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Quote from: Deleologbo on 20-04-2012 08:28 PM Too bad!!!! all in the name of Christianity Another loosed and confused muhammadeen............they will never think like a human.![]() ![]() ![]() phyuk all haters.........i still remain who i am.
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well mr lawyer until den u will be disgraced in court,,,,,,,,,,ur waistn ur time,,,, Reply
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dat one na expensive slap Reply![]()
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Quote from: toibeli on 20-04-2012 09:25 PM dat one na expensive slap ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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Quote from: phyukinjoe2 on 20-04-2012 07:43 PM you're beginning to display your ignorant and shallow brains here.........tell me when and where did christians kill people in the name of christianity?? waiting for ur answer.... Ok i don write exam finish i am back. lol @ shallow brains sha. The good thing sha is you are on a computer and hence you have access to internet so you can always do research. When Christianity was young they were persecuted significantly until Emperor Constantine of Rome legalized it in the yr 315. From the yr 315 to about 1200 Christians have persecuted all other non christians in the name of God. They labeled them pagans and it was essentially accept Christianity or die which is wrong because i know you are smart enough to know that God gave man kind free will and has never forced any man to follow his way. There are numerous references to this in numerous history books i will only name a few sha that i found using simple google search. Emperor Karl (Charlemagne) in 782 had 4500 Saxons, unwilling to convert to Christianity, beheaded. [DO30] Peasants of Steding (Germany) unwilling to pay suffocating church taxes: between 5,000 and 11,000 men, women and children slain 5/27/1234 near Altenesch/Germany 16th and 17th century Ireland. English troops "pacified and civilized" Ireland, where only Gaelic "wild Irish", "unreasonable beasts lived without any knowledge of God or good manners, in common of their goods, cattle, women, children and every other thing." One of the more successful soldiers, a certain Humphrey Gilbert, half-brother of Sir Walter Raleigh, ordered that "the heddes of all those (of what sort soever thei were) which were killed in the daie, should be cutte off from their bodies... and should bee laied on the ground by eche side of the waie", which effort to civilize the Irish indeed caused "greate terrour to the people when thei sawe the heddes of their dedde fathers, brothers, children, kinsfolke, and freinds on the grounde". Also lets not forget when the church started putting women to death simply for being accused of witchcraft with no proof Lets not forget when europeans invaded south america and africa converting our ancestors by force Catholic extermination camps Surpisingly few know that Nazi extermination camps in World War II were by no means the only ones in Europe at the time. In the years 1942-1943 also in Croatia existed numerous extermination camps, run by Catholic Ustasha under their dictator Ante Paveli, a practising Catholic and regular visitor to the then pope. There were even concentration camps exclusively for children! catholic church killing jews i can go on and on and on and on. but as per ma brain dey shallow i don tire ![]()
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@deleologbo. Dont u know christianity is a religion of d terrorists, read abt d christian crusaders, u wil know wat i mean. De are bloody hypocrites who love inciting violence. Dat is wat de preach and do and try to frame other religions. D King of terrorists: Israel (Jews) and America dat is there trademark. U Christians are bloody infidels who love terrorising people in d name of your so called religion. Imagine a retardee animal calling himself a pastor slapping a poor girl. I guess d pastor wanted to sleep with her but she she no kan gree. Hence- a way to vent his anger. HaHaHaHaHa, dis is not surprising as dere her so many killer rapist things de call pastor awaiting death in prison. ReplyGo and read your bible well, christianity was found by paul. U all are followers of paul not prophet Jesus, so get that in your brains, Pauliterrortians You are a good politician my dear but you should understand that here we have an issue at hand which you were expected to say something reasonable not to criticize religion. Since your own is a perfect religion, more strength on your elbows. Try harder, you will soon succeed. God bless you my Dear.
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Quote from: Yakuzia on 20-04-2012 09:43 PM @deleologbo. Dont u know christianity is a religion of d terrorists, read abt d christian crusaders, u wil know wat i mean. De are bloody hypocrites who love inciting violence. Dat is wat de preach and do and try to frame other religions. D King of terrorists: Israel (Jews) and America dat is there trademark. U Christians are bloody infidels who love terrorising people in d name of your so called religion. Imagine a retardee animal calling himself a pastor slapping a poor girl. I guess d pastor wanted to sleep with her but she she no kan gree. Hence- a way to vent his anger. HaHaHaHaHa, dis is not surprising as dere her so many killer rapist things de call pastor awaiting death in prison. Go and read your bible well, christianity was found by paul. U all are followers of paul not prophet Jesus, so get that in your brains, Pauliterrortians You are a good politician my dear but you should understand that here we have an issue at hand which you were expected to say something reasonable not to criticize religion. Since your own is a perfect religion, more strength on your elbows. Try harder, you will soon succeed. God bless you my Dear. lol is that the muslim explanation? never heard that before i always just thought it was the debate that Jesus was not the son of God
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Quote from: TheMainMan on 20-04-2012 08:52 PM @deleologbo. Dont u know christianity is a religion of d terrorists, read abt d christian crusaders, u wil know wat i mean. De are bloody hypocrites who love inciting violence. Dat is wat de preach and do and try to frame other religions. D King of terrorists: Israel (Jews) and America dat is there trademark. U Christians are bloody infidels who love terrorising people in d name of your so called religion. Imagine a retardee animal calling himself a pastor slapping a poor girl. I guess d pastor wanted to sleep with her but she she no kan gree. Hence- a way to vent his anger. HaHaHaHaHa, dis is not surprising as dere her so many killer rapist things de call pastor awaiting death in prison. Go and read your bible well, christianity was found by paul. U all are followers of paul not prophet Jesus, so get that in your brains, Pauliterrortians You are a good politician my dear but you should understand that here we have an issue at hand which you were expected to say something reasonable not to criticize religion. Since your own is a perfect religion, more strength on your elbows. Try harder, you will soon succeed. God bless you my Dear.
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Oga Robert Igbinedion, you don enter rikichi ooo, bcz na Papa God messenger bi dis, ef u win dis case ma broo u don hammer, but wahala dey ooo, mek u begin dey readi 2 go heaven colect ur money, bcz na dere, dem go pay u. na papa dey pay for wetin hm pikin spoil ooooo. if u no say, u neva readi 2 go heaven, beter go comot dis mata 4 court now, i dey warn u, mek u no talk say i no warn u. na u nd Papa Oyedapo dey go heaven go finish dis case ooo, remember d man age oo. mek u remember Abacha, and Abialo, Oliver d'coque and Osadebe, any mata wey u no fit settle 4 here, nd 1 person die, na 4 heaven una go go finish am oo ma broo, so ma broo check dis tin well well b4 u start. Reply
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@ bachellorette. I thought u call yourself a jew, now a christian, tommmorow, a buddhist; next tommorow, a taoist. Dat is d characteristic of satanic and devilish people. De ar infidels, killers and hypocrites. Ur fellow colleague, bokoharam will soon be caught and wiped out. ReplyU, phyukin joe, arsenal, senegal, finland guy, phyuk_christian and ur fellow christian bokohamists , se shame no de catch una. U spend lots of time abusing people most often females dat u suppose to correct, guide and mentor. I rily wonder aw u all wil treat ur wives at home o. Life is too short for all these precious time u guys are wasting. No matter wat u write about Islam, Islam will always grow, grow, grow, grow and grow. Read wikipedia about Islam, u will find out that Islam is the fastest growing religion despite all the lies d west and media are framing abt Islam. Go to d west and look at aw many people ar converting to Islam. It is all bcos they have known the truth. May b bcos u guys are serving or jobless but u can still utilize dis time judiciously to add value to tour certificate. U can do NIM, PMP, Computer certifications. e.t.c. It added value to me as it gave me an edge in securing a job. U all can b responsible people. It is never too late to change and do d right thing like eradicating tribalism, avoiding religious extremism, stop inciting hatred and violence in any thread and start promoting peace and unity. I believe dat is wat your bible teaches or is it odawise. Let me know o Success comes to those who think they can and strive for it. A word is enough for the wise.
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@ bachellorette. I thought u call yourself a jew, now a christian, tommmorow, a buddhist; next tommorow, a taoist. Dat is d characteristic of satanic and devilish people. De ar infidels, killers and hypocrites. Ur fellow colleague, bokoharam will soon be caught and wiped out. ReplyU, phyukin joe, arsenal, senegal, finland guy, phyuk_christian and ur fellow christian bokohamists , se shame no de catch una. U spend lots of time abusing people most often females dat u suppose to correct, guide and mentor. I rily wonder aw u all wil treat ur wives at home o. Life is too short for all these precious time u guys are wasting. No matter wat u write about Islam, Islam will always grow, grow, grow, grow and grow. Read wikipedia about Islam, u will find out that Islam is the fastest growing religion despite all the lies d west and media are framing abt Islam. Go to d west and look at aw many people ar converting to Islam. It is all bcos they have known the truth. May b bcos u guys are serving or jobless but u can still utilize dis time judiciously to add value to yourselves. U can do NIM, PMP, Computer certifications. e.t.c. It added value to me as it gave me an edge in securing a job. U all can b responsible people. It is never too late to change and do d right thing like eradicating tribalism, avoiding religious extremism, stop inciting hatred and violence in any thread and start promoting peace and unity. I believe dat is wat your bible teaches or is it odawise. Let me know o Success comes to those who think they can and strive for it. A word is enough for the wise.
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@ bachellorette. I thought u call yourself a jew, now a christian, tommorow, a buddhist; next tommorow, a taoist. Dat is d characteristic of satanic and devilish people. De ar infidels, killers and hypocrites. Ur fellow colleague, bokoharam will soon be caught and wiped out. ReplyU, phyukin joe, arsenal, senegal, finland guy, phyuk_christian and ur fellow christian bokohamists , se shame no de catch una. U spend lots of time abusing people most often females dat u suppose to correct, guide and mentor. I rily wonder aw u all wil treat ur wives at home o. Life is too short for all these precious time u guys are wasting. No matter wat u write about Islam, Islam will always grow, grow, grow, grow and grow. Read wikipedia about Islam, u will find out that Islam is the fastest growing religion despite all the lies d west and media are framing abt Islam. Go to d west and look at aw many people ar converting to Islam. It is all bcos they have known the truth. May b bcos u guys are serving or jobless but u can still utilize dis time judiciously to add value to yourselves. U can do NIM, PMP, Computer certifications. e.t.c. It added value to me as it gave me an edge in securing a job. U all can b responsible people. It is never too late to change and do d right thing like eradicating tribalism, avoiding religious extremism, stop inciting hatred and violence in any thread and start promoting peace and unity. I believe dat is wat your bible teaches or is it odawise. Let me know o Success comes to those who think they can and strive for it. A word is enough for the wise.
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Quote from: kebella on 20-04-2012 08:44 PM whats funny Your stupidity ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
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Oh thanks to God for this human right lawyer.... U know, i was beginning to wonder if the Nigerian justice system are not seeing and learning from their foreign counterparts on issues like these. And i think that 2bn naira lawsuit is just perfect. ReplyThey should make sure that those carnally minded lions in sheep clothing, those crooks are made to face the music for deceiving the people in the name of God Almighty.
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May God cause people to turn their hearts to remember the redeemer who died that we may serve him in TRUTH and in SPIRIT. Fake pastors now opening churches everywhere, every minute. We now hear funny names of churches. "Run for your life ministries, Fire on the mountain holyghost chapel, Jehovah sharp sharp church of God, Make money today ministry of christ" and the list goes on and on. Jesus Christ isn't bothered with how many churches, pastors, evangelist or prophets we have on earth, but how many people truly believe in their hearts God's words and serving him in truth and in spirit. Christianity which is the foundation of love, kindness, care, respect and the only way to heaven has turned into convenient ground for criminals to commit all kind of evil (no exceptions). Pastors now base their sermons on properity and deliverance. Everyone is now possessed and needs deliverance. Most churches are also business centres unknown to it's members. Buying of jets, owning banks, building schools (unaffordable to the poor), writing books, producing dvds,cds, are all part of today's salvation which is practised by most pastors. Pastors now pray for people to do illegal business including human trafficking. The truth is bitter, but i'm sure this isn't the christianity christ was hoping for when he said "go into the world and preach the gospel". But guess what? i'm not in anyway surprised. We were all warned of these things thus making the bible the true word of God. I'm afriad it would only get worst for the scriptures to be fulfilled. Now who says Islam is better? think again.. When people pick up arms to fight for God, then one need to check the god they are worshipping. Everything in Islam is BY FORCE. you're born a muslim and if you decide to follow christ, your brother is willing to kill you. Your parents will disown you and your friends will abandon you. Women are treated as lesser beings while men are seen as kings. Say anything negative about their prophet( a man u don't believe in) and people are running to the streets calling for your death. Talk about islam and the next word that comes to mind is violence. The only religion where people sacrifice themselves fighting for their god even though God is sitted in heaven and not on earth. In places like sokoto, zamfara, christians cannot preach the gospel of christ openly. You'll be seen as evil and possible killed. It cost them nothing (not even human sympathy) to kill even though they cannot create an ant. What baffles me more daily, is that they do all these in God's name. What a pity!! ReplyI'm happy to declare that christianity is God's true religion, but it's time for the christians to turn away from the things of the world and go back to what christ expects of us. It's time for pastors to drop the worldly sermons and concentrate on winning souls for Gods's kindgdom. The end is near and people we see today we may see them no more. The clock is ticking and the days are counting. Like a thief the SON OF GOD will return when no one expects. I have this question for you. Are you ready for the coming of christ? Like everyone else, i'm a sinner even though i've decided to live in christ and abandon the things of the world. My prayers each day is to make heaven and enjoy eternal life. It's time to turn to God and prepare for his coming. Remember, NO ONE knows, the time Christ will return. May the grace of our lord Jesus christ, the love of God and the sweet fellowship of the holy spirit rest and abide with us now and forever more Amen. Shalom ![]() ![]() ![]()
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What a hungry lawyer! N2bn is excessive!! Reply
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Quote from: sydneylove on 20-04-2012 03:37 PM thou shall not slap that is the 11th commandment ![]() if u attack my papa house, I'll retaliate but if you are peace loving,I will embrace you
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mk d lawyer no let nemensiess 4 upon am oooooo no bi here e go 4 mk him first millions Reply
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One slap for 2 billion..if na blow e go be like 10BN Reply
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Quote from: TheMainMan on 20-04-2012 10:16 PM @ bachellorette. I thought u call yourself a jew, now a christian, tommmorow, a buddhist; next tommorow, a taoist. Dat is d characteristic of satanic and devilish people. De ar infidels, killers and hypocrites. Ur fellow colleague, bokoharam will soon be caught and wiped out. [/s]U, fcukin joe, arsenal, senegal, finland guy, fcuk_christian and ur fellow christian bokohamists , se shame no de catch una. U spend lots of time abusing people most often females dat u suppose to correct, guide and mentor. I rily wonder aw u all wil treat ur wives at home o. Life is too short for all these precious time u guys are wasting. No matter wat u write about Islam, Islam will always grow, grow, grow, grow and grow. Read wikipedia about Islam, u will find out that Islam is the fastest growing religion despite all the lies d west and media are framing abt Islam. Go to d west and look at aw many people ar converting to Islam. It is all bcos they have known the truth. May b bcos u guys are serving or jobless but u can still utilize dis time judiciously to add value to yourselves. U can do NIM, PMP, Computer certifications. e.t.c. It added value to me as it gave me an edge in securing a job. U all can b responsible people. It is never too late to change and do d right thing like eradicating tribalism, avoiding religious extremism, stop inciting hatred and violence in any thread and start promoting peace and unity. I believe dat is wat your bible teaches or is it odawise. Let me know o Success comes to those who think they can and strive for it. A word is enough for the wise. YOU ARE A STUPID FELLOW....
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