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Quote from: ajanni on 29-01-2011 06:45 AM christianity is founded and basablished on ONENESS of GOD the mightyed on three in one like a stereo , while ISLAM is firm est ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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Quote from: Stoison on 30-01-2011 01:31 PM Tell mamood and also you muslems that put this article that Christianity has no similarities with muslem. We worship GOD of heaven through CHRIST JESUS who died and has risen again, who told us to pray for our enemies, feed them when they are hungry, and that venegace is HIS, your god thought you to kill innocent adults, hamless children, blow your selfs up with bombs, and you will receive seventeen virgins. SEVENTEEN again not SEVEN? Some of your infidel brethren on this forum said Muslims that kill will get SEVEN virgins. These are all teachings of your Commercial Pastors. The distortion of number is the trademark of modern Bible. Wish you luck in HELL.
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Quote from: chinazous on 29-01-2011 07:15 PM Quote from: mamood on 29-01-2011 06:48 PM Quote from: chinazous on 29-01-2011 04:49 AM Quote from: mamood on 29-01-2011 01:33 AM Muslims worship one LIVING God while christians worship the DEAD son of that god. Muslims believe in Jesus as an apostle and a sign to mankind but christians say the SON IS THE SAME WITH THE FATHER and so pray only to the son and ignore the father. Simple! .......Christians came from Isaac, the legitimate son of ABRAHAM......Ishmael is a bastard! his mother was soo shameless to sleep with her master..........she must have loved sex a lot! no wonder the molesting of children!that is why God told Abraham that the bastard will continue to fight the true son. Gods word must come to fulfillment. see what is happening in the whole world now?............xtians know why. mohamed's corpse is still where it was laid. travel and see things for yourself!. but JESUS IS RISEN!. THE CORPSE COULD NOT BE FOUND! death could not hold HIM stronghold! THAT'S WHY WE DON'T FIGHT FOR HIM...HE FIGHTS FOR US! First, who was that Master of Ishamael's mother and who commited the 'adultery/sin' with her. Your uncultured training shows you can call even the men of God names! A'uzubillah! Secondly, I thought you said JESUS DIED so that you will be SAVED. Now that he is not dead, is the issue of saving then DEAD? Modern christianity is a sham. It is a concoction of men ad rulers over the years to suit their caprices. Jesus died on the cross saying Eloi (Allah) Eloi, Lamak sabaktani, yet somebody created a gospel and said Jesus died for you. Tne distortions by the narrators in Bible is what makes it different from the christianity of Isah that the Muslims respect. of this moon god, Allah, is known as the crescent symbol of Islam. Conversely, the Christian God revealed Himself to Moses as "Yahweh" (Exodus 3:14-16). In the Torah and in the Koran, Allah and Yahweh speak in the third person plural, yet the both Judaism and Islam dogmatically proclaim their god to be singular. Muhammad, who was orphaned in early childhood, grew up with various family members, and was also illiterate. Having worked in caravans up until age twenty-five, Muhammad learned bits and pieces of both Christianity and Judaism. After marrying a rich widow, Muhammad had a “vision.” Supposedly, and angel came to him telling him that he should be a “prophet.” Muhammad continued to have these visions, in which he would blurt out “ethereal statements” which later composed the Koran.
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Quote from: mankind09 on 30-01-2011 12:10 PM that is why God told Abraham that the bastard will continue to fight the true son. Gods word must come to fulfillment. see what is happening in the whole world now?............xtians know why. mohamed's corpse is still where it was laid. travel and see things for yourself!. but JESUS IS RISEN!. THE CORPSE COULD NOT BE FOUND! death could not hold HIM stronghold! THAT'S WHY WE DON'T FIGHT FOR HIM...HE FIGHTS FOR US! [/quote] b]please i don't care to know your name or who u are, but i will give u an advice,pls and pls abeg u stop advertising your ignorant abeg,because u don't know what u are saying,u said ismael is bastard,then who the hell you are?and u also said his mother is a shameless woman then who is your mom?ok we understood your is a prostitute and you are vagabond.10x no vex ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() [/quote] Ishmael is what we would called a BASTARD in our world. A child from a married man who was not conceived by the wife. Now what we should remember that the PROMISE that our Heavenly Father made with Abraham was with his Wife as well. But when Sarah saw that the time was not happening where the pregnancy is concern she send Abraham in to Hagar. But the Lord still take care of Ishmael even though he was a bastard. Looking at the heritage of Abraham you also see that Esau was taken care as well even though Jacob was the chosen one. Looking at Lot as well even though he was a relative to Abraham the Lord took care of him as well. This is how our Heavenly Father works those who are around the ones He chose to do his work will be bless. When our Heavenly Father told Abraham that the bastard will continue to fight the true son He was not referring to Ishmael and Isaac. But He was talking about Jesus Christ and Satan. Satan is the bastard (darkness) who continue to fight Jesus Christ (light). Satan is the Bond Son (Sin) while Jesus Christ is the free son (Truth and Righteousness, Light). This is why Jesus Christ told us "who the Son set free is free in deed". He is the Freedom while Satan is the Bondage. This is the reason we are no longer under the Moses Law because it is assigned to Bondage (Sinful Nature FLESH) but instead we are under Faith Jesus Christ who is assigned to give us Freedom. Hugs and blessings Godly WISDOM is to Fear God. His UNDERSTANDING is to resist the devil.
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Why do you have to bring up a topic like this when you know the sensitive associated with religion in Nigeria. Please Naiapals help to moderate any posting done on this your wonderful page. Keep up the good work. It is an interactive page that can discuss any other topic but not religion due to the sensitive nature of what it can cause. I appluse you to remove this contents. Thanks. Reply
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You can now agree with me based on responses so far posted, that it is not encouraging. The message of hate that is been circulated on the net is not solving any problem, but rather it is causing more division and un-necessary tension. We should try to bring solution to the problems not fuel it. We should say no to those causing the problem. The deeds have been done but now is time for solution. It is you and I that can stop it. Reply
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Jesus died and He rose again while Mohammad died and never wake up and he's forever died. Mohammad told his followers that he never knew where he was going to neither his followers do and if this is true, my question is, why do muslims follow a blind leader. Jesus emphatically told His followers that he has gone to prepae a place for his followers and He is coming to take them to where He is(John14:1-2).Secondly,the only similarity is that both Christians and Muslims claimed to serve the only one and true God and if that ascertion is true, my question again is that Why are both the muslims and hristians not united, Why wasting the blood of your fellower brother in the of religion.Muslims should have rething and a change of mind and attitude and have respect for there fellow human being,remember thou shall not Kill. I pray that God will give us the understanding to be able to accept ourselves as one from the same Father. Reply
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It takes two to tangle. Can you just be provoke with initiating the action? Mr. Reply
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It takes two to tangle. Can you be attacked without initiating the action Mr Osemakaanthony? This is directed to you and you saying that they claim to worship God also contradict your knowledege of Christinity as stated. Reply
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Diff b/w islam & xtianity is your mindset. towards the religion ReplyChristianity Islam 1, Jesus son of GOD GOD no get children 2, Isaac son of promise Ishmael the promise son 3, prayer without season praying 5 times daily 4,fasting not to be publicize Ramadan to proclaimed 5, marring only one wife marring as many as four wife 6, christian by grace become sons & daughter of GOD all are servant to Allah 7, without Jesus you cant make heaven with righteousness prayer,supplicating,fasting you will make heaven 8Jesus crusification & resurrection Jesus never died on the cross 1, all believe in GOD , DAY OF JUDGMENT, from ISRAEL ARAB connection ,fasting & prayer,
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The islamic religion is not bad but the structure allows the so called Imam to brain wash followers. They teach them Jihad and Fanatism. Its not so with the christian. Reply
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islam , the only right way Reply
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The similarity is that practicals of both religion will account for their deed on judgement day,heaven & hell are real! Reply
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both religions believe Christ will return, both religions believe an anti-Christ will exist (known as dajjal in Islam)..pls my fellow house mates both xtains and Muslims, I will advise you find out things for ur selves and not what the media tells u..Assalamu-alykum Reply
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Quote from: interpo77 on 28-01-2011 09:49 PM in xristianity there re pastors nd reverend fathers while in islam they have boko haram Likewise in Islam there is Imams but in christianity there is NIger Delta militants
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Quote from: mamood on 29-01-2011 01:33 AM Muslims worship one LIVING God while christians worship the DEAD son of that god. Muslims believe in Jesus as an apostle and a sign to mankind but christians say the SON IS THE SAME WITH THE FATHER and so pray only to the son and ignore the father. Simple! Islam worship the god of sun and bow down in their prayers and foolishness to the god of sun who happens to be one of the fallen angels (demons) that fell with satan from the beginning. Why can't u pray in the name of ur so called mohamed to receive healing, deliverance. miracles and blessing? Mohamed cannot deliver no one as he rots in hell. For ur information, the dead cannot deliver the dead, Jesus is not dead but ressurected and alive and that is why He can quicked, set free, deliver people from oppresion of darkness and of every evil powers. Demon possessed cannot deliver in His name. No one can come to God the Father except through Jesus the son. When we talk abt the son, this has nothing to do wt physical son in the flesh but spiritual son of the Father. God is a Spirit and Jesus is a Spiritual Son of the Father and not the physical son of and from the flesh. By no other name or medium can anyone receive salvation, except in the name of Jesus. God the Father Himself exalted Jesus and gave Him the name that is above every other name, that in the same name of Jesus Christ, every kneels must bow and every tongues confess that Jesus is the Lord to the glory of the Father. To the glory of the Father, it is to glorify the Father and the Father has no problem wt that, so what problem are u having wt this profound truth. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, Hosea 4;6, My people are gone into captivity cos they lack knowledge of the truth Isaiah 5:13, You shall know the truth and the truth shall set u free John 8:32, The righteous shall be deliver through knowledge (of the truth) Christianiy is a personal relationship wt God, ur Father, my Father and our Creator. He is not a God that is far away like u think. He is passionate abt u and abt having a relationship wt u through Jesus Christ and by the help of Holy spirit. Give ur life to Jesus today and see the difference as He will comes into ur life to emerge a great change. If u don't know Him on earth and have a relationship wt Him here, u can't have access to Him after death on earth. Think abt this, can u hv a son and ask him to kill ur other son cos ur other son is not in line wt ur principles? That tells u how muslims are being influenced by the demonic spirit of the god of sun to kill christians cos we are not the same nor serving the same God.
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Quote from: salghazy on 28-01-2011 11:36 PM I guess One of the major differences is that Muslims believe in one God while Christians believe in three Gods. Quote from: mamood on 29-01-2011 01:33 AM Muslims worship one LIVING God while christians worship the DEAD son of that god. Muslims believe in Jesus as an apostle and a sign to mankind but christians say the SON IS THE SAME WITH THE FATHER and so pray only to the son and ignore the father. Simple! Islam worship the god of sun and bow down in their prayers and foolishness to the god of sun who happens to be one of the fallen angels (demons) that fell with satan from the beginning. Why can't u pray in the name of ur so called mohamed to receive healing, deliverance. miracles and blessing? Mohamed cannot deliver no one as he rots in hell. For ur information, the dead cannot deliver the dead, Jesus is not dead but ressurected and alive and that is why He can quicked, set free, deliver people from oppresion of darkness and of every evil powers. Demon possessed cannot deliver in His name. No one can come to God the Father except through Jesus the son. When we talk abt the son, this has nothing to do wt physical son in the flesh but spiritual son of the Father. God is a Spirit and Jesus is a Spiritual Son of the Father and not the physical son of and from the flesh. By no other name or medium can anyone receive salvation, except in the name of Jesus. God the Father Himself exalted Jesus and gave Him the name that is above every other name, that in the same name of Jesus Christ, every kneels must bow and every tongues confess that Jesus is the Lord to the glory of the Father. To the glory of the Father, it is to glorify the Father and the Father has no problem wt that, so what problem are u having wt this profound truth. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, Hosea 4;6, My people are gone into captivity cos they lack knowledge of the truth Isaiah 5:13, You shall know the truth and the truth shall set u free John 8:32, The righteous shall be deliver through knowledge (of the truth) Christianiy is a personal relationship wt God, ur Father, my Father and our Creator. He is not a God that is far away like u think. He is passionate abt u and abt having a relationship wt u through Jesus Christ and by the help of Holy spirit. Give ur life to Jesus today and see the difference as He will comes into ur life to emerge a great change. If u don't know Him on earth and have a relationship wt Him here, u can't have access to Him after death on earth. Think abt this, can u hv a son and ask him to kill ur other son cos ur other son is not in line wt ur principles? That tells u how muslims are being influenced by the demonic spirit of the god of sun to kill christians cos we are not the same nor serving the same God.
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Quote from: simele on 29-01-2011 09:17 AM Quote from: twinster on 29-01-2011 02:59 AM There is no differences btw christian and muslim ....is just that our thinking is the differences..... true talk and exactly Quote from: mamood on 29-01-2011 01:33 AM Muslims worship one LIVING God while christians worship the DEAD son of that god. Muslims believe in Jesus as an apostle and a sign to mankind but christians say the SON IS THE SAME WITH THE FATHER and so pray only to the son and ignore the father. Simple! Islam worship the god of sun and bow down in their prayers and foolishness to the god of sun who happens to be one of the fallen angels (demons) that fell with satan from the beginning. Why can't u pray in the name of ur so called mohamed to receive healing, deliverance. miracles and blessing? Mohamed cannot deliver no one as he rots in hell. For ur information, the dead cannot deliver the dead, Jesus is not dead but ressurected and alive and that is why He can quicked, set free, deliver people from oppresion of darkness and of every evil powers. Demon possessed cannot deliver in His name. No one can come to God the Father except through Jesus the son. When we talk abt the son, this has nothing to do wt physical son in the flesh but spiritual son of the Father. God is a Spirit and Jesus is a Spiritual Son of the Father and not the physical son of and from the flesh. By no other name or medium can anyone receive salvation, except in the name of Jesus. God the Father Himself exalted Jesus and gave Him the name that is above every other name, that in the same name of Jesus Christ, every kneels must bow and every tongues confess that Jesus is the Lord to the glory of the Father. To the glory of the Father, it is to glorify the Father and the Father has no problem wt that, so what problem are u having wt this profound truth. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, Hosea 4;6, My people are gone into captivity cos they lack knowledge of the truth Isaiah 5:13, You shall know the truth and the truth shall set u free John 8:32, The righteous shall be deliver through knowledge (of the truth) Christianiy is a personal relationship wt God, ur Father, my Father and our Creator. He is not a God that is far away like u think. He is passionate abt u and abt having a relationship wt u through Jesus Christ and by the help of Holy spirit. Give ur life to Jesus today and see the difference as He will comes into ur life to emerge a great change. If u don't know Him on earth and have a relationship wt Him here, u can't have access to Him after death on earth. Think abt this, can u hv a son and ask him to kill ur other son cos ur other son is not in line wt ur principles? That tells u how muslims are being influenced by the demonic spirit of the god of sun to kill christians cos we are not the same nor serving the same God.
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