Its only in Nigerian movies you would see the following happen

1) A mother travels from the village to Lagos, argues with her son about not having a male child, then back to the village...THE SAME DAY! Abi village dey get airport?
2) A girl carries the same hairstyle, even after 2 years.
3) You'd see the camera man through the side body of a car or when u look closely into Jim Iyke's huge glasses.
4) A ghost looks left and right before crossing the road.
5) Girls wear very short dresses, revealing their bosoms and sky high heels to school...but their lecturers say nothing about it.
6) A woman barges into her husband with another woman in a hotel room. Abi who give her key?
7) A policeman with 6-rounds revolver keeps shooting at armed robbers more than 20 times. I no know say bullet dey generate itself like DNA

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