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1  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: What Is The Most Romantic Pet Name To Call your Girlfriend? on: 7-01-2010 11:40 AM
my paw...paw. mina.
2  Forum / Politics / Re: Chinesse Village in Nigeria, while they are killing Nigerians in China on: 28-10-2009 06:43 AM
shame on nigeria goverment for negleting her own people in another man,s country.
3  Forum / Politics / Re: Bode George is sentenced to 28 years for looting N84Bn on: 28-10-2009 06:36 AM
abadallah, u,ve just said my mind. we just hope serve d terms bcos i know nigerian. b4 we know it they we say his law do this and dat and he will come out and looting of our money will continue with another dimention. na dem dem.
4  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Pastors Fight Over Female Usher on: 26-10-2009 10:03 AM
what a shamfull act. shit do happen in d church this days. imagen an old man of 46yrs fighting to marry a young girl as good as being his daught as a second wife. what will he be preaching to d congrigations while standing on d pulpit as pastor?. shame on him 4misleading d sheeps dat he was meant 2direct 2d heavenly way.
5  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Is it right to marry a pregnant woman? on: 25-10-2009 06:42 PM
in some circumstance u can marry a pregant woman, why i said it is that they might just hav cajual segxwal intercuse that resault to pregnancy of which both of them does not love each other 2d extend of living together as husband and wife and instead of aborting d pregnancy which is muder. And in d process d woman met her mister right d man that GOD said will be her husband and they love each other very much and of which the other man in question that impregnant her is not ready to marry her. she can go ahead and marry her rightful husband with d pregnancy. i dont see anything dat stops them from geting marriedge bcos women re lik flowers that fade so easy.
6  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Dying for love........Man, 30, kills self over failed love on: 25-10-2009 12:19 PM
it,s a pity, dieing for love.
7  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: my boyfriend wants a blood oath!!! on: 24-10-2009 10:56 AM
if she was sure of d commitment bros okiiviidie she would,nt hav ask 4our opinion. so it,s better she dont do it bcos d guy might die tmorrow and she will become useless at dis her young age.
8  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: my boyfriend wants a blood oath!!! on: 24-10-2009 10:19 AM
dont even have it in ur mind not 2think of doing it. Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink
9  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: my boyfriend wants a blood oath!!! on: 24-10-2009 09:31 AM
sister, dont ever accept 2take an oath wit anyone, it has a repacaution dat u could not be able 2face in d future. people dat hav done it b4 re regleting now some of them re going mad. pls, dont bcos u dont know what will happen 2morrro he might not be ur future husband and if u take d oath now when ur reall husband come 2ur way u,ll lik 2back out from d relationship and then u,ll realise d mess u hav puting urself into. dont ever pls dont i am pleading wit u.
10  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: must every relationship go with sex to be real? on: 19-10-2009 12:19 PM
well, i strongly believes that sex has an important roll to play in every successfull relationship.
11  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: WHO OWNS THE Bosom ? on: 16-10-2009 01:53 PM
sister emmy, una Bosom  re for d babies and we d husbands not unmarried guys ooo!
12  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: Am wearing a condom on: 13-10-2009 10:33 AM
that was a funny joke indeed!!!.
13  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: A man being bitting up by girlfriend to day 5/10/2009 on: 8-10-2009 08:53 AM
14  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Muslim bf on: 8-10-2009 08:37 AM
i follow dey waka passss.
15  Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Is it possible for a guy to abstain for over a year without having sex??? on: 8-10-2009 08:07 AM
hmm i still wonder oooo and i cant beleiv it oooo!!!!!. pls let us be honest for once.
16  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: Chris Brown Sentence on: 8-10-2009 07:47 AM
u will even do worser than him if d ocassion arises. so let him take heart it,s one of d ups and down thing in women. they were all temptations.
17  Forum / The Buzz Central / Re: ladies what will be ur reaction on: 8-10-2009 07:43 AM
i think dis question goes to d women fuks!!!!. it,s very complicated i cant even imagen it happen to me.
18  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: 7 year old boy impregnated dad's secretary !!! on: 8-10-2009 07:30 AM
19  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: obj and death on: 8-10-2009 07:27 AM
xter, make uncle no catch u ooo!!!. bcos if he do he go just sell u join.
20  Forum / FunnyHub (Jokes + Comedy) / Re: SMART BOY on: 8-10-2009 07:20 AM
i see!!!!. u,ll just put on ur dance shoes and take him for 5minits.
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