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Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Maka Why? (Page 9) |
on: 6-05-2011 11:02 AM
| By the time you finish cooking all you know to cook, wash all the cloths, lay all the styles and to all the loving you know, he will switch thats the raw truth. Dont have time to give reasons
so ar u saying if ur girlfrnd never offers to cook 4 u, u wont feel offended? say d truth oh make she go cook for her father. Why would someone be counting on his girl to cook what he eats? Relationship is not marriage and thus has bounds which should be respected else things might not end up wonderful. | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Maka Why? |
on: 6-05-2011 10:53 AM
| No experience cos i no get Blackberry  why make fun of the poster? Afterall some phones are far more expensive than this una black berry self. who dey make fun..abi u see my teeth for the post? or i tell u say i dey use BB? maro nwegi ooo Nne ò gi wa kwesiri ì mara owe gi oo. Biko ga mùò ka esi ede IGBO. E be like say u no no ya blood group  E wu ATURU  | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Maka Why? (Page 9) |
on: 6-05-2011 10:34 AM
| By the time you finish cooking all you know to cook, wash all the cloths, lay all the styles and to all the loving you know, he will switch thats the raw truth. Dont have time to give reasons | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Maka Why? |
on: 6-05-2011 10:30 AM
| No experience cos i no get Blackberry  why make fun of the poster? Afterall some phones are far more expensive than this una black berry self. who dey make fun..abi u see my teeth for the post? or i tell u say i dey use BB? maro nwegi ooo Nne ò gi wa kwesiri ì mara owe gi oo. Biko ga mùò ka esi ede IGBO. | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Maka Why? |
on: 6-05-2011 10:15 AM
| No experience cos i no get Blackberry  why make fun of the poster? Afterall some phones are far more expensive than this una black berry self. | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: IS SMOKING ATTRACTIVE? |
on: 24-04-2011 02:21 PM
| Smoking is an act of foolishness. Why would someone get attracted to that? You take in smoke and you release same smoke, causing damage to your lungs! Abeg its irritating not attracting. | | |
Forum / Naijapals Base (Metro life) / Re: 150 Youth Corpers Amputated In Kaduna State |
on: 23-04-2011 06:07 PM
| Thousands of youth corp members? Haba! How many youth corp members do we have in these states. Please i think we better use the figures from the tabloid. We have had enough heart breaks already, but please dont give of hyper. Thousands of youth corp members? Abeg no dey wish us this kain bad luck. What we should be talking about is how to organise southern youths for an effective move towards the scrapping of the useless programme. Afterall, the northern people are the ones benefiting from the programme more. During my stay in Zamfara state courtesy of the nonsense programme, we were being used without even being appreciated. Their teachers dont come to school, they only appear when there is something to share. We do all the teaching, prepare the exams and do the marking. I think is time for them to stand for themselves, let us stand for ourselves too. | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Women na soup? |
on: 15-04-2011 05:25 PM
| i got a diff taste.. and smell..
Wetin you dey smell? Duduosun or lux? na ice cream ice creame i dey smell hmmm, God help whoever gat the job of ice licking. | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Women na soup? |
on: 15-04-2011 04:23 PM
| This afternoon a discussion nearly turned to a fight. One said that he loves his girl however he's gat to catch his fun; just like been served a particular soup always could really get annoying. The other guy opposed the statement with certain points. Just to buy recharge card, i came back to behold people separating two furious guys from dismantling each others face. The discussion actually missed road; now it came to both analysing the others girl friend and saying some degrading stuffs. Thus, my question is this: why do many guys believe that women are different? For me, all women carry the same number of components, hence the same. Apart from class, educational background, intellect and all other qualities that has nothing to do physical nature, aint all women the same?
Yu just Gave Some Examples of things dat make Women Different, so why ask the Question digest the post properly. | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Women na soup? |
on: 15-04-2011 04:20 PM
| This afternoon a discussion nearly turned to a fight. One said that he loves his girl however he's gat to catch his fun; just like been served a particular soup always could really get annoying. The other guy opposed the statement with certain points. Just to buy recharge card, i came back to behold people separating two furious guys from dismantling each others face. The discussion actually missed road; now it came to both analysing the others girl friend and saying some degrading stuffs. Thus, my question is this: why do many guys believe that women are different? For me, all women carry the same number of components, hence the same. Apart from class, educational background, intellect and all other qualities that has nothing to do physical nature, aint all women the same?
Poster ok i hear...just like all men carry the same number of components, hence the same. Apart from class, educational background, intellect and all other qualities that has nothing to do physical nature,aint all men the same? quoting u oo... i know you studied quotology. | | |
Forum / Relationships & Romance / Re: Women na soup? |
on: 15-04-2011 04:17 PM
| This afternoon a discussion nearly turned to a fight. One said that he loves his girl however he's gat to catch his fun; just like been served a particular soup always could really get annoying. The other guy opposed the statement with certain points. Just to buy recharge card, i came back to behold people separating two furious guys from dismantling each others face. The discussion actually missed road; now it came to both analysing the others girl friend and saying some degrading stuffs. Thus, my question is this: why do many guys believe that women are different? For me, all women carry the same number of components, hence the same. Apart from class, educational background, intellect and all other qualities that has nothing to do physical nature, aint all women the same?
The highlighted words are the answer to your question. that makes them all not to be the same. Egwusi, ewedu and ogbono are all soups for swallow, but can't taste the same. Every man got taste and choices. so what makes them taste different? Many have more than one date of same or similar body type and front size. So, tell me what makes the taste better or worse. Referring them as soup doesn't mean they're eatable like meat or fish, no one is carnivorous here Brother!!  But let me simply make clear to your understanding, Just as million stars are in the sky so are our gorgeous women are different, beautiful and glowing but officially we have two kinds of them in our beautiful world, The stroked and Un-stroked. Or you can simply address them as the goddesses and doormats. You're the only one to dictate which one you have in possession, and discover how, her taste is like. You simply have to apply the technique of been quiet and listen enough at the start to understand which you’re dealing with. Listen close, for the clues and the reality is usually hidden under many layers of capricious behavior and social camouflage. It’s up to you to save yourself from a decision that will either make you very happy or trodden and despairing. Women are not the same and will never taste the same ! hmmm, you have not given me a reason to believe they aint same. Being dark or fair, fat or slim does not make any better than the other. I may prefer a fat lady while someone else prefers a slim one, thats choice. However, no matter what our choice maybe, we derive equal pleasure from our different choices. | | | |