For her world Aids day speech, Patience Jonathan was quoted:
Today is World aids day, and all of us have AIDS only that some people are positive while others are negative.
Is she correct?
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Posted: at 2-12-2011 07:36 PM (13 years ago) | Addicted Hero
Poster u are asking if she was correct on her speech...well this na ma answer....YES SHE WASNT ....clap for me u crazzzzzzzz....abii u think sey u go skool pass me
Posted: at 3-12-2011 12:26 AM (13 years ago) | Newbie
Kenwisdom at 3-12-2011 01:02 AM (13 years ago) (m)
@ Poster, this your question self, Well..... it depend on what she mean, that we all have Aids, Hmm BUT IF NA D' OTHER }Aids / H I + V (HIV) , Pls count me out, am not among
Posted: at 3-12-2011 01:02 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
angelxtine at 3-12-2011 01:10 AM (13 years ago) (f)
y r u guyz soundn lyk u knw it all? or do ya posibly fink its so easy to face a crowd to deliver a speech? stp pickn on errors of peeps who are bter off dan uself nd fink mur of hw to strife to her current positn darr....
Posted: at 3-12-2011 01:10 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
sorry professor ..... let me correct myself..i meant say....but bear in mind that i'm not laughing at her english..rather what she think/believe...(only if she really made that comment tho!)
The difference between GENIUS and STUPIDITY is that, genius has it limits..
Posted: at 3-12-2011 01:15 AM (13 years ago) | Hero
technically frm what u said ,she was so phyuking ryt..she sounded british...we all got aids,just dat some are positive and some negative...if u are negative is dat u dnt av it...jokingly shez ryt......its either a fibre glass is on posive tgs or negative..did dat make me wrong too...
Posted: at 3-12-2011 02:38 AM (13 years ago) | Newbie