The Blame Game: Uncovering the Fraudulent Tactics of Controversial Journalist David Hundeyin

Date: 30-03-2023 5:22 pm (1 year ago) | Author: Adebisi Grange
- at 30-03-2023 05:22 PM (1 year ago)
David Hundeyin is a Nigerian journalist who has made a name for himself as a controversial and fraudulent individual. Hundeyin, who describes himself as an investigative journalist, is no stranger to controversy and is often in the news for all the wrong reasons. One of Hundeyin's tactics when confronted with his fraudulent behavior is to shift the blame to others. This article will examine Hundeyin's history of fraud and his tendency to shift blame.

Hundeyin has been involved in several fraudulent activities, including organizing a book launch program at the University of Oxford, where he charged participants a fee of €20 for entry, despite the event being free according to the university's policy. Hundeyin was subsequently blocked by the university on social media, and the institution dissociated itself from him.
In addition to his fraudulent activities, Hundeyin is also known for his misogynistic and sexist behavior. At the same Oxford event, an attendee asked Hundeyin about sexism and segxwal harassment endured by African female journalists, to which he reportedly replied that women with fair complexion, tall stature, and long legs would not face career advancement hurdles in journalism.
When confronted with his fraudulent behavior, Hundeyin has a history of shifting blame. In the case of his expulsion from Oxford University, he blamed Governor of Kaduna State, Nasir El-rufai, for his problems with the university. Hundeyin claimed that El-rufai had sent emails to the university, accusing him of being a fraudster and urging them to take action against him.
Hundeyin's tendency to shift blame is not limited to his fraudulent activities. He has also been accused of targeting individuals with his articles and then blaming them when they react negatively to his writing. In one instance, Hundeyin wrote an article that accused a popular Nigerian singer of being a drug addict. When the singer threatened legal action, Hundeyin claimed that the singer was trying to intimidate him and silence him.
In conclusion, David Hundeyin is a fraudulent and controversial journalist who has a history of shifting blame. Hundeyin's fraudulent activities and his tendency to blame others when confronted with his misdeeds are a cause for concern. It is essential that journalists like Hundeyin are held accountable for their actions and prevented from causing further harm. The media should be a platform for truth and justice, not a tool for fraudsters and controversial individuals like Hundeyin.

Posted: at 30-03-2023 05:22 PM (1 year ago) | Newbie