You say a woman should be grateful that she is even being approached in the first place.
You see, it is that kind of attitude in Nigerian men that I am complaining about - you simply don't see the wrong in harassing a woman and expect her to be grateful about it. That's like saying a homeowner should be flattered if someone burgles his house because it means he must have a nice home with nice things in it that are worth stealing. Do you see the ridiculous-ness of your argument?
And no, continually going up to a woman who has made it clear she is not interested is not being persistent - it is harassment.
I laugh..

Did i ever mentiond woman?? i dont think so, Kindly read my previous post once again,, i refer direct to u that had that experience/encounter with such. and please do not refer your encounter to all Nigerian men anymore... that was my point. If u will keep complaining abt this attitude from men, u might end up having none at last... thou i dont know ur status or age, but i wonder what kind of man u will want, the one that will come right in ur bedroom to approch u with bunches of flowers and lick ur foot like most ladies wanted in UK. Or are u into women (Lesby) because they re the kind of people that get irritated quickly by seen men around.
Again u used the word AGGRESSIVE earlier now is HARASSMENT,, hmm what do u want exactly ?? or are u among some of the women in UK that always seek an advantage to use against the Men ?? even when they had normal relationship with a man, they still twist it to get compasention in the name of UK Laws aganist Women?? every little thing is abused/harassment etc.. thats why they have so much number of single mothers around there.
Do not compare woman to that of Homeowner example u use there?? they never come to be the same... a woman is mean to be treasured alot just like a flower need attention every minute of the day. appreciate that men find u intresting in first place, thats what i mean there. there a millions of women across the globe the desire that. cant u be even thankful to God for any gift of beauty HE placed on u, is a credit i think. Dont go about making problems, remember time waits nobody as a Lady

DirtyKid is a Happy Kid !!.....FATHER !! I've cast my bread on the waters long time ago. Now it's time 4u to return it, well buttered !!
Posted: at 15-12-2009 02:58 PM (15 years ago) | Hero |