Nigeria's Government is Asking Cinemas to Stop Showing a Science Fiction Film (Page 6)

Date: 19-09-2009 10:44 am (15 years ago) | Author: Teeco Designer
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- portiphar at 27-09-2009 09:44 PM (15 years ago)
Posted: at 27-09-2009 09:44 PM (15 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- teeco at 28-09-2009 10:19 AM (15 years ago)
Quote from: nellygold on 27-09-2009 05:42 PM
lets see what ill happen then

Posted: at 28-09-2009 10:19 AM (15 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- teejay007 at 28-09-2009 11:33 AM (15 years ago)
hmmmmmmm with all the words you've gathered togerther it is obvious how myopic your views are and lack constructive communication skills. Must people not have they say or opinions because you run a contrary view? obviously these are the kind of autocratic despotic people that leads us to where we are today. If only you respect and appreciate individual experience in live you will know how to respect individual views to matters; hence learn more on how to talk to others. Now to the real issue Passion without realistic reasoning have a corresponding set back. if you understand Nigeria state so well, you will by know that the present polical class as we speak is a wasted generation and that does not change the fact that Nigeria is not Nigeria.
If you understand and admit the problems you can find solutions; passion alone can due it. But if you fail to admit there is a problem with the ruling class, then there wont b anypoint to continue this discussions, When Fashola in Lagos (Gov) leads with a vision who dear smear his name no it still doesn't mean as man he does'nt have his own short comings yet people fall in line behind his policy. Leadship and followership are goes together to achieve a common acceptable goal. If these people get it right or trying to i bet no one will rubbish their act. afterall charity begins at home; treat your people right others with do same to you. it is that simple, and for you, dont attak people for their views it tells alot about who you are than what you have to share ina forum.
Posted: at 28-09-2009 11:33 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- teeco at 28-09-2009 03:04 PM (15 years ago)

Posted: at 28-09-2009 03:04 PM (15 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Kelzie at 28-09-2009 04:41 PM (15 years ago)
A question to all folks: IS OBASANJO NOT A CRIMINAL. He is one. if you don't know. WAKE UP. Come to Europe and see how our girls are disgracing Nigeria in the name of money.
Posted: at 28-09-2009 04:41 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- teeco at 28-09-2009 04:44 PM (15 years ago)

Posted: at 28-09-2009 04:44 PM (15 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- teejay007 at 28-09-2009 06:20 PM (15 years ago)
Quote from: Kelzie on 28-09-2009 04:41 PM
A question to all folks: IS OBASANJO NOT A CRIMINAL. He is one. if you don't know. WAKE UP.

i wish some people get their facts right and understand the demage these people have caused the younger generations. Let tell it to their face that they 're Bad or have taken some bad step which should be admitted by them, therefrom is a way forward. "after repentance is forgiveness therefrom a new life". These folks must either admit their wrong doings or leave the stage for better Naija to emerge. Hence we will be left with i wish.......
Posted: at 28-09-2009 06:20 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- engrthomas at 29-09-2009 12:18 AM (15 years ago)
Quote from: black_samurai on 20-09-2009 02:35 PM
Quote from: dguy on 20-09-2009 08:49 AM
I am most impressed with this development, its just crazy to see stupid sci-fi writing who has insisted on using non-fictional characters and names to depict evil scenes.

The movie is a crime against our country

It is not. What about the Russians, Italians and Afghanistans being depicted as maffians ans terrorists respectively in movies?

What about the Ibos and money rituals in Nigerian movies?

I sincerely agree with you bro, I think we paint our country's image black ourselves. I don't watch our home videos anymore because either they talk about ritualism, prostitution, witches and wizards. It is very hard for us outside Nigeria because our hosts sees these moves and believes what they see and see us the same way. In Hollywood Movies, Iraqis, Italians, Germans, Asians and even Africans are portrayed as enemies and no apologies are requested by these countries. District Nine is the Best Movie ever produced in Africa. We should take this as a Challenge and stop discriminating or should if a Ghanian or Liberian read this article of we discriminating District 9, they would say ‘We simply Jealous’. We realize people no more call us Giant of Africa, we are only Giant in population. Go District 9, No.1 on top ten Movie count down in USA.
Posted: at 29-09-2009 12:18 AM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- melody7 at 29-09-2009 07:55 AM (15 years ago)
well i had to watch d movie too when i saw this. i felt somehw when i saw we where d criminals and d prostitutes but then its a movie. in some other movies they use names of other countries too. dat shldnt be wat govt shld be tinking abt. let them be tinking abt hw ASU wil call off strike or hw we wil hav 24hrs light. after watching dat movie all i was tinking abt was even d guy they wanted to use for a lab rat.  Sad
Posted: at 29-09-2009 07:55 AM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- SwaggkwN at 29-09-2009 08:47 AM (15 years ago)
well i guess iv gotta watch d movie. anyway, y dont we just laugh it off nd den make more efforts 2 'rebrand' d nation. then wen they c how improved we've bcum, they'll actually go back 2 watch d film nd fell bad cuz then it'll b ridiculous, even to them. don't kno wat all d ish is about, its just a film. i dont c arabians complainin about evri damn suicide bomber movie made. evri one is stereotyped, 1 way or anoda!
Posted: at 29-09-2009 08:47 AM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- teeco at 29-09-2009 08:54 AM (15 years ago)
Quote from: melody7 on 29-09-2009 07:55 AM
well i had to watch d movie too when i saw this. i felt somehw when i saw we where d criminals and d prostitutes but then its a movie. in some other movies they use names of other countries too. dat shldnt be wat govt shld be tinking abt. let them be tinking abt hw ASU wil call off strike or hw we wil hav 24hrs light. after watching dat movie all i was tinking abt was even d guy they wanted to use for a lab rat.  Sad

yeah they are just wasting time on a useless movie

Posted: at 29-09-2009 08:54 AM (15 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- engrthomas at 29-09-2009 09:13 AM (15 years ago)
Quote from: next2me on 26-09-2009 02:54 PM
@sunny77 Thank you jor my brother, you are a true son of your father.. As a matter of fact i dey shame for those nigerians wey dey talk out of point here.. A serious matter dey ground instead of us to stand in one voice and condem this degrading and disgusting act by sunny, rather some fools are seeing nothing wrong in it..
You may not be a dirrect victim but i tell you what in one way or the other the shame will fall on us all if we dont condem this ill act by the rest of the world. This is an intensional act by sunny and the southafricans to tanish the image of nigeria internationally... We no holly pass but still we no bad pass...

I want to let you know that it would be a big disgrace and shame upon Nigeria as  whole if South Africa actually stands up and say "SORRY NAIJA, MAKE NA NO VEX, WE GO USE OUR NAME NEXT TIME". In the country I reside, there is a popular location called JONQUET, filled with Nigerian gurls selling their bodies publicly and also jampacked with many jobless and homeless Nigerian that had refused to return back home. This location is a major and big avenue and known by almost all the citizens here, tell me Sunny and Next2me do you think this is less degrading to us than District 9. Tell me, one man transferring over 100 billion dollars of Naijas money to his private account in Switzerland in the name os Presidency... How damaging do you think that is to the country?
Posted: at 29-09-2009 09:13 AM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- engrthomas at 29-09-2009 09:20 AM (15 years ago)
Quote from: DarkCoco on 20-09-2009 06:32 PM
Nigerian govt has nothin to do with their life i swear people are starving and dying, and no water or light, and omg, AINT SCHOOL STILL ON STRIKE, and they wanna phyukin talk about a movie....DIS SHIT IS GETTIN OUT OF HAND FOR so annoyed and angry right now...

im out of dis place

I totally agree with you, just stepping out too.
Posted: at 29-09-2009 09:20 AM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- teeco at 29-09-2009 09:56 AM (15 years ago)
Quote from: engrthomas on 29-09-2009 09:20 AM
Quote from: DarkCoco on 20-09-2009 06:32 PM
Nigerian govt has nothin to do with their life i swear people are starving and dying, and no water or light, and omg, AINT SCHOOL STILL ON STRIKE, and they wanna phyukin talk about a movie....DIS SHIT IS GETTIN OUT OF HAND FOR so annoyed and angry right now...

im out of dis place

I totally agree with you, just stepping out too.


Posted: at 29-09-2009 09:56 AM (15 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- Hearthrob at 29-09-2009 12:24 PM (15 years ago)
What a government
Posted: at 29-09-2009 12:24 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- ktalent at 29-09-2009 12:43 PM (15 years ago)
Quote from: serene_child on 21-09-2009 07:21 PM
Quote from: black_samurai on 21-09-2009 04:56 PM
I believe all these noise is just guilty conscience! We know ourselves, we've never had a good reputation in anything. So what do we expect? People calling us what we are not? No way!

If Ghanaians were used instead they won't say nothing cos they'll understand its just a movie.

I beg to differ! I read somewhere a while ago that the German Govt banned a certain hollywood movie from being screened and sold in the whole of germany,reason being that the film brutally potrayed germans as racists (are they not?). The US  govt complied fully with this sanction and didnt make a fuss abt it.
A country may be what they are but you don't have to put it on TV and blow it in everyone's faces. No country dilly dallies or with their images or let any other person do that for that matter.
Our passion and loyalty is enmeshed in our image and if our image is tainted our pride is hurt.

Nigeria should attempt to make a movie that potrays America as the actual terrorists in the world and highlight the conspiracy theories going on there
,i'm quite sure i don't need to tell you the kind of bashing we will get from pundits and the likes if such happens.


I absolutely concur. Stupid america, shitty Sony. arrrghh

Posted: at 29-09-2009 12:43 PM (15 years ago) | Upcoming
- teeco at 29-09-2009 05:10 PM (15 years ago)

Posted: at 29-09-2009 05:10 PM (15 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- jolayworld at 30-09-2009 12:06 PM (15 years ago)
Dear all, let us agree that what is bad can never at any point in the future be good. Bad cannot produce good. If actually we want to be objective enough, what is called science fiction does not represent complete personification and representation of actual names like was used (Olusegun Obasanjo). That in the first case is a crime against the former president....... Note that am not a fan of Obasanjo anyway. In science fiction, correct names of location are not used. Names are coined, people are made to look like alliens, not the other way. When you want to describe alliens properly, they do not look like humans but the "alliens" in District 9 are purely humans. So, for those who feel what is produced as the best African movie of the year is good, think well about the image of your country. Be a patroitic Nigerian and stand up against the castigation of our image. Remember, not all eggs are bad................not all Nigerians are bad but when a country is branded corrupt, there's no is the totality of the country. Some of us must have read the public proclamation by Sony that nigerians are scammers and the same Sony has produced a film that agree with their earlier assertion. What are we not talking? This film, District 9 is an intentional act, and as such, Nigerian government should seek a stronger major to dealing with the case than just an apology. These white people come into our country (some without visas), make their money and after leaving, brand Nigeria as a corrupt place. When you go to their countries, they regards us as a representation of evil, corruption, and degenerating members of creatures. We should all stand up against all these rather than joining them in saying same things, even when things are not yet working the way they should. The great America did not achieve all in 10 years. It took their democrasy over 50 years to become what it is today. Even what they have today is not a perfect one. God bless Nigeria
Posted: at 30-09-2009 12:06 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- teejay007 at 30-09-2009 01:24 PM (15 years ago)
Jolayworld, that was a well articulate speech, God bless Nigeria. But It is good atimes when we realise that others are watching us more so when you're a leader. You wonder what chances you and i have when you see things like this.

"It has never ceased to amaze me how our own leaders purposely choose to humiliate us at home, and subject us to ridicule before the international media.

This sorry tendency was replayed on CNN, Tuesday June 9th. Apparently in a bid to score a propaganda coup, the Joint Task Force took a CNN correspondent, Christian Purefoy, on a tour of their battle zone in Delta State.

The Military Commander, General SY Bello only ended up exposing our Armed Forces incompetence and the corrupt under belly to the whole world. It was amazing seeing him displaying articulate maps of the creeks, indicating berthing positions of ships engaged in crude oil lifting. The Nigerian Armed Forces, especially our Navy, know of these locations, and have been unable, or should we more aptly say, unwilling, to stop this economic rape of the country! Only God will save us!

And,… to complete our national disgrace, no other personality than the Delta State Governor himself subtly confirmed, on the same program, that indeed, ongoing bunkering is with the full knowledge and connivance of our Armed Forces! I held my head in shame here in the outer lobby of the hotel in Cape Town, where European visitors, who were also watching, shook their heads in incredulity, all staring in my direction!

We had another show of shame a couple of days ago, on the 7th of September on CNN. The Executive Governor of Bayelsa State was taking this same CNN correspondent, Christian Purefoy, on the tour of the so called "Glory Land Castle", the new multi-million dollar Government House started by his civilian predecessors and completed by him. In fairness to the Governor, it was clearly mentioned that he was not living in that edifice and the Governor said that he himself would not have had the courage to start such a project, in a state burdened by poverty and armed insurrection. However what was mind buggling, apart from the sheer waste on display, was to see the Governor showing off a replica of the "Star of David", and to hear him boast that "any wish made while standing on the centre of this star, will come true if it is rotated seven times", and that "he himself had experienced this"!!! You could almost feel the joy radiating from the CNN correspondent at the "own goal" that had just been scored by the Executive Governor. The bait had been well laid, and the young journalist had his scoop!

The key message from all of this is for the good Professor, Akunyili. No amount of media based rebranding will succeed, and nothing will work in Nigeria, with the caliber of intellect of our leaders displayed in these two CNN programmes. On one occasion this year, CNN decided to be merciful to Nigeria and spare us their usual recipe of ridicule when a programme was aired on the construction boom in Lagos State. On that occasion, you were left with the impression that a visionary and people centered government was directing business in Lagos. This is the kind of rebranding we need. Let the Governors compete in showing off functional hospitals, schools, roads, and you will see, the CNN Correspondent will pack his bags and leave Nigeria, finished business.

What we need is a serious national re-orientation, starting with our leaders, and aimed at mobilizing the whole polity towards improving the quality of governance. If I am not mistaken, national orientation also falls within her purview as minister. The media and civil society must also be empowered to promote good governance and expose corruption and inefficiency. This national reorientation should have clear benchmarks: passage of the freedom of information bill, the abolition of the immunity clause, genuine electoral reform before 2011, and fiscal transparency, amongst other issues. One of her illustrious predecessors, Dr Okonjo Iweala, started moves to publish monthly disbursement of revenue to all tiers of government. How do we improve the quality and most importantly, the speed of justice in all the corruption scandals popping up daily?

The minister is no doubt, an intelligent woman, and her immediate past public service records are there as a testimony to this. My gut feeling is that she really knows what to do, and how not to waste her time and resources. I do believe that she is interested in protecting her hard earned image, earned by even risking her life in NAFDAC. It is not too late for her to start again, and focus on those things that matter. I am sure she will not want her time as a minister to be remembered for leading a rebranding program that has already suffered a still birth.

Posted: at 30-09-2009 01:24 PM (15 years ago) | Newbie
- teeco at 30-09-2009 03:47 PM (15 years ago)

Posted: at 30-09-2009 03:47 PM (15 years ago) | Addicted Hero
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