Does JAMB truly subtract mark for incorrect answers? (Page 2)

Date: 01-12-2010 11:40 am (14 years ago) | Author: fort ndulue
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- mbiotic at 2-12-2010 06:42 AM (14 years ago)
Please my pals, kindly help me to find factual evidence as it border on this. I don't think we can afford to be wallowing in ignorance as it concerns this issue. It will amount to an insult on our avowed intelligence, if we allow this to linger because its adverse effects is subliminal. Shalom!
Posted: at 2-12-2010 06:42 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- akoho at 10-01-2011 04:58 PM (14 years ago)
People sometimes only wants to test people's intelligent.If JAMB could subtract marks for questions answered wrongly,then they would have clearly indicated in the instruction for awareness.
Posted: at 10-01-2011 04:58 PM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- morgrawl231 at 9-04-2016 05:12 AM (8 years ago)
U find find d answer if u search google,,,,
Posted: at 9-04-2016 05:12 AM (8 years ago) | Hero
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