Meet The Most Spoilt Girl In Britain, Gina Rio Lives in Hotel, Buys £20k Handbag

Date: 31-12-2012 9:10 pm (12 years ago) | Author: Daniel Bosai
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- at 31-12-2012 09:10 PM (12 years ago)
I were a little shocked when we came across this article which has been widely publicised today. Not because the young lady is so wealthy and in obvious need of guidance, but because she would actually agree to be portrayed as being so vacant  and clueless about the harsh realities of life.

Most twentysomethings have long been dropped from their parents' pocket money payroll.
But one - who some are calling the most spoiled woman in Britain - still receives a massive £10,000 payout each month from her mother - and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Gina Rio, 23, who lives in a suite at the five star Savoy hotel despite owning a house in London's King's Cross, is handed the money by her mother, Teresa, who took over the monthly payments after Gina fell out with her father in 2003 and he stopped the £20,000 allowance he used to provide.
Gina, whose parents split when she was aged 14 after her father had an affair, spends the generous allowance living the life of a princess.

She shops at designer stores, naming Louis Vuitton, Lanvin and Christian Louboutin as some of her favourite shops, and she eats lavish meals at London's finest restaurants, claiming on Twitter that she plans to dine exclusively at Michelin-starred establishments.

And she buys more designer goods than she could wear in a lifetime, including over 300 pairs of designer shoes and 70 designer handbags, one of which, a Hermes bag that she ordered her father to buy after she discovered he had bought a similar one for his mistress, cost £20,000.
She also spends an extravagant amount on being chauffeured around in private cars and taxis, the bill for which can exceed a staggering £1,000 a month, and pampers herself in the hairdresser on a regular basis - often spending £600 each month to keep her locks glossy.

As if the allowance wasn’t enough, Gina’s parents have also showered her with gifts over the years.
Her father, who owns a successful construction company, spent £10,000 on a 16th birthday party for Gina, while her mother recently gave her a white Mercedes SLK convertible, worth about £30,000.
While Gina doesn’t solely rely on her parents money - she earns £2,000 a month as a personal stylist - she has shockingly not managed to save a penny of the mini fortune lavished on her.

The 23-year-old, who trained at Sylvia Young Theatre School, spent an eye-watering £50,000 in two days last month on clubbing and shopping for luxury clothes, after taking her father's credit card without his permission.
'My dad wasn't happy,' Gina's brother Sebastian says,' but he just shrugged it off.'
Gina compares herself to socialite and millionairess Tamara Ecclestone, and admits she often has no idea how much she spends on luxuries such as socialising, hair and beauty.

‘It’s really bad - I don’t even know how much I spend sometimes.’
Gina often posts about  her lavish lifestyle on Twitter, tweeting on 21st December ‘Shopping in Knightsbridge with mummy! Love her, and her cards!’ and treating her 373 followers to daily reminders of her extravagant purchases and indulgent restaurant meals.
In one tweet she declares: ‘I decided I'm strictly eating at michelin star restaurants and 5* places, i'm tired of trying to be normal and eating at these other places!'

On her blog, where readers can learn how to copy her lavish lifestyle; she lists Harrods, Bond street, exclusive jewelers Asprey and Cartier, Selfridges department store as personal shopping favourites.
While it might be easy to dismiss Gina as simply a spoilt brat, she is the first to admit she is using money as a substitute for her parents' love.
Devastated when her father had an affair and left the family for another woman, Gina, then aged 14, was given substantial handouts from him until, at age 17, she demanded an allowance of £20,000 a month.
‘I know I’m spoiled, but I need my parents to buy me things to prove they love me,' she says.
'I think the most expensive item was a Hermes handbag which cost £20,000.

'When I found out that he'd bought his mistress a Hermes handbag, I wanted to have one that was bigger and better.
'I wanted him to prove that he loved me more than her - because she's horrid - she's horrid.
'He's my dad at the end of the day and I'm always going to love him, but he's chosen his new family over me.'
Gina fell out with her father over his new love in 2003 and he cut off her £20,000 a month, leaving Gina threatened with a normal life devoid of the countless luxuries to which she had become accustomed.
Luckily her mother Teresa stepped in to save her daughters extravagant way of life, offering £10,000 monthly to keep her in taxis and blowdries.

When Gina goes out, she lets her boyfriend - the 23-year-old rapper Ecksell - pick up the tab.
'I love my Cristal champagne and bellini cocktails,' she said.
'I have no idea how much it costs - hundreds maybe. When my boyfriend and I go clubbing, he goes crazy.
'Once he spent £25,000 in one night. Afterwards I told him that he might as well spend that on me.
'I could not imagine life without any money. Not being able to pay to have my hair done would be the worst thing ever.
'I always get what I want - I've never gone without.
'I've never caught the Tube or a bus. I would never go on public transport. It would be terrifying.
Unlike most girls her age, Gina has never set foot in Primark.
She said: 'I've driven past but I don't think I'd like it.'
Meanwhile Gina has carefully vetted all her suitors.

She said: 'I could never date someone who is poor. That would be the worst thing that could ever happen to me.
'When I met my boyfriend he told me he was signed to Warner Bros to impress me, but he really wasn't.
'Then I found out that his dad owns a brand of sauce sold in Harrods, I was pretty impressed and I knew his family would have a lot of money.

She said: 'I want my kids to have a nice life like me. When you've got money everything is a lot easier.'
But I don't want my kids growing up and taking money for granted like I used to.
'When my allowance was cut, I realised that that I had to cut back too. Before I used to buy things for the sake of it. Now I only buy clothes that I really like.'

However, Gina claims her brother Sebastian, 38, is even more spoilt than her.
She said: 'People think that I'm spoilt, but he is on a different level, literally. Anything he asks for, he gets without any hesitation.
'He's wasted so much of my parent's money on his failed business ideas. Once they gave him £200,000 for a Caribbean restaurant that never went anywhere.'
In 2008 Gina performed in the Dizzee Rascal's 'Come Dance With Me' music video wearing a swimsuit.

She is currently living at the Savoy while her house in King's Cross is refurbished.
The five-bed house will have a walk in wardrobe covering the entire top floor, a swimming pool and jacuzzi and a home cinema.

Gina said: 'My mum bought the house for me ages ago - I reckon it must have cost at least a million.'
Meanwhile father Paul is picking up the tab at the Savoy - a bill costing thousands of pounds.

Mum Teresa has no problem with Gina excessive spending.
She says: 'I tell Gina that I am proud of her and everything she gets she deserves. Why have money if you can't enjoy it?'
Looking forward, Gina says she is hoping to emulate her idol Tamara Ecclesone.
'I like Tamara - she's pretty and seems nice. Of course, she wants for nothing - and sometimes I think I'm just as bad as her.
'I'd like to start my own business - something like a beauty spa. I get bored sometimes so I think it would give me something to do.
'Tamara has her own show, Billion $$ Girl, to keep her occupied.'

Please share your views and let us know what you think. Is the media to blame for the negative portrayal  after-all it is not her fault that she is rich?
Or is she irresponsible for flaunting it in such an arrogant way?

Posted: at 31-12-2012 09:10 PM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- nonsovin at 31-12-2012 09:22 PM (12 years ago)
Posted: at 31-12-2012 09:22 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- ezchusa at 31-12-2012 09:26 PM (12 years ago)
Hmmm! What a lady. Money talks.

Posted: at 31-12-2012 09:26 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- osamabinladin at 31-12-2012 09:26 PM (12 years ago)
Posted: at 31-12-2012 09:26 PM (12 years ago) | Hero
- winace at 31-12-2012 09:36 PM (12 years ago)
Wat a child, hmmmmmm well in her spending.
Posted: at 31-12-2012 09:36 PM (12 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Tabia at 31-12-2012 09:47 PM (12 years ago)
A fool for life. I bet if she starts working for the money, it won't be so easy to spend it SMH
Posted: at 31-12-2012 09:47 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- interpo777 at 31-12-2012 09:49 PM (12 years ago)
thats guud for her, afteall not ma   money
Posted: at 31-12-2012 09:49 PM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Unogoknow at 31-12-2012 09:57 PM (12 years ago)
wow what a fool. Dimmmmmm!
Posted: at 31-12-2012 09:57 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- Unogoknow at 31-12-2012 10:00 PM (12 years ago)
fool of de year 2012 wow what a dieing menit fool
Posted: at 31-12-2012 10:00 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- Manjaro at 31-12-2012 10:07 PM (12 years ago)
That's her choice.

Posted: at 31-12-2012 10:07 PM (12 years ago) | Newbie
- Oyinminijoor at 31-12-2012 11:32 PM (12 years ago)
Posted: at 31-12-2012 11:32 PM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- ajanni at 1-01-2013 12:29 AM (12 years ago)
chei ---- who is this spoilt gina girl or wetin you called her name self?
Posted: at 1-01-2013 12:29 AM (12 years ago) | Grande Master
- alibab at 1-01-2013 12:33 AM (12 years ago)
Oyibo mentality.
Posted: at 1-01-2013 12:33 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- stikerxxx at 1-01-2013 12:48 AM (12 years ago)
 Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
Posted: at 1-01-2013 12:48 AM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Noble12 at 1-01-2013 01:09 AM (12 years ago)
She wan b lyk  Lips Sealed
Posted: at 1-01-2013 01:09 AM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Aniagain at 1-01-2013 01:58 AM (12 years ago)
That's my girl

Posted: at 1-01-2013 01:58 AM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- destinlily at 1-01-2013 02:08 AM (12 years ago)
i no see anyting, na waiting commong ladys be that chopping, even her own na small one self , no that few bags and shoe..
Posted: at 1-01-2013 02:08 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- destinlily at 1-01-2013 02:08 AM (12 years ago)
Quote from: destinlily on  1-01-2013 02:08 AM
i no see anyting, na waiting common among ladys be that chopping, even her own na small one self , no that few bags and shoe..
Posted: at 1-01-2013 02:08 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
- jabanz at 1-01-2013 02:17 AM (12 years ago)

Posted: at 1-01-2013 02:17 AM (12 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- oludolis at 1-01-2013 02:36 AM (12 years ago)
i am on the autobahn with speeeed driving 350km per .h
Posted: at 1-01-2013 02:36 AM (12 years ago) | Upcoming
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