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Quote from: fedysky on 31-01-2011 09:20 AM all i believe is that islam have there way of worshpping ad we christianity have our own way of worship god,but we all believe in one god.and we are worshipping one god i don,t worship god but GOD ----- ok ?
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The differences that i see there is that Muslims belief in ALLAH as only one GOD while christens belief in Jesus as there GOD which is not Replynot suppose to be. Jesus is a prophet of ALLAH and Muslims belief in him.
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Quote from: mamood on 30-01-2011 04:43 PM Quote from: chinazous on 29-01-2011 07:15 PM Quote from: mamood on 29-01-2011 06:48 PM Quote from: chinazous on 29-01-2011 04:49 AM Quote from: mamood on 29-01-2011 01:33 AM Muslims worship one LIVING God while christians worship the DEAD son of that god. Muslims believe in Jesus as an apostle and a sign to mankind but christians say the SON IS THE SAME WITH THE FATHER and so pray only to the son and ignore the father. Simple! .......Christians came from Isaac, the legitimate son of ABRAHAM......Ishmael is a bastard! his mother was soo shameless to sleep with her master..........she must have loved sex a lot! no wonder the molesting of children!that is why God told Abraham that the bastard will continue to fight the true son. Gods word must come to fulfillment. see what is happening in the whole world now?............xtians know why. mohamed's corpse is still where it was laid. travel and see things for yourself!. but JESUS IS RISEN!. THE CORPSE COULD NOT BE FOUND! death could not hold HIM stronghold! THAT'S WHY WE DON'T FIGHT FOR HIM...HE FIGHTS FOR US! First, who was that Master of Ishamael's mother and who commited the 'adultery/sin' with her. Your uncultured training shows you can call even the men of God names! A'uzubillah! Secondly, I thought you said JESUS DIED so that you will be SAVED. Now that he is not dead, is the issue of saving then DEAD? Modern christianity is a sham. It is a concoction of men ad rulers over the years to suit their caprices. Jesus died on the cross saying Eloi (Allah) Eloi, Lamak sabaktani, yet somebody created a gospel and said Jesus died for you. Tne distortions by the narrators in Bible is what makes it different from the christianity of Isah that the Muslims respect. of this moon god, Allah, is known as the crescent symbol of Islam. Conversely, the Christian God revealed Himself to Moses as "Yahweh" (Exodus 3:14-16). In the Torah and in the Koran, Allah and Yahweh speak in the third person plural, yet the both Judaism and Islam dogmatically proclaim their god to be singular. Muhammad, who was orphaned in early childhood, grew up with various family members, and was also illiterate. Having worked in caravans up until age twenty-five, Muhammad learned bits and pieces of both Christianity and Judaism. After marrying a rich widow, Muhammad had a “vision.” Supposedly, and angel came to him telling him that he should be a “prophet.” Muhammad continued to have these visions, in which he would blurt out “ethereal statements” which later composed the Koran. specified that God does not have a son. Because of this, there is no redemption from sin in Islam. Salvation comes by works which never carry an assurance of being good enough unless one were to die for Allah as a suicide bomber or die killing infidels in battle. "If you should die or be killed in the cause of Allah, His mercy and forgiveness would surely be better than all they riches they amass. If you should die or be killed, before Him you shall all be gathered" (Sura3:157-8). "Those who are slain in the way of Allah - he will never let their deeds be lost. Soon will he guide them and improve their condition, and admit them to the Garden, which he has announced for them" (Sura 47:5). what a teaching!..........
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Muslims go about killing people while Christians preach peace. Reply
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Muslims go about killing people while Christians preach peace. Reply
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Muslims worship one LIVING God while christians worship the DEAD son of that god. Muslims believe in Jesus as an apostle and a sign to mankind but christians say the SON IS THE SAME WITH THE FATHER and so pray only to the son and ignore the father. Simple! ReplyThis guy's way of reasoning is so strange. U can believe anything u want but just be careful. Ignorance is no excuse and when u arent sure about a thing, ur best bet is to shut up.
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The two religions have everything in common except two words that starts with the same letter.Those two words are the tools being used by the confusionists and exploiters for their personal benefits.The words are SERVANT AND SON.No more no less. Reply
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The two religions have everything in common except two words that start with the same letter.Those two words are the tools being used by the confusionists and exploiters for their personal benefits.The words are SERVANT AND SON.No more no less. Reply
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Islam and Christianity has Nothing in Common. ReplyReligions on earth are not what that could be compared with Christianity . In other words Islam and Christianity has nothing in common but, we Christians take every one on earth as one creature from one Creator because, Jesus died for every man on earth. We love every man with passion just as Christ loves every man with passion. If a man truly believe in his heart and to his knowledge that God is his creator he should also believe that he has one thing to do as God's creature which is living his/her life for God alone by obeying His words and His Son whom he sent as a sacrifice of sin of mankind. It is quite interesting that even atheists do believe after series of research, historical evidence, archeological discovery, etc, that Jesus Christ came from God and died willingly. Now if you dont believe in Jesus, you should at list find out why He died willingly. He was bruised and condemned by humans, hung on the cross, died and was buried, but, he arose in three days after he was buried, and right now seating at the right hand side of the most High God. This can be described as “impossible” in the Christian Faith if the word does exist at all in Christendom. Truly, he did all that just to save you and I from the bondage of sin and Satan. If one is thinking about impossibilities in the world of Christianity, he/she should first of all think about the unimaginable miracles he did when he was on earth in the physical body, and what he said to everyone in the Faith; if you believe in the works I do, you will do also but, greater works than these shall ye do. (John 14:16.). Could there be anything more difficult than that if truly there are impossibilities in the kingdom of heaven as most people think? No is the appropriate answer. In other words, there are no impossibilities in the world of Christianity today. It is just an illusion in the heart of those with low level of faith in the kingdom of heaven However, one may be wondering about what the kingdom of heaven is all about. Truly, the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God are two different things altogether. The kingdom of heaven is what the lord Jesus came to establish in the earth, which He has successfully established in the earth and of which everyone who has received the only son of God as his/her lord and savior is part of. There is no kingdom on earth that could be compared to this. If one is in this kingdom of heaven on earth, he/she will count the things of the world nothing but dirty rags. On the other hand, the kingdom of God is the one which exists in heaven of which Jehovah God is the boss. The kingdom of heaven is like a subsidiary of the kingdom of God. Interestingly, in the kingdom of heaven, the Son of God has made everything available for those in it. Greatness, good life, beauty, wisdom, knowledge, abilities, great wealth, highest level of education, great love, good better-half etc, are all available for everyone in the kingdom of heaven. Truly, if a man is confirmed as part of the kingdom of heaven on earth, by Jesus Christ, everything in the kingdom of heaven automatically becomes part and passel of that man or woman. This kingdom is what we all need to belong because, everything one gets from this kingdom is genuine, approved by God, consequence free and good for life. But anything one gets outside this kingdom is disastrous to a man’s life and future. Technically, Jesus the Son of God laid down his life for everyman on earth with the aim of releasing everyman from the chain of Satan but, due to ignorant, many are still living their lives in the chain and bondage of witchcraft influences. However, all those in the kingdom of heaven on earth have been given power and authority to be in charge in whatever they do in life. This power is what believers of Jesus Christ are living with. Therefore, neither power nor wisdom on earth can disrupt or confound them in life for greater is He that is in them than he that is in the world. (1 Corinth. 4:6). The Bible says; howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, or of the princes of this world, that come to naught. But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory (1 Corinthians 2:6-7). All we need to do is to have it in mind that our father the Most High God is the soul owner and creator of the entire world including everything in it. The Bible says; we are joint heir with Christ Jesus. And this statement legally qualifies every believer of Jesus Christ to be a major share holder of the world and of heaven for all things has been requited to Him (Jesus Christ) by the Most High God. With all truthfulness, God truly loves the world without any question in his heart. We are more important to God than what we think we are. God in His infinite love and mercy in heaven released the life of His only Son Jesus Christ as a sacrifice to redeem the entire world from sin and cuffs of Satan. What love could be greater than this? Not anyone. If one could willingly offer the life of his only Son in place of your life and tells you to remain with him just to ensure that all is well with you, what would you do to show appreciation? As for me, I will simply be willing to remain a servant to such a person so I can live to see tomorrow. But, in this case, God is telling us that we are not His servants anymore, but sons and daughters and joint heir with Christ Jesus His first Son. Christians in the world today are like eagles with a very large pair of wings flying anywhere they want to be at anytime without restrictions. No matter who you are as long as a man has made up his/her mind to come to the church and be part of those in the kingdom of heaven, he/she is automatically a Christian and a child of God despite the low level of his/her faith, the worldly character in him and his inability to comprehend the things of the kingdom than the things of the world. With all due respect, that does not make him/her a bad Christian like most people do classify them because; man was good in the sight of God after His creation of man. We should all try hard as believers of Jesus Christ to do away with this horrible impression on the little faiths in the kingdom. This is really an avenue for condemnation to the little faiths. They are already in the kingdom where little faiths are manipulated and transformed to mightier ones. It is impossible for a man to be in Christ and still keeps and pays attention to the world’s traditions around him. The Christian Faith is what that can never be interfused with any other religions or traditional belief just as it is extremely impossible to preserve any living organism with fire. Christianity is not of the world; rather, it is a different world from the one the devil operates. The devil has no business in the world of Christianity just as he has no business in heaven. And that is the reason why Christianity can never be termed as a religion among the ones on earth today because the Bible says that every believer of Jesus Christ is a god and a child of the Most High God. (Psalms 82:6). In a nut share, Christianity is a world that is fully occupied by gods ordained by the Most High God to rule over every other god in the universe. We are not of this world because, we have been separated from the world (John 17:6, John 17:14) by the blood of Jesus Christ which He carried with two hands to the throne of the Most High God for presentation to God almighty as a price for the sin of the entire world, after He left the cross and the grave. We are now His ambassadors in charge of His embassies on earth where we preach the Gospel to them that are in the world as visa to the world of Christianity where all things are possible through Christ, and where access is granted to be with Jesus for all eternity when the end of days finally comes (John 17:24). The first born of the Almighty God is Jesus the Christ whom the Most High God also ordained to the rank of a God (Hebrews 1: ![]() A believer of the Gospel is an untouchable creature that can never be destroyed by any evil or peril in the world he/she does belong to. Believers of Jesus Christ are the preservers of this world because they neutralize and subdue the power of Satan and its demonic angels through the power that has been given to them by Jesus Christ the Father of all principalities and powers. Truly, the Lord Jesus came to this world to destroy the works of the old man the devil by offering Himself as a sacrifice for sin and of power to empower men individually in a way that could make man terrify Satan himself for the Bible says; I have given you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over the power of the enemies, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. (Luke 10:19). This is an assurance of the presence of the power of God in us as believers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A believer of Christ should also try hard to do away with usage of the sentence “No body is perfect” for it is a powerful sophisticated weapon Satan is using to give license to sin, and can also be held responsible for the rapid growth of immorality in most Churches today. The Bible says; be ye therefore, perfect even as you’re Father which is in heaven is perfect. (Mathew 5:48). Remember we were made in the image of the Most High God (Genesis 1: 27). In other words, God gave us the ability to be perfect in every thing we do on earth owing to the fact that God will never waste His precious time to create a thing that can never be perfect to His likeness. For His is the “Omniscient and Omnipotent God. In other words, He is the all-knowing and all-powerful God. He can never be subjected to any authority or power, wisdom or knowledge. Notwithstanding, this same God has also made a decree that His Spirit shall be in every one who believes in Him through His Son Jesus Christ. (John 14:26). Now, if the Spirit of the Most High God lives in a man and controls him, could there be any symptom of imperfections in such a man? Therefore, a believer must have the understanding and knowledge of the words and commandments of God and His personality in that believer. Obeying the commandments of the Lord Jesus brings about perfections in one’s life (John 14:15-17). It makes every other powers and commandments that could make or bring you imperfections remain submissive and subjected to you because, you function with an order from the highest authority. Conclusively, the major reason why the Lord Jesus could live His entire life on earth without sin despite the great and overwhelming level of prosecutions and temptations He encountered was because, He lived by the commandments of the Most High God (John 14:31) and He never compromised His faith with any other physical or spiritual traditions and prejudice. He always stood on His ground at any given time to display the wisdom and power of the Most High God in Him. In all His life, He was never corrected or proven wrong by any means of human’s interpretation because, He possessed the power and wisdom of the Most High God until He was made God and Father of all principalities and powers in heaven, earth and beneath the earth. He has also imparted in us His believers same ability to function in the earth without imperfections, only if the believer could know his stand and live by the commandment of the Lord Jesus without compromise, for He said that the believers shall judge the world (1 Corinthians 6:2) and that is enough reason to be entirely separated from the world and its tradition as a believer of the Gospel. Knowing your stand and personality as believer, born again and a child of the Most High God just like Jesus, simply means standing above the world and its forces of darkness and evil. God is all-powerful, all-knowing, all-present and can never be defeated by any means likewise His faithful ones. For He has given them power to become children of the Most High God (John 1:12). Therefore, every believer is a child of God and a god on earth. For this fact, every believer of Christ should make it a point of duty to do away with things that are contrary to the will and commandment of the Lord Jesus Christ and build his/her faith in the power of God and not the wisdom of men (1 Corinthians 2:5). Therefore, knowing your stand and tasks as a child of God is what Christianity is all about. This write up is based on the Gospel of our Lord Jesus and all references are from the Holy Bible, and it stands on the five cardinal doctrines: Sola Scriptura (Bible Alone): is the Holy Spirit-inspired word of God, and is the only source of all revelation, doctrine, and authority. Human experience or traditions have no authority in the above matters. Sola Gratia (Grace Alone): is the basis of salvation. Grace is unmerited favour from God. No man however saintly can obtain salvation through his own meritorious works. Sola Fide (Faith Alone): is the only means through which one can attain the free gift of justification. Faith is a non-meritorious activity. Meritorious human works play no part in receiving the gift of justification. Solus Christus (Christ Alone): is the only Savior and the only Mediator between God and man. There is no other Savior or Mediator. Soli Deo Gloria: To God Alone Be Glory.
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Well different between two religion is very light ReplyJesus is the mentor of Christian while Mohammed for the Islamic
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Islam is not just a religion that promises heaven alone, but also prepare you to heaven by obey and practice the DO and DONT of all almighty God, while the xtian believe that ones you believe in the crucification of Jesus Christ is an express road to heaven. Both religions believe in the holiness of Jesus Christ but the position of Jusus Christ to the Muslim is more Pro Jesus Christ than the worshipper of Jusus Christ " The Christians" who are more Anti Christ than the idol worshipper. Confirm this: read the Bible and Quran very well. Reply
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Quote from: ODETUNDE on 31-01-2011 01:02 PM Islam is not just a religion that promises heaven alone, but also prepare you to heaven by obey and practice the DO and DONT of all almighty God, while the xtian believe that ones you believe in the crucification of Jesus Christ is an express road to heaven. Both religions believe in the holiness of Jesus Christ but the position of Jusus Christ to the Muslim is more Pro Jesus Christ than the worshipper of Jusus Christ " The Christians" who are more Anti Christ than the idol worshipper. Confirm this: read the Bible and Quran very well. I quote you..."but the position of Jesus Christ to the Muslim is more Pro Jesus Christ than the worshipper of Jusus Christ " The Christians" ...could you provide NP with detailed evidence to support your claim...?
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I refer you to Bible and Quran !. ReplyWho deserve your worship and Praises : Creator (God) or Creature (Jesus and Pastor) ?
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Quote from: ODETUNDE on 31-01-2011 01:38 PM I refer you to Bible and Quran !. God, The creator... Who deserve your worship and Praises : Creator (God) or Creature (Jesus and Pastor) ?
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christian view Reply1 One God in Three persons: The Trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit 2 The Holy Spirit dwells inside every believer. 3 God gave and preserved His words in the Bible. 4 The Bible is complete; there is no additional scripture from God. 5 A just God cannot just wink at some sin. All sin must be punished by an impartial God. Muslim View: 1 One God in One person. No worship, prayer, or praise of Jesus or the Holy Spirit. 2 No concept of the Holy Spirit. 3 Allah gave His words in the Bible, but was incapable/unable to preserve it from corruption. 4 Allah has given and preserved his eternal, uncreated Quran. 5 Forgiveness appears arbitrary (at least to this non-Muslim reader).[/color]
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Quote from: derbi on 29-01-2011 01:59 AM Quote from: interpo77 on 28-01-2011 09:49 PM in xristianity there re pastors nd reverend fathers while in islam they have boko haram ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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Muslim worship ever living God, who never sleep nor eat. Who never father anyone and He cannot be son to any. Marry "Jesus Mother" and her Son "Jusus" were highly placed by God to extend that He(God) would not allow him (Jesus) to be a sacrificial lamp for the sin committed by Adam. ReplyMuslim agreed to the fact that Adam and Eve committed sin, and when they both realised the gravity of the sin, they prayed for forgiveness and God accepted their request. But the Christians will never agreed to that. Let me remind you here that Muslim were born sinless and our God will not allow flow of Blood for atonment of sin Atonment of sin with blood is tantamont to idol worshiping, and that is the bases of Christianity faith.
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Quote from: spaco98 on 29-01-2011 10:17 PM I'M A MUSLIM, since u re a muslim, then advice ur fellow followers, to stop violence in the nation, since we re one nation,to stop killing the igbos,xtians There is no different between both Religions, It's Foreign religions which was used by Colonial masters to Hijacked our traditional religions, Both religions are part of World Problems of today, Both religion was the founder of Corruption in Africa, Christianity was used by western world to corrupt and stolen africa treasury while Islam was used by Usman dan fodio to instituted Dictating and Family rotating into Africa and Nigeria Ruling Mentality. I support OGUN,SANGO,and so on. Both religions were responsible for World Crisis and Africa Backwardness.Thanks!!!!!!
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