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1  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: He wants to marry me but his father refuses on: 2-11-2009 10:24 PM
How much of your life will you give for him?  There is no disgrace if you give in to the others who ask for your hand in marriage.  You have shown your love and faithfulness to him.  There has been a many love lost from this day to the ancient days.  It is not your duty to give up all happiness for him.  You can learn to respect, be comfortable, caring and eventually love someone else.  So give yourself permission to marry another, just make sure your personalities and and spirits are compatible. 

The love you have for your first is not lost, because you have loved him and he you, you did your duty as human being.  Now allow yourself to be loved by someone else.
2  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Somali man 112 years old man weds girl of 17 years on: 30-10-2009 06:09 AM
and if it all is true, how much can they do together?  she probably will be helping him around
3  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Pastors Fight Over Female Usher on: 24-10-2009 03:11 AM
Pure foolishness!!! Although I had to laugh, but can believe.  Is true that flesh will get you everytime.  And why was he so pressed to marry her? (the married one?) It is the thought of her sex that makes him upset, someone else having it, when he is already married, because some think that is what marriage is about the segxwal act.  It is more about the caring, respect, love and companionship.  Watch your flesh, have been guilty of it myself, many times, flesh always wants to have its way.
4  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: Top 10 Rejection Lines Given By Women on: 19-10-2009 05:53 PM
 Winkyall finally figured it out
5  Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: wat do u do to get off an addiction on: 28-07-2009 12:28 AM
the flesh likes to be glorified (satisfied, made to feel good, or important).  Many times to overcome addictions you have to deny your body, the flesh, what it wants.   As the Lord's temple, we have to make sure what we do pleases him more than it pleases us.  Lust of the flesh ( food, sex, drugs, alcohol, porn) is a deadly trap.  Pray and persevere.  Be strong and call  on God to help you.  He will.
6  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Am I Too Young To Get Married? on: 16-04-2009 06:44 PM
no you are not, as long as you are committed to the sanctity of marriage, it is fine.  at 23, and any age, you should be with a person you have love for, common likes and who is committed to one person too.  you should be with a person who loves you for who you are and will allow you to grow into your own woman and who will nurture that growth.   and you should give all that to him too.  be blessed, and keep God in it
7  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: sex before marry is it right or wrong??? on: 11-01-2009 11:25 PM
there is enough sampling going on, go ahead and make a purchase, why don't you Smiley