Well one thing i hope for sure if they start building those nuclear towers i hope they are being better build then your roads and houses or disaster will strike.
Because the USA is very destructive in lots of things. And they think they are above the law they think whatever they do is justified but is it? They put sanctions and rules on every country except themselves. So they can keep doing what they do.
Godsson these promises are made by politicians all over the world. Here in Australia there wouldnt be one child living in poverty in the 1990 well we are still all waiting on that too. As soon as they are on the top they forget whats on the bottom. Pitty that they have been able to line there pockets while in power so never to know what the bottom really looks like.
America made so many enemies thats why they need to have the best weapons as they are very frightened indeed. Look back in history and see what a mess they left after every war in the world. Vietnam, Korea and now Iraq as they have never finished anything proper. They have a big mouth and let other people clean up there mess they made in the world. Even now children lose there limbs in Vietnam on land mines what the Americans planted. How come the world is trying to ban landmines lots of nations did sign this agreement except The USA? How come America is exempt of being able to prosecute there war criminals? Are they better then the rest of the world? Dont think so.
The Bush family has the biggest investment in weapons of mass destruction so why should they want to give this up?
On Obama. Black people have to believe first themselves that a black man can win. To me it doesnt matter what race he/she will be.
Well it was aired here in Australia as well. Although i didnt see it personally my kids did. I came home and they said Mum Ophra had this show on about Nigeria and how much they rip people of. It looks like all Nigerian are scammers.
Look your country has not a good name in this world at the moment. Even when i joined naijpals a warning came on about scamming. You know when i was in The Netherlands i bought a sim card T Mobile i couldnt text or talk to Nigeria as they bared your country. I did complain about this as it wasnt mentioned on the packing they told me the reason was corruption. Your country was not the only one though. The ban could be lifted at extra cost.
And there are many more bans like this believe me. There are scammers all over the world. But it seems to stick more with Nigeria. And although it is a minority who does the scamming it still will stick with your country for a long time to come.
I for one love your country maybe you should ask her to visit it first and then see if she is still of the same opinion.
Well what can i say? My partner and friends where in stitches when they saw my face when confronted with your traffic hazards. White lines dont mean nothing. I think its more a case of close your eyes and hope for the best.
Nothing wrong with that. Good luck. And yes there are culture differences. But we can learn from each other. Its give and take. Im not going to go wow your a black man. I dont even see the colour when im with him. All i see is his him and his heart.