the moment a Nigerian university student was crushed by the campus shuttle.
The deceased was reportedly a student of the University of Abuja and was killed this morning after the sad incident which happened during a rush to get to class.
The viral video shows a group of students trying to rush into a campus shuttle when the incident happened. The affected student, who is not yet named, suddenly fell under the shuttle and got crushed amidst cries of horror from the onlookers.
The deceased reportedly passed away in hospital.
Watch the video below:

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May his soul rest in peace. It's a pity really.
Posted: at 23-02-2018 10:21 AM (6 years ago) | Newbie