DOCUMENTED NATO War Crimes in Libya (Page 2)

Date: 25-08-2011 12:52 am (12 years ago) | Author: benti Adex
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- democrazy at 12-09-2011 03:11 PM (12 years ago)
Walter Fauntroy, Feared Dead in Libya, Returns Home—Guess Who He Saw Doing the Killing


Former U.S. Congressman Walter Fauntroy, who recently returned from a self-sanctioned peace mission to Libya, said he went into hiding for about a month in Libya after witnessing horrifying events in Libya's bloody civil war -- a war that Fauntroy claims is backed by European forces.

Fauntroy's sudden disappearance prompted rumors and news reports that he had been killed.

In an interview inside his Northwest D.C. home last week, the noted civil rights leader, told the Afro that he watched French and Danish troops storm small villages late at night beheading, maiming and killing rebels and loyalists to show them who was in control.

"'What the hell' I'm thinking to myself. I'm getting out of here. So I went in hiding," Fauntroy said.

The rebels told Fauntroy they had been told by the European forces to stay inside. According to Fauntroy, the European forces would tell the rebels, "'Look at what you did.' In other words, the French and Danish were ordering the bombings and killings, and giving credit to the rebels.

"The truth about all this will come out later," Fauntroy said.

While in Libya, the former congressman also said he sat down with Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi for a one-on-one conversation. Gaddafi has ruled Libya since 1969, when he seized power in a military coup.

Fauntroy said he spoke with Gaddafi in person and that Gaddafi assured him that if he survived these attacks, the mission to unite African countries would continue.

"Contrary to what is being reported in the press, from what I heard and observed, more than 90 percent of the Libyan people love Gaddafi," Fauntroy said. "We believe the true mission of the attacks on Gaddafi is to prevent all efforts by African leaders to stop the recolonization of Africa."

Several months ago, Gaddafi's leadership faced its biggest challenge. In February, a radical protest movement called the Arab Spring spread across Libya. When Gaddafi responded by dispatching military and plainclothes paramilitary to the streets to attack demonstrators, it turned into a civil war with the assistance of NATO and the United Nations.

Fauntroy's account could not be immediately verified by the Afro and the U.S. State Department has not substantiated Fauntroy's version of events. Fauntroy was not acting as an official representative of the U.S. in Libya. He returned to Washington, D.C. on Aug. 31.

When rumors spread about Fauntroy being killed he went underground, he told the Afro in an interview. Fauntroy said for more than a month he decided not to contact his family but to continue the mission to speak with African spiritual leaders about a movement to unify Africa despite the Arab uprisings.

"I'm still here," Fauntroy said, pointing to several parts of his body. "I've got all my fingers and toes. I'm extremely lucky to be here."

After blogs and rumors reported Fauntroy had been killed, the congressional office of Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) announced on Aug. 24, that she had been in touch with authorities who confirmed Fauntroy was safely in the care of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Inside his home, Fauntroy pulled out several memoirs and notebooks to explain why he traveled to Libya at a time when it was going through civil unrest.

"This recent trip to Libya was part of a continuous mission that started under Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. when he gave me orders to join four African countries on the continent with four in the African Diaspora to restore the continent to its pre-colonial status," Fauntroy said.

"We want Africa to be the breadbasket of the world," he said. "Currently, all the major roads in every country throughout Africa lead to ports that take its natural resources and wealth outside the continent to be sold to the European markets."
Posted: at 12-09-2011 03:11 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- williams100 at 15-09-2011 04:53 PM (12 years ago)
interesting,great links once this is an important topic for people to preview/review and discuss about but they refused.if it were to be other stupid topics they will paste jargons and off-key comments.people are really blinded with western media(s).what a pity....
Posted: at 15-09-2011 04:53 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- democrazy at 20-09-2011 06:31 AM (12 years ago)
Gaddafi's ghost town after the loyalists retreat
By Andrew Gilligan, Tawarga

Andrew Gilligan visits the scene of what appears to be the first major reprisal against supporters of Gaddafi's regime.

September 11, 2011

Until last month, the town of Tawarga was home to 10,000 civilians.

But as dusk fell over it last week, the apartment blocks stretched, black and dead, into the distance, and the only things moving were sheep.

This pro-Gaddafi settlement has been emptied of its people, vandalised and partly burned by rebel forces. The Sunday Telegraph was the first to visit the scene of what appears to be the first major reprisal against supporters of the former regime.

"We gave them thirty days to leave," said Abdul el-Mutalib Fatateth, the officer in charge of the rebel garrison in Tawarga, as his soldiers played table-football outside one of the empty apartment blocks. "We said if they didn't go, they would be conquered and imprisoned. Every single one of them has left, and we will never allow them to come back."

The people of Tawarga and their neighbours in Misurata, 20 miles down the road, were on opposite sides in Libya's revolution. As the besieged Misuratans bravely fought to save their town from the Gaddafi forces encircling it, some of the artillery fire raining down on them came from Tawarga.

"We urged them not to fight us, because they are our brothers, but they insisted on fighting," said Mr Fatateth. But he also appeared to concede that the civilians of the town had been caught in the middle, saying: "Gaddafi used to take the Tawarga people and use them as human shields when his troops approached Misurata."

Rebels say that civilian volunteers from Tawarga were with Gaddafi troops when they ransacked dozens of houses in Misurata in March. There are also claims, impossible to verify, of rape and other abuses by Tawargans. Mr Fatateth said that one young captured rebel had been tied up and used as a doormat in the town.

Whatever the truth, there appears little room for reconciliation in this corner of the new Libya. For the first time in the country's revolution, we saw large numbers of houses, and virtually every shop, systematically vandalised, looted or set on fire.

The inhabitants fled so fast that many had not time to take with them the photos of their own children. They, and other small personal treasures – a Barbie doll, a Calvin Klein T-shirt – still lay on the floors. Some valuables, such as televisions and stereos, had been stolen. But rather more often, they had just been smashed.

Even the local hospital had been vandalised. The beds were dragged out of the wards and ripped. Glass in the windows and doors was broken. Medicines, forms and computer printouts were scattered along the corridors, and the doctors and nurses had vanished with everyone else. Outside, you had to watch your step: anti-personnel mines lay on the pavement.

The clue to it all lay in the green Gaddafi flags still flying from many of the houses. There is no disputing that this was a centre of support for the regime. But that support appears to have been at different levels.

Some of the houses had apparently been used for fighting, with bullet holes in the walls. The majority of looted or vandalised properties, however, had not.

Mr Fatateh said that some had been taken over by pro-Gaddafi militias after the civilians had fled, and a two-day battle had ensued with rebel forces on the 10th and 11th of August.

And as so often in Libya, there is also a racist undercurrent. Many Tawargas, though neither immigrants nor Gaddafi's much-ballyhooed African mercenaries, are descended from slaves, and are darker than most Libyans.

Along the road that leads into Tawargha, the Misurata Brigade has painted a slogan. It is, it says, "the brigade for purging slaves [and] black skin."

"We have met Tawargas in detention, taken from their homes simply for being Tawargas," said Diana Eltahawy, a researcher for Amnesty International who is currently in Libya. "They have told us that they have been forced to kneel and beaten with sticks."

Even fleeing is not, it seems, enough to save you. Tawargas have also been arrested at checkpoints, seized from hospitals and detained on the street. "They are really afraid. They have nowhere to go," said Ms Eltahawy.

On Aug 29, Amnesty says it saw a Tawarga patient at the Tripoli Central Hospital being taken by three men, one of them armed, for "questioning in Misurata". Amnesty was also told that at least two other Tawarga men had vanished after being taken for questioning from Tripoli hospitals.

One 45-year-old flight dispatcher and his uncle were arrested by armed rebels while out shopping in the al-Firnaj area of Tripoli on 28 August.

They were taken to the Military Council headquarters at Mitiga Airport just east of the capital. The men told Amnesty they were beaten with the butt of a rifle and received death threats. Both were held for several days in Mitiga and are still detained in Tripoli.

Many Tawargas are now cowering in makeshift camps around Tripoli. But even there, they are not safe. In one camp, a group of armed men drove in and arrested about a dozen Tawargas. Their fate is still unknown. Another woman at the camp said her husband left the camp to run an errand in central Tripoli, about a week ago. She hasn't seen him since.

"If we go back to Tawarga, we will be at the mercy of the Misratah brigade," said one refugee, who declined to be named. "When they entered our town in mid-Ramadan [mid-August] and shelled it, we fled just carrying the clothes on our backs. I don't know what happened to our homes and belongings. Now I am here in this camp, my son is ill and I am too afraid to go to the hospital in town. I don't know what will happen to us now."

Any rebel abuses pale by comparison with those of the regime. People who saw the charred skeletons of prisoners, machine-gunned and burned by Gaddafi's retreating Khamis Brigade, or who witnessed the indiscriminate bombardment of Misurata, will not quickly forget the scenes.

But old Libyan habits of repression may be starting to reassert themselves.

And it is not the first time that pro-Gaddafi civilians have suffered reprisals. In July, as rebels swept through the Nafusa mountains, the village of Qawalish was subjected to a very similar fate. Many of the people there, pensioners and young children, simply could not have been part of any military action for the regime.

Back in ghostly Tawarga, there is little sympathy for the victims' plight.

Mr Fatateth said: "The military council will decide what will happen to the buildings. But over our dead bodies will the Tawargas return."

Ibrahim al-Halbous, another local rebel commander, put it even more simply.

"Tawarga no longer exists," he said.
Posted: at 20-09-2011 06:31 AM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- democrazy at 1-10-2011 09:42 PM (12 years ago)
Libya: David Cameron’s 2 Billion Pound Nightmare

What do you get when a wannabe imperialist invents a war to get out of trouble at home, straying into deep waters that he neither controls nor understands, getting embroiled in an internecine tribal conflict that spins out of control? The answer to this question is the place where the UK’s David Cameron finds himself now: a 2-bn. pound nightmare.

Not so many months ago, we had David Cameron and William Hague declaring that the Libya Question was “not about removing Gaddafi” and that all it would take would be an immediate ceasefire from the Libyan Armed Forces. Not so many months ago we had David Cameron and William Hague declaring that the war would cost in the region of 200 million pounds, that there would be no NATO boots on the ground and that NATO would not arm the “rebels”.

What they did not tell us was that the French and Americans had been planning this imperialist little adventure for years–

What they did not tell us was that the rebel flags had been ordered well in advance from a British company–

What they did not tell us was that the entire operation was indeed to remove Colonel Gaddafi, not because he posed any threat to his “rebels” (after all, what do you do when tens of thousands of marauding thugs armed with machine guns take to the streets, decapitating Negroes, chanting racist slogans, promising to ethnically cleanse Libya of Negroes, torching government buildings, molesting and killing women and children and destroying public and private property?)

They knew that the decision “to go in” had been taken long before the rebels strafed their own position to blame Colonel Gaddafi. They knew that their own media had been spreading lies about the Libyan Air Force bombing civilians – the one bombing civilians is NATO.

We saw the British reaction in draconian measures – when a few hundred bored schoolkids ran amok in August. One wonders whether Cameron would simply have given up and walked away from Number Ten Downing Street if they had been armed, or if someone had done to his youth what he did to Libya’s.

What they did not tell us was that this entire charade is about removing Colonel Gaddafi from power because his humanitarian and developmental projects in Africa and his plan to launch a gold-based currency, the Gold Dinar, would be too costly for selfish western interests.

What Cameron and Hague did not tell you is that their forces are to spend seven times more of the British tax-payers’ money than they originally admitted – nearly two billion, or two thousand million or 2,000,000,000 pounds… on what?

I will tell you.

* They have strafed the Libyan water supply (war crime) to “break the back of the population”

* They have targeted the electricity grid (war crime)

* They have targeted private homes (war crime)

* They have taken out civilian structures with military equipment (war crime)

* They have murdered children (war crime, and they did not even apologise)

* They have targeted civilians (war crime).

* They then held a conference in Paris to divide up Libya’s assets.

What they have also not told you is that the Libyan Armed Forces are largely intact.

What they have not told you is that parts of Tripoli still fly the Green Flag (symbol of the Jamahiriya, the democratic government which Muammar al-Qathafi advises). What they do not tell you is that there are still green Marches in Benghazi.

What they do not tell you is that Mahmoud Jibril dare not enter Tripoli.

They do not tell you where Jalil (the number 2) came from.

They do not tell you the background of the TNC.

 They do not tell you the tribes have voted for Gaddafi.

They do not tell you that the crack desert fighters.the Tuareg, who decide who crosses the desert and who does not, have sided with Muammar Gaddafi against the TNC.

 They do not tell you that the Loyalists in Libya include the hearts and minds of the Libyan population whether or not they are taking up arms against the terrorists.

The NATO special forces and this scourge have frightened many into cowering in their homes – but this does not spell support, even tacitly.

They do not tell you they indeed have NATO boots on the ground, breaching UNSC resolutions. They have indeed armed the “rebels” (another breach of UNSC resolutions), and they have indeed employed mercenaries – hundreds of thousands of them (a huge breach of UNSC resolutions).

They have not told you that NATO and its terrorists have suffered defeat after defeat in recent weeks, are unable to enter Bani Walid, are unable to enter Sirte and the only tactic that remains open is by carpet-bombing any areas of resistance, including homes, hospitals and schools to bomb the terrorists in.

Is that noble? It is a war crime.

It is an act of terrorism and David Cameron and William Hague, along with their French friend Sarkozy and that American in the White House, are using YOUR hard-earned money to perpetrate this outrage, which is sure to cost the UK thousands of jobs as retaliatory measures kick in across Africa.

Sorry Mr. Templeton, we do not have any money for your mother’s cancer treatment, I am afraid she will have to die; sorry Mr. Johnson, there is no more funding for your son’s leukaemia treatment, we do have palliative care, do you know what that is? And as for your now hospital wing, new school, new clinic, a raspberry in your faces as Cameron and Hague stick the middle finger to their own people.

How long does David Cameron think the British population will accept it all with their heads bowed, like a sickening herd of sheep?

The British People will tell you…
Posted: at 1-10-2011 09:42 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- democrazy at 3-10-2011 02:06 AM (12 years ago)
TNC In Chaos: 80% of Tripoli under Green Banner

The Sieges on Sirte and Bani Walid are breaking up, so does the the Transitional National Counsel. Jalil is calling for establishing a new government while the majority of TNC members desert it. Abdelhakim Belhadj describes the situation as chaotic. Is he making a move for power.     by Dr. Christof Lehmann

In spite of it´s absolute air superiority, NATO is loosing the battle on the ground. Today the citizens of Bani Walid woke up to a surprise. Instead of the usual bombs, NATO planes dropped thousands of fliers telling the people to leave the city or to be considered military targets. Is NATO preparing for an onslaught with bobs in a desperate attempt to turn around the lost battle on the ground.

Tonight nsnbc received confirmed reports that the siege on Bani Walid and Sirte is broken. Though there are heavy clashes around both cities, the resistance inside the cities has now established contact with the military, Tribal and Volunteer Forces that came to their relief.

Tonight heavy fighting erupted in and around the Green Square in Tripoli. A NATO ammunition depot in Tripoli harbor was seized by Libyan Forces. There was heavy fighting at both Tripoli´s military airport as well as Mitiga Airport. Tribal militia from Zintan secured several banks in Tripoli and began refunding money that had been seized by the TNC.  The Zintan militia also stormed several prison facilities and liberated numerous PoW´s that had been captured during the last months of fighting. The result of tonights fighting; The Green Flag is flying over 80% of Tripoli.

The proverb of “the rats abandoning the sinking vessel“, the majority of TNC members have quit their membership and positions. Abdelhakim Belhadj explained this morning, that Jalil is making desperate attempts to call for unity and is offering to “establish a new government“. The general response to Jalil´s call is quarrels, were TNC members blame each other for working for either this or the other NATO country. Belhadj called Jalil´s call for unity “rediculous in the face of the fact that almost 90 % of it´s members had abandoned the TNC“.

Is Abdelhakim Belhadj realizing that the battle is lost, will he make a move in an attempt to grasp power as many have expected for a long time. In the face of the military situation in Tripoli there is not much time left to make a decision. Regardless if it will be a Belhadj, a Jalil, a Jibril, or any other of the foreign nations agents who will make a grasp for power, it will most likely be a short lived affair. By no means does the latest development mean that the war in Libya is over, but the balance of power has undoubtedly changed tonight in Tripoli. The residents of Tripoli and other liberated cities and areas will do everything in their power to keep the TNC mercenary armies and the foreign agents who are infighting for power at bay. A look at the latest reports from Human Rights Watch amply explain why that is so.

Has Russia given a message to NATO that they are closely monitoring the situation in Libya while discussing Syria at the U.N..Russia has so far refused to accept three modified draft resolutions on Syria at the United Nations. Russian relations to NATO have recently be stressed to the extreme. The situation in Syria being one stressor, the situation in Kosovo another, and the outrage over NATO´s toppling and assassination attempt on Muammar Ghadafi a third, among many other. Russia´s permanent representative to the UN, Vitaly Churkin said on Friday, that the Western countries haven´t shown readiness to reach an understanding with Moscow over some points of the draft resolution. Most likely NATO will have to interpret Russia´s signal on Friday containing an implicit message that NATO´s bombing of Libyan civilians must stop. Is that the reason why NATO chose to drop paper rather than bombs on Bani Walid and Sirte.

What is utterly unexplainable in the international developments on Libya is Iran´s unequivocal support of Belhadj, Jalil, Jibil and NATO´s aggression in Libya, while protesting the ongoing insurgency into Syria. In a video broadcast on YT Channel Morris 108, yesterday,Richard Bos asked some pressing questions to Press TV and commented on the Iranian approach to Libya. Bos correctly states, that if Iran hopes to appease NATO by turning a blind eye to Libya, it may have diplomatic advantages, and that all precedence provides ample evidence for the fact that appeasing NATO does not stop ongoing subversions.

My note: The president of Iran is also a member of the occult ruling parties of the world. Even though most see him as being against western government, like the former PLO leader Yasser Arafat.
Posted: at 3-10-2011 02:06 AM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- democrazy at 18-10-2011 11:28 PM (12 years ago)
Libya: The Night That Killed The Lies


Most of Tripoli is Liberated, Sirte is holding on, Bani Walid, Sabah, Zliten, and countless other cities are free. As morning came to Libya the results of the onset of a new stage of the Libyan Liberation become undeniable. While Libyans mourn the death of those fallen in the fight for liberation, the TNC and NATO mourn massive losses of territory, troops, and trust. NATO and the TNC lost over 1.000 fighters, and over 1.500 are wounded. Their greatest casualty how ever, are the Lies about Libya, which were put to rest by the new phase of Libya´s Liberation. by Dr. Christof Lehmann

One day ago, not long after midnight it became clear. The legitimate Libyan Government had called upon the people of Libya to come out in numbers on the 14th of October and to protest the bombing and occupation of Libya by NATO and it´s TNC Proxy mercenaries and Proxy Government. It also became clear that the calls for leaving areas under TNC control to avoid civilian casualties was legitimate, and a warning of what was waiting. Then, all buildings housing offices of the TNC were declared legitimate targets, that could be destroyed or burned.

In the early morning hours of 14 October, parts of Sirte were under TNC Control, some 25 % of Sabah, 25 % of Bani Walid, 25 % of Bengazi, and Tripoli in spite of ardent resistance still much under TNC control. This picture would change dramatically over the next 24 hours.

At 02.30 the people of Zuwara rose up against the TNC fighters, burned the local TNC office, and forced the occupiers to flee the town, taking heavy casualties.Also in many other cities, the demonstrations started off during the early morning hours, as if people could not take the oppression, massacres and atrocities for one moment longer. Libya was at the brink of exploding from anger and frustration.

In Tripoli, demonstrations began around 08.00 o clock morning, but began to really manifest, when a large contingent of militia from the Wirsh Fana Tribe entered Tripoli at about 15.00 o´clock. The troops were met with massive jubilation, and when it became known that Dr. Moussa Ibrahim was waiting in one of Tripoli´s suburbs, it was as if the citizens of Tripoli understood the message, “This is it, today we take our city and our country back”.

The arrival of the Wirsh Fana Tribal Militia in Tripoli prompted several hast retreats by TNC fighters, in among other Bani Walid, Sirte, and Sabah, and in all cases the hasty, often chaotic retreats were the cause of heavy casualties. The retreat to reinforce Tripoli was a drive through a shooting gallery, as people all over Libya rose to the occasion.

At 16.00 o´clock there were massive demonstrations and crowds waving green flags throughout Libya. Also in the afternoon, the TNC began attacks on protesters and Libyan Forces in Tripoli. Demonstrations were sprayed with light and heavy machine gun fire from the ground, and from NATO helicopters, to great suffering, but to little avail. The same horrendous crime of shooting into demonstrations was reported from Al Jumaa and many other towns and districts.As if the TNC and NATO had to provide the final evidence for what brand of “Democracy” they are advocating, by “protecting civilian lives in Libya”.

At 18.00 o´clock nsnbc received reports that heavy fighting had broken out in several areas of Tripoli, and that Abu Salim and other districts were firmly in the hands of Libyan Forces. At 18.30 a NATO Apache helicopter was shot down en route to disperse demonstrations.

As the severity of the “crisis” became obvious for NATO and the TNC, more reinforcements were ordered towards Tripoli. 19.30 an additional detachment of TNC fighters left their positions in Zawiya. en route to Tripoli, the detachment fell into an ambush of units from the elite 32nd Brigade led by Khamis Ghadafi. The entire convoy was destroyed, and there were numerous casualties and prisoners. By now, there was heavy fighting in Abu Salim, Alhadbah, Bab Ben Ghasir, Salehaddeen, Al Nasser, and Al Bahi districts of Tripoli.

At 21.00 yesterday evening, a security estimate of the situation in Libya stated: 50 – 60 % of Tripoli Liberated. 80 % of Bengazi are free, and the TNC head Quarter in Bengazi was stormed by Libyan Forces. Over 90 % of TNC – Members had resigned, fleeing Tripoli.

Close to 22.00 o´clock the Tripoli Military Counsel deployed a large number of armored vehicles to protect the most critical areas and facilities still under TNC control, while the areas under Libyan control became increasingly consolidated.

At 21.47 nsnbc received reports that NATO planes had begun a massive bombing campaign against Abu Salim. A caller from the scene said “they are carpet bombing our district”. At 21.55 reports that an additional contingent of tribal militia men from the Wirsh Fana Triba had arrived in Tripoli, entirely changing the military situation. Attacks on heavily fortified TNC and NATO positions began, while special operations units from the Libyan Forces began deploying to capture key Libyan and foreign political and military figures. In a move to counter the new deployments, the TNC deployed snipers on the roofs of Omar Mukhtar Street.

The city of Gheriyan pronounced it was a free city again. Like Gherian, many other cities throughout Northern Libya cast out the occupiers by both armed attacks and impressive demonstrations that clarified it once and for all “Libyans will never except a TNC that is forced on them by NATO”.

22.45 nsnbc received reports that the Rixos Hotel, Military Camp 77, and the Green Square were under attack by Libyan Forces. When Libyan Forces arrived at the Green Square it became obvious that a massive massacre had taken place there. The square was strewn with dead demonstrators that had been killed by TNC fighters. Further reports, not yet confirmed, state that the U.S.-Ambassador to Libya is missing.

The tribes from Zlitan and Gheriya declared they could send reinforcements to Tripoli and Sirte. Early this morning, a NATO, Chinook Helicopter was shot down near Zlitan. Heavy fighting continues throughout Northern Libya as this article is sent on-line.

As the redaction of this article closes, at 13.30 GMT, there is fighting throughout Tripoli. The night before 15 October was a night of heavy casualties for the TNC and NATO. With the utter disregard for human life and human values both TNC and NATO have shown, the greatest casualty that is mourned by them today is most likely “The Death of the Lies about Libya”.

Christof Lehmann

Posted: at 18-10-2011 11:28 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- democrazy at 21-10-2011 12:24 AM (12 years ago)
Just want you guys to be away again of the resent news and how to properly digest it.

They say Gaddafi is dead and killed by NTC. OUCH!! another blatant lie by the "powers that be"

The aim is to break the spirit of the people of Libya, as they gather to protest again 2moro 21st October.

I have had a look at the mug shots they present. a 14year old can do better than that with photoshop. I dont know how to put up the image, but will show it as avatar if you can get the gist!!!.

If you really follow the truth then you come accross this and ponder things yourself........

BRUSSELS: NATO aircraft struck two military vehicles on Thursday as they fled Gaddafi's hometown of Sirte, a NATO spokesman said.
"At approximately 0830 local time (GMT0630) today, NATO aircraft struck two pro-Qadhafi forces military vehicles which were part of a larger group maneuvering in the vicinity of Sirte," said Colonel Roland Lavoie, spokesman for NATO's Libyan mission.
The spokesman didn't say whether Gaddafi was in the convoy or not.

A commander of the Libya NTC (National Transitional Council) said Gaddafi has been killed when an air strike hit a convoy trying to flee Sirte.
However, NATO didn't confirm the media report that Gaddafi was captured or killed.
A NATO official told Xinhua that it is up to the NTC to confirm the alleged capture of Gaddafi, not the military alliance.
Posted: at 21-10-2011 12:24 AM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- democrazy at 31-12-2011 04:00 PM (12 years ago)

U.S. behind deliberate murder of Qadhafi: Russia

Russia has accused the United States and NATO of large-scale violations of human rights during the military operation in Libya, including the deliberate murder of its leader Muammar Gaddafi and the killing of hundreds of civilians.

The NATO forces “made the overthrow and murder of the Colonel their main goal,” said the Russian Foreign Ministry in its first report on the state of human rights in the world.

Citing unnamed sources, the report said the order to liquidate Qadhafi was given to U.S., French and British commandos. The Russian Foreign Ministry details numerous instances of mass killings of hundreds of civilians and destruction of infrastructure in NATO bombing raids in Libya.

The U.S. is the main target of the Russian report, which also criticises the human rights record in Britain, Canada, Finland, the Baltic states and Georgia.

Russia took President Barack Obama to task for his failure to shut the “odious” prison at Guantanamo Bay and accused the White House of sheltering officials guilty of torture.

“The situation in the United States is a far cry from the ideals proclaimed by Washington,” said the Russian Foreign Ministry in a 90-page report posted on its website.

“Old systemic problems of American society are growing more serious, including racial discrimination, xenophobia, overcrowded prisons, unjustified capital punishment, including the execution of innocent people, imperfect electoral system and corruption, ” said the report.

The report was released as Moscow hardened its rhetoric against the U.S. on such issues as missile defence and interference in Russian internal affairs. The new head of the Russian Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee, Alexei Pushkov, said the “reset” in Russian-U.S. relations had come to an end.

“The U.S. had desisted from discussing the domestic situation in Russia as part of the ‘reset'. Clinton violated this tacit agreement,” said Mr. Pushkov. “I think we have entered a phase when the U.S. will no longer show restraint towards Russia.”

Posted: at 31-12-2011 04:00 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
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