It anonying and heart breaking that this days all u hear is prosperity,no pastor tells if you,you will go to hell,they shy away from the truth,the bible has been turned upside down in the sense that the is denied because this pastors are gainig from it.and this has worsen the morality in our country.
It's unfortunate for christians to sound this way.It only shows that you are still a baby in Christ.How many times should a christian recieve salvation? In romans 10:9-10,the scriptures laid out how salvation is achieved,first believing in our Lord Jesus Christ and then confessing Him.The moment you do this,you have become the son of God,you belong to God's family.Your salvation is not obtained by your good works or acts of righteousness because your righteousnes is like a filthy rag before God.Then what is righteousness and how is it gotten.Righteousness is the life of God and it comes to you as a 'gift' the very moment you believe and confess Jesus Christ as you lord and saviour(Romans 5:17;John:12;1 John 3:2-3).
Having being born into the family of God,you now have a new life-the life of God.You now belong to the God-kind where righteousness is your new nature because you have being born again not of the corruptible seed but of incorruptile,by the word of God which liveth and abideth for ever (1Peter 1:23).Also,remember that when you got born again you are a spirit being because you are no longer born of blood,nor of the will of the flesh,nor of the will of man,but of God (John 1:13).It is for this reason the scripture said in 2 corinthins 5:17 if any man be in Christ ,he is a new creature:old things are passed away;behold,all things are become new.You old life of sin has be supplanted with the life God's kind of life-righteouness.You become dead to sin and now lives for the master.In essence,you have a new life style as indicated in Galatians 5:22-26.
The church is a place for the perfecting of the saints,a place where you are taught how to live your new life and also made to know your rights and inheritance in Christ.Salvation is only preached to the unreached and lost souls so that they might come to the knowledge of the truth.When you are won and broght to the church,you ought to be taught to know who you are so that you may walk in that light.Of course if you have believed and confessed Jesus as your Lord and still live in sin,then there is a problem with your christianity because the bible said in 1 John 3:7-9 he that commit sin is of the devil.In other words,if you commit sin,you are living contrary to your new nature.Salvation is not the end in itself but an ushering into another realm of existence,a superior lifestyle,life of spirituality,life of affluence and splendour,life of dominion and power.That is christianity.
Posted: at 11-04-2011 04:21 PM (13 years ago) | Upcoming |