Nigeria’s transgender Ms Sahhara is a happy woman at the moment. Ms Sahhara who is now in a relationship revealed how difficult it is for people to accept women like her and how her boyfriend has been managing it against all odds. Here is what she wrote on her Facebook page about her lover, and the kind of questions his friends ask him about their love life.
“I have a new found respect for men who date/love/marry women like us: .................They get the same hate/discrimination we are subjected to every single day, even from their so called 'friends'.............Ignorant fools asking them stupid questions 'Did you know she used to be 'this' and 'that'? Why her? What does she have between her legs? What is the sex like? takes a real man with a heart of gold to look past all of that negativity to be with whom they love. Love is unconditional........I am a very lucky woman to be loved by my partner unconditionally amidst so much hate. — feeling Proud.”
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Posted: at 22-10-2014 10:08 AM (10 years ago) | Gistmaniac
chidi4reala at 23-10-2014 06:49 AM (10 years ago) (m)
Wait so this chick na transgender? first to comment anyway
Posted: at 23-10-2014 06:49 AM (10 years ago) | Upcoming
mbonuchris at 23-10-2014 01:20 PM (10 years ago) (m)
Distorted female spirits in the earthly male body have found a way to break through; by trans-segxwality. I pity non-distorted male spirits in their real earthly body that engage themselves intimately with them. They are probably unaware of the evil upon them.
Posted: at 23-10-2014 01:20 PM (10 years ago) | Newbie
you are an idiot,,if not for the death of jesus christ,people like you suppose to be stone to death,you have mouth to say women like you,,, so you are a woman? who told you you are a woman your doctor? a man that date you must be a homosegxwal like you,,you will cry hard i know
Posted: at 23-10-2014 02:00 PM (10 years ago) | Upcoming