An Elderly Man

Date: 18-02-2010 4:18 pm (14 years ago) | Author: Abang Edward
- at 18-02-2010 04:18 PM (14 years ago)
AN elderly man lived alone in the
Irish countryside with only a pet
dog for company. One day the
dog died, and he went to the
parish priest and asked if he
would say a mass for his poor
departed pet. The priest replied:
"I'm afraid not; we cannot have
services for an animal in the
church. But there are some
Baptists down the lane."
"I'll go right away Father," the
man replied. "Do ya think $5000
is enough to donate to them for
the service?"
"Sweet Mary, Mother of Jesus!
Why didn't ya tell me the dog
was Catholic?" the priest

Posted: at 18-02-2010 04:18 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- Andes at 18-02-2010 09:19 PM (14 years ago)
Why didnt you tell me that the priest was a rogue?
Nice 1
Posted: at 18-02-2010 09:19 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- federico at 18-02-2010 11:52 PM (14 years ago)
why didnt u tell me that i have commented of this joke b4?? u try
Posted: at 18-02-2010 11:52 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Edwizzie at 19-02-2010 03:05 AM (14 years ago)
hahaha. Thanks.
Posted: at 19-02-2010 03:05 AM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- NUGAWHITE at 19-02-2010 11:40 AM (14 years ago)
Funny Indeed, Ah ah ah ah ah ...... Smiley
Posted: at 19-02-2010 11:40 AM (14 years ago) | Newbie
- MrDon at 19-02-2010 11:43 AM (14 years ago)
why did ya not tell me money can change man of God?
Posted: at 19-02-2010 11:43 AM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- xter at 19-02-2010 03:30 PM (14 years ago)

Posted: at 19-02-2010 03:30 PM (14 years ago) | Addicted Hero
- just2sexy at 19-02-2010 08:59 PM (14 years ago)
sweet mary, mother of god. good and funny joke

Posted: at 19-02-2010 08:59 PM (14 years ago) | Hero
- Edwizzie at 21-02-2010 03:49 PM (14 years ago)
Thanks y'all.
Posted: at 21-02-2010 03:49 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- MrDon at 21-02-2010 03:52 PM (14 years ago)
welcome none....
Posted: at 21-02-2010 03:52 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- Edwizzie at 22-02-2010 08:40 AM (14 years ago)
Quote from: MrDon on 21-02-2010 03:52 PM
welcome none....
Posted: at 22-02-2010 08:40 AM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- fabmic at 22-02-2010 12:34 PM (14 years ago)
no be small thing o
Posted: at 22-02-2010 12:34 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- MrDon at 22-02-2010 12:40 PM (14 years ago)
na big thing???
Posted: at 22-02-2010 12:40 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac
- happinee at 22-02-2010 03:55 PM (14 years ago)
Quote from: Andes on 18-02-2010 09:19 PM
Why didnt you tell me that the priest was a rogue?
Nice 1
Posted: at 22-02-2010 03:55 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- ishola1000 at 22-02-2010 04:01 PM (14 years ago)
9ice 1
Posted: at 22-02-2010 04:01 PM (14 years ago) | Upcoming
- colenzo at 22-02-2010 11:52 PM (14 years ago)
wow nice joke

Posted: at 22-02-2010 11:52 PM (14 years ago) | Gistmaniac

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