Nigerian Lady, Patricia Masithela Mauled to Death by Dogs in Her Friend's Garden in Italy

Date: 15-01-2025 7:26 pm (3 weeks ago) | Author: kacy lee
- at 15-01-2025 07:26 PM (3 weeks ago)

Patricia Masithela, a 27-year-old Nigerian-Italian woman, lost her life after being attacked by a pack of four or five dogs in the garden of a friend's house on the outskirts of Latina, south of Rome, on January 13, 2025.

The report from AnsaEnglish indicates that the same dogs had attacked another woman and the homeowner just the previous week.

Some neighbours who heard the desperate screams of Patricia alerted the police.

Police officers from the Latina police station intervened on the scene of the attack at around 3 am and attempted to scare the dogs away by firing a gunshot.

One of the dogs was k!lled while a second was injured. The others ran away.

The woman was transported by ambulance to the local Santa Maria Goretti hospital but d!ed a few hours later due to the serious injuries she had sustained.

The woman's friend was not at home when the attack happened.

Investigations are underway to clarify exactly what happened and establish responsibilities.

Posted: at 15-01-2025 07:26 PM (3 weeks ago) | Addicted Hero
- Baye77 at 15-01-2025 09:29 PM (3 weeks ago)
One of too many...why are people still allowed to keep beasts at home??
Posted: at 15-01-2025 09:29 PM (3 weeks ago) | Hero
- gogoman at 15-01-2025 11:04 PM (3 weeks ago)
Online (m)
i wish kidnappers could die like that... poor lady  Cry Cry Cry
Posted: at 15-01-2025 11:04 PM (3 weeks ago) | Grande Master
- Holopid at 16-01-2025 06:46 AM (3 weeks ago)
Online (f)
This is brutal.. Angry Angry
Posted: at 16-01-2025 06:46 AM (3 weeks ago) | Gistmaniac
- fineboy77 at 16-01-2025 07:35 AM (3 weeks ago)
 Huh? Huh? Huh?

Posted: at 16-01-2025 07:35 AM (3 weeks ago) | Addicted Hero

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