First off, that argument is a very puerile and immature one.
Secondly, all that gay people want is the right to be treated equally. They don't want special treatment. Those spouting homophobic hate should shut their mouths.
Not meaning to be pedantic (again), but the thread title is wrong.
The countries mentioned as receiving the affected medicine are Argentina, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore - and none are noted for having "Black" populations.
There are so many insecure and neurotic people posting here. It doesn't make a difference what consenting adults do with their sex lives. No-one will ever make homosegxwality compulsory, so stop being so shrill about it.
I think that King Abdullah is doing the right thing, but he can only do it because he's backed by armed forces that know how to fight and are ready to fight.
Nigeria seems to have an army that won't fight, can't fight, and doesn't know how to fight.