There is no conflict between Muslims and Christians – Sultan (Page 3)

Date: 27-12-2011 5:39 pm (13 years ago) | Author: YoungStoriez
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- ezesunny at 28-12-2011 01:36 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: lertipha on 28-12-2011 12:14 PM
This isn't fair enough..I don't know why you minority christians on naijapals don't see things as you should. Let us talk about nigeria as a country,during the time of president yar'adua,d naija deltan militants were on rampage,they killed thousands and destroyed more than enough properties,what was their cause? "They said they were fighting the government because they have been negleted" yaradua took a step by granting them amnesty which they requested and their terms and conditions were met,no one esp christians then dint shout and panic cos the militants were christians,not the boko haram thing sprung from the north and it was obvious that they started causing wrecks in their own place,maiduguri,bauchi,all these period no one complained,the nigerian president dint take quick action like is predecessor did during the time of the militants and he allowed the massacre to spread to few parts of the country. Is the force headquater in abuja a church,or rather is it only xtians that works there,is the UN house a church and is it only xtians that works there? Am calling on the sensible ones among you pals,who is to be blamed.the government,the boko ppl or muslims.

you idiot, you come again, who give you computer self, muslim made to live in the lock what are you doing in the house, when militant nigerdalta, did they bomb mosq, or bomb your ass of prayer, woman cattle
Posted: at 28-12-2011 01:36 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- eddyjams at 28-12-2011 01:51 PM (13 years ago)
To Muslims, Quran is a holy book, revealed directly to Mohammed through the angel Gibrael. To them, it is the absolute truth, the last message to humankind from the Creator of this Universe.

In reality, Quran is a creation of Mohammed's mind and includes collections of stories, brainwashing techniques, general common sense and morals, and some "scientific" statements.
All these elements were either common sense, were borrowed from other religions and sources, or were invented by Mohammed.
A good study of what Mohammed borrowed from other sources, can be studied at the Answering Islam site.

The reason why Quran is not divine, is that, it contains many defects, contradictions, wrong morals and incorrect science, and on top of it, all this has been copied from other sources.
All of Quran's scientific miracles have been refuted many times, such as on the Faith Freedom International website.

Had "Allah" been a true God, He would have made the Quran infinitely strong in such a way that any human being, no matter how hard he/she tried, would never be able to point out any defect in it.
Instead, today, Islam is the World's most hatred and criticised religion, and Quran is being called the "manual of Terrorism".

So, could Quran truely be the "last" message to humankind by the Creator of this wonderful Universe?
Common sense replies with a firm negative.

As a summary of what the Quran actually is all about:
- In most of the verses, Quran keeps praising Allah the non-existent God. When you read the Quran, almost every now and then you'll see familiar verses like 'And Allah is merciful, forgiving' (SURE he is).

- It gives many threats of Hellfire, as well as gives promises of Heaven- this is to entice the believer into action, using this simple push/pull strategy which is used by other religions as well but not to the extent which is used in Islam.

- Quran contains a sprinking of 'scientific' statements, which tried to impress the illiterate reader 1400 years ago. That was the era in which the Sun and the Moon were thought to go around the Earth. Today we know these 'scientific statements' to actually contain wrong science, as well as stuff copied from other religions and scientists of those time. An example is the idea of sperm being generated in the Backbone[Quran 86:6]. This idea was proposed by Greek scientists, and copied by Mohammed. If we had copyright laws 1400 years ago, Mohammed would have been jailed for copyright infringement and there would be no Islam today. Sadly, it was the era in which people buried their infant daughters and thus he took advantage of the fact that people around him were inhuman Arabs with *no* moral sense. Thus, Quran has *little* moral sense, when comparing to universal standards.

If the Quran was 100% bad, it would die out quickly. For this reason, Mohammed included some good things in Quran, so good people would support the Quran and keep Islam alive.
At the same, terrorists act out on the bad teachings of Quran, resulting in global terrorism whose painful effects have been and are being experienced by everyone.
It is these bad teachings of Quran that have jeapordized the Global peace process. One of the many excellent articles which illustrates this point while citing evidence from Quran, can be read here on the FFI web site.

Islamic terrorism will continue to injure humankind and create misery on Earth, until Islam ceases to exist.
Posted: at 28-12-2011 01:51 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- Jadeau at 28-12-2011 02:01 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: Slimchery on 27-12-2011 11:25 PM
Thank God say i nor even vote for this badluck,i for withdraw my vote, who we think say e go lead us forward come evn be d worst wey wan try take us backword, well everything dey for God hand, Nigeria leaders na God go judge una oooh

Guy, u 're funny! Can u withdraw ur vote once u hv cast it? Grin Grin
Posted: at 28-12-2011 02:01 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- ab29ja at 28-12-2011 02:02 PM (13 years ago)
i only have just but one question 2 ask if there isn't  comflict between christains and muslims then why was there not all this incident of bombing on sallah day.   
Posted: at 28-12-2011 02:02 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- charlym at 28-12-2011 02:04 PM (13 years ago)
His statements shows that they are the same people, Who is good and Who is Bad?
Besides I have never seen where Christians and  Muslims are friends in any part of the world,
any time/day it happen then there will be peace in the entire world and world will come at end immediately.  
Posted: at 28-12-2011 02:04 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- Jadeau at 28-12-2011 02:10 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: lertipha on 28-12-2011 12:14 PM
This isn't fair enough..I don't know why you minority christians on naijapals don't see things as you should. Let us talk about nigeria as a country,during the time of president yar'adua,d naija deltan militants were on rampage,they killed thousands and destroyed more than enough properties,what was their cause? "They said they were fighting the government because they have been negleted" yaradua took a step by granting them amnesty which they requested and their terms and conditions were met,no one esp christians then dint shout and panic cos the militants were christians,not the boko haram thing sprung from the north and it was obvious that they started causing wrecks in their own place,maiduguri,bauchi,all these period no one complained,the nigerian president dint take quick action like is predecessor did during the time of the militants and he allowed the massacre to spread to few parts of the country. Is the force headquater in abuja a church,or rather is it only xtians that works there,is the UN house a church and is it only xtians that works there? Am calling on the sensible ones among you pals,who is to be blamed.the government,the boko ppl or muslims.

Very sensible comments @ lertipha. The weak government and insane boko haram who are for most parts, foreign agents, are to blame. They kill indiscriminately as u rightly pointed out & that's why they are enemies of the entire country.
Posted: at 28-12-2011 02:10 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- Jadeau at 28-12-2011 02:14 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: lertipha on 28-12-2011 12:14 PM
This isn't fair enough..I don't know why you minority christians on naijapals don't see things as you should. Let us talk about nigeria as a country,during the time of president yar'adua,d naija deltan militants were on rampage,they killed thousands and destroyed more than enough properties,what was their cause? "They said they were fighting the government because they have been negleted" yaradua took a step by granting them amnesty which they requested and their terms and conditions were met,no one esp christians then dint shout and panic cos the militants were christians,not the boko haram thing sprung from the north and it was obvious that they started causing wrecks in their own place,maiduguri,bauchi,all these period no one complained,the nigerian president dint take quick action like is predecessor did during the time of the militants and he allowed the massacre to spread to few parts of the country. Is the force headquater in abuja a church,or rather is it only xtians that works there,is the UN house a church and is it only xtians that works there? Am calling on the sensible ones among you pals,who is to be blamed.the government,the boko ppl or muslims.

Quote from: Jadeau on 28-12-2011 02:10 PM
Very sensible comments @ lertipha. The weak government and insane boko haram who are for most parts, foreign agents, are to blame. They kill indiscriminately as u rightly pointed out & that's why they are enemies of the entire country.
Posted: at 28-12-2011 02:14 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- donuche at 28-12-2011 02:22 PM (13 years ago)
if he is sincere then let him address the muslims as well as condemn their attitude for this past 3 years. the sultan should know that we are too big to feed with that kind of trash.
Posted: at 28-12-2011 02:22 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- donuche at 28-12-2011 02:34 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: lertipha on 28-12-2011 12:14 PM
This isn't fair enough..I don't know why you minority christians on naijapals don't see things as you should. Let us talk about nigeria as a country,during the time of president yar'adua,d naija deltan militants were on rampage,they killed thousands and destroyed more than enough properties,what was their cause? "They said they were fighting the government because they have been negleted" yaradua took a step by granting them amnesty which they requested and their terms and conditions were met,no one esp christians then dint shout and panic cos the militants were christians,not the boko haram thing sprung from the north and it was obvious that they started causing wrecks in their own place,maiduguri,bauchi,all these period no one complained,the nigerian president dint take quick action like is predecessor did during the time of the militants and he allowed the massacre to spread to few parts of the country. Is the force headquater in abuja a church,or rather is it only xtians that works there,is the UN house a church and is it only xtians that works there? Am calling on the sensible ones among you pals,who is to be blamed.the government,the boko ppl or muslims.

you are the most dishonest and biased person i have ever seen on this forum. did the niger delta militant trows bombs on the innocent citizens of nigererians on the street,mosque and even in the churches?. why are you so biased minded that you not see even the visible truth?. i also want to let you know that it is the muslims that in the minority here as against your comment that the xtians are the minority here though i am not here to talk about who is in the majority or minority since i do not have any problem with any muslims that is law abiding. i dont have any problem with islam as a religion but with the extremist who is boko haram.
Posted: at 28-12-2011 02:34 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- donuche at 28-12-2011 02:36 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: lertipha on 28-12-2011 12:14 PM
This isn't fair enough..I don't know why you minority christians on naijapals don't see things as you should. Let us talk about nigeria as a country,during the time of president yar'adua,d naija deltan militants were on rampage,they killed thousands and destroyed more than enough properties,what was their cause? "They said they were fighting the government because they have been negleted" yaradua took a step by granting them amnesty which they requested and their terms and conditions were met,no one esp christians then dint shout and panic cos the militants were christians,not the boko haram thing sprung from the north and it was obvious that they started causing wrecks in their own place,maiduguri,bauchi,all these period no one complained,the nigerian president dint take quick action like is predecessor did during the time of the militants and he allowed the massacre to spread to few parts of the country. Is the force headquater in abuja a church,or rather is it only xtians that works there,is the UN house a church and is it only xtians that works there? Am calling on the sensible ones among you pals,who is to be blamed.the government,the boko ppl or muslims.

you are the most dishonest and biased person i have ever seen on this forum. did the niger delta militant trows bombs on the innocent citizens of nigererians on the street,mosque and even in the churches?. why are you so biased minded that you not see even the visible truth?. i also want to let you know that it is the muslims that in the minority here as against your comment that the xtians are the minority here though i am not here to talk about who is in the majority or minority since i do not have any problem with any muslims that is law abiding. i dont have any problem with islam as a religion but with the extremist who is boko haram.
Posted: at 28-12-2011 02:36 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- sexu at 28-12-2011 03:00 PM (13 years ago)
let go to war boko haram has called for war so let all go dont let any sultan be deciving us and our BADLUCK president who calld him self GOODLUCK  Grin Roll Eyes
Posted: at 28-12-2011 03:00 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- ndjoe at 28-12-2011 04:11 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: lertipha on 28-12-2011 12:14 PM
This isn't fair enough..I don't know why you minority christians on naijapals don't see things as you should. Let us talk about nigeria as a country,during the time of president yar'adua,d naija deltan militants were on rampage,they killed thousands and destroyed more than enough properties,what was their cause? "They said they were fighting the government because they have been negleted" yaradua took a step by granting them amnesty which they requested and their terms and conditions were met,no one esp christians then dint shout and panic cos the militants were christians,not the boko haram thing sprung from the north and it was obvious that they started causing wrecks in their own place,maiduguri,bauchi,all these period no one complained,the nigerian president dint take quick action like is predecessor did during the time of the militants and he allowed the massacre to spread to few parts of the country. Is the force headquater in abuja a church,or rather is it only xtians that works there,is the UN house a church and is it only xtians that works there? Am calling on the sensible ones among you pals,who is to be blamed.the government,the boko ppl or muslims.

your FATHER is a standard Bastard
Posted: at 28-12-2011 04:11 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- ugochuks at 28-12-2011 04:15 PM (13 years ago)
Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked ahhhhhh  standard bastard kwa? no be small thing oh!!!

Posted: at 28-12-2011 04:15 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- lertipha at 28-12-2011 04:21 PM (13 years ago)
@ezesunny,no need to insult u,what will insult you is on you.@ezesunny,is their a reason for the niger deltans to do all they did? And then,if u read what my comment well,I don't mean to say xtians are not many here ofcourse its so glaring and that's why you all could post comments more than the muslims. Then someone made a comment that christians never kill muslims,gosh its so disappointing that the moderator on naijapal itself are biased..a guy posted pictures of how christians in plateau state wages an unsuspected attack on muslims that went to pray at rukuba road in jos,how they detroyed cars and kill humans(muslims) buh its so unfortunate that the post was removed shortly after I made a comment..this is just a pure eveidence that christians owns naija media and as such, anything against muslims would be published buh a little thing against christains will always be published..this is totally unfair. Buh the pix from the madalla bomb site was posted and its still there up till this minute..who could accept such cheating.anybody is free to insult me as have received more than enough,(idiot,ashawo,stupid,fool),all join have seen them buh by God's grace no one can push me to the wall. I also believe that no good christian would say such to a fellow human being unless it is written in your bible that insults are allows.
Posted: at 28-12-2011 04:21 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- lertipha at 28-12-2011 04:29 PM (13 years ago)
Thanks ndjoe,hope that is written in the bible that your jesus called someone a bastard
Posted: at 28-12-2011 04:29 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- rayOFsunshine at 28-12-2011 04:36 PM (13 years ago)

Posted: at 28-12-2011 04:36 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- j-me at 28-12-2011 05:25 PM (13 years ago)
The Imam is just playing stupid. He is 99.9% sure of who are behind the terrorist. The Muslims are at war with the Christians, that's for sure, but Jonathan's nasty smiles just makes everything look idiotic.
Posted: at 28-12-2011 05:25 PM (13 years ago) | Newbie
- andyrado at 28-12-2011 05:26 PM (13 years ago)
too late to start beging for peace wen the roof don burn finish

Posted: at 28-12-2011 05:26 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- andyrado at 28-12-2011 05:27 PM (13 years ago)

Posted: at 28-12-2011 05:27 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
- andyrado at 28-12-2011 05:28 PM (13 years ago)
Quote from: lertipha on 28-12-2011 04:21 PM
@ezesunny,no need to insult u,what will insult you is on you.@ezesunny,is their a reason for the niger deltans to do all they did? And then,if u read what my comment well,I don't mean to say xtians are not many here ofcourse its so glaring and that's why you all could post comments more than the muslims. Then someone made a comment that christians never kill muslims,gosh its so disappointing that the moderator on naijapal itself are biased..a guy posted pictures of how christians in plateau state wages an unsuspected attack on muslims that went to pray at rukuba road in jos,how they detroyed cars and kill humans(muslims) buh its so unfortunate that the post was removed shortly after I made a comment..this is just a pure eveidence that christians owns naija media and as such, anything against muslims would be published buh a little thing against christains will always be published..this is totally unfair. Buh the pix from the madalla bomb site was posted and its still there up till this minute..who could accept such cheating.anybody is free to insult me as have received more than enough,(idiot,ashawo,stupid,fool),all join have seen them buh by God's grace no one can push me to the wall. I also believe that no good christian would say such to a fellow human being unless it is written in your bible that insults are allows.

Posted: at 28-12-2011 05:28 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
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