Nigeria’s First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan is out of the country. According to aviation and presidency sources, the First Lady left Abuja for Europe a few hours ago.
Dame Patience Jonathan’s trip, according to Presidency sources, is for medical reasons. “Madam went overseas for medical reasons and nothing else. She is not well and had to go see her doctors.” asked the source if the doctor’s appointment was made previously or if it was an emergency. The source simply replied: “I do not know. I have told you all I know.”
The First Lady’s departure was not without some mild drama. At the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport where she departed from an Immigration officer was alleged to have been threatened by one of the First Lady’s bodyguards.
According to sources at the airport, one of the First Lady’s bodyguards had taken her passport to be stamped at the Immigration desk. The Immigration officer observed that certain documents did not accompany the passport. Also, the State Security Service (SSS) should have stamped the passport before being presenting it to the Immigration desk. The officer informed Dame Patience’s bodyguard to get the proper documentations and stamp before presenting the passport to her.
Elendureports was told that Dame Jonathan’s bodyguard insisted that the passport should be stamped immediately by the officer. When the Immigration officer refused to yield, the bodyguard allegedly pulled out a service revolver and ordered her to stamp the passport.
It is not known when the First Lady is scheduled to return from her trip.
Bazemaster at 13-01-2012 11:00 PM (13 years ago) (m)
Flying outside the country for medical treatments after they have succeeded in rendering our local hospitals useless by embezzling the allocations acrued to them..hmmm, i don't want to curse her by the way....
I report from ma BAZEHOOD, niggaz feeling ma BAZESWAG 'cos it's hooded like my nigga HOODEDSWAG coming from BAZESQUAD in da BAZESTUDIOS UNITED.... I AM BAZEMASTER
Posted: at 13-01-2012 11:00 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
Bazemaster at 13-01-2012 11:03 PM (13 years ago) (m)
Can you imagine, her body guard pulling out a gun?! Who knows what they have inside those luggages. Maybe a billion dollars, or a conceal of .......what i'm i thinking?? Shit! I hate GEJ administration......He has done nothing so far
I report from ma BAZEHOOD, niggaz feeling ma BAZESWAG 'cos it's hooded like my nigga HOODEDSWAG coming from BAZESQUAD in da BAZESTUDIOS UNITED.... I AM BAZEMASTER
Posted: at 13-01-2012 11:03 PM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
onlyGodknows at 13-01-2012 11:53 PM (13 years ago) (m)
Shameful that Nigeria can not boast of anything except crude oil. We have nothing state-of-the-art in place. Nigeria, consuming nation, no contribution to the world progress.
Posted: at 13-01-2012 11:53 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming
Adaeze7777 at 14-01-2012 12:09 AM (13 years ago) (f)
Quote from: Adaeze7777 on 14-01-2012 12:08 AM
Quote from: lopez2424 on 13-01-2012 08:58 PM
I thought Jonathan is a doctor, he should be able to treat his wife [/quote
I thought so as well. Afterall madam umblerra is not too different from a cow and Badluck is a doctor of animals :D
Posted: at 14-01-2012 12:09 AM (13 years ago) | Newbie
Bazemaster at 14-01-2012 12:26 AM (13 years ago) (m)
I report from ma BAZEHOOD, niggaz feeling ma BAZESWAG 'cos it's hooded like my nigga HOODEDSWAG coming from BAZESQUAD in da BAZESTUDIOS UNITED.... I AM BAZEMASTER
Posted: at 14-01-2012 12:26 AM (13 years ago) | Gistmaniac
starlove1 at 14-01-2012 01:51 AM (13 years ago) (f)
Quote from: Bazemaster on 13-01-2012 11:03 PM
Can you imagine, her body guard pulling out a gun?! Who knows what they have inside those luggages. Maybe a billion dollars, or a conceal of .......what i'm i thinking?? Shit! I hate GEJ administration......He has done nothing so far
can you imagine
Posted: at 14-01-2012 01:51 AM (13 years ago) | Upcoming