MADNESS! 14 Years Old Boy Rapes 9 Years Old Girl To Death (Page 2)

Date: 30-10-2013 6:06 am (11 years ago) | Author: Nikedo Latest
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- debuchi at 30-10-2013 12:05 PM (11 years ago)
Boys of these age, that's what he use to watch in movies and internet
Posted: at 30-10-2013 12:05 PM (11 years ago) | Upcoming
- paulohking at 30-10-2013 12:39 PM (11 years ago)
Posted: at 30-10-2013 12:39 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
- cocoeni at 30-10-2013 01:28 PM (11 years ago)
Lord save ur children fm the hands of the wicked ppl  Shocked Shocked
Posted: at 30-10-2013 01:28 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
- cocoeni at 30-10-2013 01:29 PM (11 years ago)
RIP... little girl
Posted: at 30-10-2013 01:29 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
- dareper at 30-10-2013 01:30 PM (11 years ago)
Posted: at 30-10-2013 01:30 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
- osamabinladin at 30-10-2013 02:25 PM (11 years ago)
Posted: at 30-10-2013 02:25 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
- ebiteck at 30-10-2013 02:26 PM (11 years ago)
too bad
Posted: at 30-10-2013 02:26 PM (11 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Rwangee at 30-10-2013 02:43 PM (11 years ago)
Hmmm mm c gobe
Posted: at 30-10-2013 02:43 PM (11 years ago) | Upcoming
- proly at 30-10-2013 03:30 PM (11 years ago)
@ d age of 14....GOD ve mercy
Posted: at 30-10-2013 03:30 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
- dickman2 at 30-10-2013 06:12 PM (11 years ago)
 Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?
Posted: at 30-10-2013 06:12 PM (11 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Dencybaby at 30-10-2013 06:59 PM (11 years ago)
devil at work
Posted: at 30-10-2013 06:59 PM (11 years ago) | Newbie
- blackijawboi at 30-10-2013 07:32 PM (11 years ago)
Posted: at 30-10-2013 07:32 PM (11 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- zoe61 at 30-10-2013 07:34 PM (11 years ago)
unbeliveable what is this world turning in to 9 years is a kid @ child that don't even know the use of honeypot
Posted: at 30-10-2013 07:34 PM (11 years ago) | Hero
- cutelizzy at 30-10-2013 07:51 PM (11 years ago)
Wonder will always end, see dis children dey enjoy big man food
Posted: at 30-10-2013 07:51 PM (11 years ago) | Upcoming
- HOPEA23 at 30-10-2013 08:23 PM (11 years ago)
Gush....sad news

Posted: at 30-10-2013 08:23 PM (11 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- ajanni at 30-10-2013 09:58 PM (11 years ago)
law of moses should take its effect on that silly boi
Posted: at 30-10-2013 09:58 PM (11 years ago) | Grande Master
- adidaz at 30-10-2013 11:34 PM (11 years ago)
tu fia kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! God forbid!
Posted: at 30-10-2013 11:34 PM (11 years ago) | Upcoming
- viddycool at 31-10-2013 08:48 AM (11 years ago)
what a bad way to end innocent life
Posted: at 31-10-2013 08:48 AM (11 years ago) | Upcoming
- daveobahon at 31-10-2013 09:00 AM (11 years ago)
He his underage but na 9ja
Posted: at 31-10-2013 09:00 AM (11 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- cosmos68 at 31-10-2013 09:14 AM (11 years ago)
wow real he goat  Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool Cool
Posted: at 31-10-2013 09:14 AM (11 years ago) | Upcoming
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