Just 48 hours after operatives of the Special Anti Robbery Squad (SARS) killed six suspected kidnappers in Ihiala Council Area of Anambra State, a business magnate and transporter, Chief Godwin Okeke (GUO motors) escaped death by the whiskers yesterday when gunmen suspected to be hired assassins attacked his car.
The attack occurred barely one month after the owner of the Young Shall Grow Motors, Chief Vincent Obianodo escaped suspected assasins’s bullets in Festac Area of Lagos.
Okeke escaped death miraculously within his residence at Government Reserved Area (GRA), Onitsha, while he was returning from work at about 6.45 pm when the gunmen trailed his car to the gate of his home.
Though the business magnate was not hurt, it was gathered that after he came in, one of the drivers in his convoy went out with a black Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV) with Reg. No ME70AAA, and the assailants trailed him and opened fire on the car.
Speaking to Daily Sun, Okeke said he had come back about 10 minutes earlier and sent his driver on an errand with the car and on his way back, gunmen operating in a Toyota Siena car trailed him to his gate and opened fire on the vehicle.
His words: “I came back yesterday about 10 minutes earlier and I sent my driver to go and buy something. Shortly after that, we began to hear terrifying gunshots in front of the gate.
“It was when the assailants trailed the car, thinking that I was inside; they first opened fire at the windscreen, directing it at the front seat where they thought a security man was sitting.
“They shattered the windscreen, shot again at the driver and the bullets miraculously missed his forehead and just scratched his head and the bullets also hit his hand.”
“They also shattered the tyres of the vehicle and riddled the whole vehicle with over 60 bullets. The operation was a very brief one because it lasted for about five minutes.
“The assailants came purposely to eliminate me because within the last few months, I have been receiving threats from various criminal gangs, ordering me to leave Onitsha and Anambra State completely.
paul4daddykalu at 16-10-2013 01:29 PM (11 years ago) (m)
Peace Mass transit Motors CEO was assassinated by Gun men... now The Young Shall Grow Motors Escapes Death By Assassination,...2nd, G.U.O Motors Escapes Death By Assassination...........so, who's next? Ajanni Motors
Posted: at 16-10-2013 01:29 PM (11 years ago) | Gistmaniac
gentlefelix at 16-10-2013 05:01 PM (11 years ago) (m)
This would be the second time they would attack him, first was in 2005, The attackers got access into his compound by scaling the fence and the next thing that happened was drama as they became confused by shooting in the air until the SAR squad from central police station responded by arresting one of them while others escaped. A guy who was dealing in second hand refrigerators and deep freezers at Venn Road South Odoakpu Onitsha was a member of the gang, SAR went to his shop, arrested and took him to Awada where they executed him. GUO is not an ordinary human being. He belongs because I still remember all the incidents during his Tenure as the head of OMATA at Onitsha main market where his faction engaged another faction to gun duel.
Posted: at 16-10-2013 05:01 PM (11 years ago) | Upcoming