Italian Bishops Conference Eases Restrictions, Approve Celibate Gay Men For Priesthood

Date: 12-01-2025 1:20 pm (3 weeks ago) | Author: Mister Jay Wonder
- at 12-01-2025 01:20 PM (3 weeks ago)

In a significant development within the Catholic Church, the Italian Bishops Conference (CIE) has introduced new guidelines that allow gay men to enroll in Roman Catholic seminaries, as long as they commit to a life of celibacy. This marks a notable shift in policy, reflecting a more inclusive stance within the Church.

The new guidelines represent a departure from a 2016 Vatican directive, which discouraged men with “deep-seated homosegxwal tendencies” from pursuing the priesthood. Under the new approach, the Church asserts that a candidate’s segxwal orientation should be considered as one aspect of their overall personality and not automatically disqualify them from entering seminary training.

While the Vatican has never outright banned gay men from becoming priests, this change signals a more accepting approach to LGBTQ+ individuals within the clergy. The guidelines emphasize that homosegxwal tendencies should be considered within the broader context of an individual's personality during the formation process, rather than being a sole focus for discernment.

The Italian Bishops Conference has taken a progressive step in redefining the criteria for seminary admission, but it remains unclear whether these new guidelines will be adopted by Catholic institutions in other countries.

Posted: at 12-01-2025 01:20 PM (3 weeks ago) | Addicted Hero
- gogoman at 12-01-2025 02:39 PM (3 weeks ago)
Online (m)
 Cool Cool Cool it shows it all man made religion  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
Posted: at 12-01-2025 02:39 PM (3 weeks ago) | Grande Master
- Dopybadass at 12-01-2025 04:06 PM (3 weeks ago)
Online (m)
Ok na, afterall Jesus said not all who are calling my name will be saved Roll Eyes  Roll Eyes
Posted: at 12-01-2025 04:06 PM (3 weeks ago) | Hero
- fineboy77 at 12-01-2025 07:22 PM (3 weeks ago)
Online (m)
Know your God, have a personal relationship with God. Read your Bible, pray everyday.

Posted: at 12-01-2025 07:22 PM (3 weeks ago) | Addicted Hero
- Northrop at 13-01-2025 11:42 AM (3 weeks ago)
 Grin Grin Grin lingual gymnastics will not kill us! which one is celibate gay men? how they concluded their cases on the Celibate pedophile priests?
Posted: at 13-01-2025 11:42 AM (3 weeks ago) | Upcoming
- Holopid at 14-01-2025 05:24 AM (3 weeks ago)
 Angry Angry Angry
Posted: at 14-01-2025 05:24 AM (3 weeks ago) | Gistmaniac

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