girlfrnd's name, ur promise 2 change her fone, ur
promise 2 take her 4 lunch, even includin d recharge
card u promise 2 send
2. SCREENSAVER GIRLS: dey ar there 4 yu to jst admire
dem.............. no tresspassin
3. SERVER GIRLS: Dey ar always busy wen
needed........if mama no giv dem plates 2 watch, papa
go give clothes 2 iron
4. MULTIMEDIA GIRLS: dis ladies knws how 2 make
horrible tinx luk beautiful. Dey can collect ur whole
salary frm u & stil make gaari taste like fried rice in ur
5. VIRUS: Dis type of girls ar called wife.......... Once dey
enter ur system, dey dn't leave,.... if u like, go restore
ur body factory settings, even format self........... Dey
dnt leave!
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