Amber Rose To Host Modelling Show In Nigeria (After Nood Photos) (Page 5)

Date: 02-07-2011 12:35 pm (13 years ago) | Author: Daniel Bosai
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- luckyworld at 3-07-2011 04:18 PM (13 years ago)
this is what i have to say is like this sit get wrong news why ?
Posted: at 3-07-2011 04:18 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- pablito at 3-07-2011 06:13 PM (13 years ago)
wow am happy for Amber,she's kanye west ex girlfriend
Posted: at 3-07-2011 06:13 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- belindajustins at 3-07-2011 06:27 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: DMG17 on  2-07-2011 01:23 PM
"Stupid Foolish Shameless uncultured Satanic Irresponsible illiterate devilish Waste-Bin Good For Nothing Smelling Useless Girl"
all these insults for just one person.
Posted: at 3-07-2011 06:27 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- pablito at 3-07-2011 06:31 PM (13 years ago)
Posted: at 3-07-2011 06:31 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- sdq4rill at 3-07-2011 06:57 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: open_reality on  2-07-2011 02:14 PM
The world have gone mad. Some people no longer know the difference between right and wrong. Gone are the good old days when nudity was unacceptable in Nigeria.

well you are right, but don't you da parents should teach and guide their children on what is right and wrong
Posted: at 3-07-2011 06:57 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- GOLDENMEDAH at 3-07-2011 08:06 PM (13 years ago)
Posted: at 3-07-2011 08:06 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- barron247 at 3-07-2011 08:47 PM (13 years ago)
what is wrong with her naked body if u dont like it close ur eye and stop talking, who is God here
Posted: at 3-07-2011 08:47 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- barron247 at 3-07-2011 08:52 PM (13 years ago)
what is wrong with her naked body if u dont like it close ur eye and stop talking, who is God here
Posted: at 3-07-2011 08:52 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- Innoutt at 3-07-2011 11:35 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: noelscobabe on  3-07-2011 01:57 PM
Quote from: kpairorosky on  3-07-2011 08:14 AM
Quote from: Innoutt on  2-07-2011 05:14 PM
Quote from: noelscobabe on  2-07-2011 04:57 PM
Do u guys even understand how this industries operate is all about publicity ... nt rlly bout her nudity i am nt in support of her flaunty her body around but at the end of the day if she comes from the states to nigeria to host a runway show do u guys no how much viewers they goin 2 get.. the bottom line is VIEWERS for thee show if she comes n host this show they gonna nigerias fashion busness is gonna get publicity all of over making ppl wanna watch cuz she is a big star .. so ya need to think outside the box n c realty this is not bout morallity is about making that $$$$$$ n making their show known worldwide... #think about it Cheesy

You are too much. It seems you also operate in d money industry. Let them go ahead condemnin her. She is damn beautiful. Because she did it doesnt mean she's a porn star! Also, lots of people will b out there wantin and wishin to see dis lady wen she arrives nigeria, and dis will give an avenue for d industry to make more money...Lol

You are quite right with better education though am not a boko haram. She will not need any publicity any more cos HER ASS has made her greater than MICHEAL JACKSON. That's why she disposed the never-disposed part of her for the first time in life cos there are so many evil spirit in Africa that must be appeased by her RED END b4 she will die like Mcheal Jackson when he was about to have a trip to London.  Now you can start addressing the devil.........messenger....try harder....advantage of illiteracy is only for some westerners.  SUPER FALCONS COACH WAS RIGHTLY ABUSED:amber was misrepresented though her honeypot missed out.  Huh? Huh? Huh? Shocked Shocked Shocked Cool Cool Cool Grin Grin Grin Angry Angry Angry Angry Wink Wink Wink Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Lips Sealed Lips Sealed Lips Sealed Lips Sealed Undecided Undecided Undecided :'( :'( :'( Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss
lol hahaha m not really in the money business like lol i just understand the system and i am a realist so like to look at what a situation is before i go ahead condemning ppl u know wat i mean... and i am also planing on going to school to be a fashion marketer  and i did sme local modeling and stuff  but NOT Nood modeling lol so i kinda understand the industry.....
and ur definitely rite that is the main reason y they got her in the first place if she does this show nigeria is going to be on the map and their business is going to be getting publicity around the world so ppl need to stop been so shallow and look at the true story anf bigger picture instead of just opening their mouth n saying the ishhh  they saying... I am nt nigerian bt ppl who are kidding themselves needs to know that overseas and abroad nigeria is known for fraud and all kinda bad stuff so this might  be a good thing for nigeria fashion industry... although they could have picked someone a lil better to best person to portray Nigeria n the show  bt at least she's someone that we not...# true story. Grin

         You are right. I just realized that imbecility is considered as modernism mostly by slaves by then, hence anything can go as vogue. The worst is, why is Nigeria not in tune with this sort of 'good thing'?  In the first place, emulate her and leak yours...nothing- just honeypot AND MODEL---NOT PORN............just joking though.........
         Kindly advice could be to liberate oneself from all forms of slavery;financial, mental, imbecility influence of mind, inferiority, remaining stupidity in the head(for a graduate), western-fraud-approval-instinct, yes-on-mess, and such like. All this is necessary b4 one can take any advantage of 4/5years academic effort, and reap the fruit of labor for good
         Thinking of fame and how to help Nigeria, to liberate them from fraud is good, but people like you cannot square the task. It can  tense one up, and flabbergast fraud mind,only to end up in responding endless-yes to any mess at sight b4 knowing what it is. As dangerous as it is, it can increase the complex problem of 'all is good' already exhibited by your comment.
          Good luck.
Posted: at 3-07-2011 11:35 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- Innoutt at 3-07-2011 11:47 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: noelscobabe on  2-07-2011 11:49 PM
Quote from: Innoutt on  2-07-2011 05:14 PM
Quote from: noelscobabe on  2-07-2011 04:57 PM
Do u guys even understand how this industries operate is all about publicity ... nt rlly bout her nudity i am nt in support of her flaunty her body around but at the end of the day if she comes from the states to nigeria to host a runway show do u guys no how much viewers they goin 2 get.. the bottom line is VIEWERS  if she comes n host this show they gonna nigerias fashion busness is gonna get publicity all of over making ppl wanna watch cuz she is a big star .. so ya need to think outside the box n c realty this is not bout morallity is about making that $$$$$$ n making their show known worldwide... #think about it Cheesy

You are quite right with better education though am not a boko haram. She will not need any publicity any more cos HER ASS has made her greater than MICHEAL JACKSON. That's why she disposed the never-disposed part of her for the first time in life cos there are so many evil spirit in Africa that must be appeased by her RED END b4 she will die like Mcheal Jackson when he was about to have a trip to London.  Now you can start addressing the devil.........messenger....try harder....advantage of illiteracy is only for some westerners.  SUPER FALCONS COACH WAS RIGHTLY ABUSED:amber was misrepresented though her honeypot missed out.  Huh? Huh? Huh? Shocked Shocked Shocked Cool Cool Cool Grin Grin Grin Angry Angry Angry Angry Wink Wink Wink Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Roll Eyes Roll Eyes Tongue Tongue Tongue Tongue Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Embarrassed Lips Sealed Lips Sealed Lips Sealed Lips Sealed Undecided Undecided Undecided :'( :'( :'( Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss

lmao  ur rite tho but point of correction.....  y is everyone tripping bout this been her first nudity lol this girl been doing this maybe is the first yall have heard about but best believe this is not her first nudity even she n her ex kanye west took a shoot together n she was naked ... here in the states to be honest most models do Nood shoots depending on ur contract nobody rlly cares ... as a model u get paid more money wen u Nood shots than classy shots once again am not for it but it is reality n it is what it is  Smiley

It's obvious that excess 'yes-card' is a problem to option. Can't you read her apology or are you saying she did like usual??. A OR re you commenting base on rumor or in trance? You better go back to compare your comment with her letter b4 you remember what you wanted to say.
Posted: at 3-07-2011 11:47 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- Innoutt at 3-07-2011 11:55 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: angelheart220 on  2-07-2011 04:19 PM
well i think that many of you commenting would keep her if you were one of the officials for the show...why?...because it is hard to find a good also might be too late to try to find a new one..and everybody in the whole wide world makes mistakes.....if you were in Amber's place you wouldn't want the world to shun you, you would want a second give Amber Ross a second chance and please stop judging others Grin

Amber Rose is not asking you any 2nd chance. It's obvious she is o.k with her st chance. So just allow her cos her honeypot worth it.  Cool Cool Cool
Posted: at 3-07-2011 11:55 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- Innoutt at 4-07-2011 12:01 AM (13 years ago)
Quote from: goingwithyou on  2-07-2011 06:17 PM
Some tym wht u c wrong is nt it when comes to binzness .... I did nt blame her for anything .. U ppl shd continue talkin when she makes moni ...

You would av been more better, had it been she is a porn star and did not do apology.
Posted: at 4-07-2011 12:01 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- Innoutt at 4-07-2011 01:00 AM (13 years ago)
Quote from: noelscobabe on  3-07-2011 02:14 PM
Quote from: DMG17 on  3-07-2011 11:07 AM

OMG  no offense to what am bout to say but ur so unreal that it is sad geesh how can you even say that like seriously yes her flaunty her body around is not a Godly thing and
ur right bout that but the fact that ur so closed and boxed minded is very sad and what the hell does a "university degree" has to do with anything lol like are u serious and in what world do u leave in thinking that nigeria is a shameless country in abroad nigeria is mostly known for fraud and terrorism and all kinda bad stuff ... yes you guys have a very beautiful culture but damm nigeria has bigger problems to worry about besides booking a host who publicizes Nood pictures of herself  like dude seriously tho.... for an Educated fellow am sorry to say this but you make a very disgraceful argument in this case
and i apologize if i offend any body were your beautiful country is concerned but am just laying out the facts. <3 Cheesy

           Funny challenge cos of useless comment.  Don't even know those who really deserve such challenge cos internet is free. You just bring to mind some neo-colonization believe that always cause problem when early scholars are deliberating issues.
           A brain-washed person can approve anything even with or without certificate. Inability to put a crystal line b/w facts, is a negative sign of remaining stupidity in the head-a blindness for an elite. It is common in most people with wrong education ANYWHERE. Some claim westerners but they can't distinguish western culture from western corruption. Imbecility can swallow anything and remain flashy. Yet some westerners hate these things despite the fact that it is forced into their law.
           Must we buy all without discrimination b4 we can Civilize?--NO-- Or should we run faster than our ability?-GOD FORBID  Then what is civilization in effect. Huh?  What is education where if one cannot use his brain and I.Q.  Huh?
Brain-washed victim of foreign fraud could be most hopeless about solution for Nigerian fraud and shame, yet, some are not different.Posting honeypot on the net, making apology, while defending the mess, three acts BUT one to some minds--Nothing to some indifferent, brainwashed fraud agents in NP. Simplest equation that illiterate grand fathers can balance without counting fingers......ShAME.   
Posted: at 4-07-2011 01:00 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- kenolis at 4-07-2011 02:02 AM (13 years ago)
i close my eyes because i no wan see any rubbish
Posted: at 4-07-2011 02:02 AM (13 years ago) | Hero
- bigbonecrusher at 4-07-2011 02:25 AM (13 years ago)
Some publicity
Posted: at 4-07-2011 02:25 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- proly at 4-07-2011 03:35 AM (13 years ago)
but she is nt the one dat posted it so u guys shud leave her alone and stop using abusive word rather pray 4 her to change
Posted: at 4-07-2011 03:35 AM (13 years ago) | Hero
- proly at 4-07-2011 05:04 AM (13 years ago)
free her joooo she ve realised her mistakes and ve also apologised noboby is perfect just pray 4 her to amends
Posted: at 4-07-2011 05:04 AM (13 years ago) | Hero
- ezecyyyy at 4-07-2011 08:54 AM (13 years ago)
Non of my biz
Posted: at 4-07-2011 08:54 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- thowbee at 4-07-2011 09:08 AM (13 years ago)
so wat cuz she's got Nood photos leaked.....?? y'all shl be more concerned bout de show than de pics.....jus saying...
Posted: at 4-07-2011 09:08 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Pepesy at 4-07-2011 09:37 AM (13 years ago)
l wz nt hia
Posted: at 4-07-2011 09:37 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
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