MIKE IS DEAD... (Page 7)

Date: 20-04-2009 3:03 am (15 years ago) | Author: kelly rynejersey
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- scorpionheart99 at 9-05-2009 12:11 AM (15 years ago)
honey.... the one who died here... read the first page... MIKE IS DEAD...
this emmy is snobbing my invitation... lol... ok... he's not welcome now!

Posted: at 9-05-2009 12:11 AM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- favourtee at 9-05-2009 12:33 AM (15 years ago)
okay! ehehe! any food for dat day?
 leave emmy alone..
Posted: at 9-05-2009 12:33 AM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- scorpionheart99 at 9-05-2009 12:51 AM (15 years ago)
lol... talk about food....hahaha

well.....i bet....wanna come along?Huh? I'll send you an invitation...

Posted: at 9-05-2009 12:51 AM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- favourtee at 9-05-2009 12:55 PM (15 years ago)
yeah sure..
 and hope omat will b coming too,
 i need my kisses back from him.lol
Posted: at 9-05-2009 12:55 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- scorpionheart99 at 9-05-2009 07:44 PM (15 years ago)
LOL.... no worries, I will invite him for you as well honey.

@ omatseye................ I summon you, in the name of the scorpion queen...LOL....isn't that sound deadly.... hahaha...

Posted: at 9-05-2009 07:44 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- favourtee at 9-05-2009 10:29 PM (15 years ago)
sealed my mouth
Posted: at 9-05-2009 10:29 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- scorpionheart99 at 10-05-2009 02:40 AM (15 years ago)
hahahahahhaha... I think omatseye is doing some soul searching.. I can't summon him ... lol
no worries... I'll bring him along even b4 that day....
cheers hon...

Posted: at 10-05-2009 02:40 AM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- ironlady at 10-05-2009 02:56 AM (15 years ago)
Posted: at 10-05-2009 02:56 AM (15 years ago) | Hero
- scorpionheart99 at 10-05-2009 03:02 AM (15 years ago)
hey sweet...you're invited too....LOL!

Posted: at 10-05-2009 03:02 AM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- federico at 10-05-2009 08:28 AM (15 years ago)
na wah
Posted: at 10-05-2009 08:28 AM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- scorpionheart99 at 10-05-2009 08:38 AM (15 years ago)
Quote from: federico on 10-05-2009 08:28 AM
na wah

By scorpionheart99 at 2009-05-10

Posted: at 10-05-2009 08:38 AM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
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