How true, a professional murderer will never allow a man holding a cutlass to come within his vicinity. Here is FFK that is well known for his vulgar utterances against the Government, he is now raining sulfur and thunder against another fellow who has successfully beaten him to his own game.
Posted: at 6-01-2018 09:31 PM (7 years ago) | Gistmaniac
How true, a professional murderer will never allow a man holding a cutlass to come within his vicinity. Here is FFK that is well known for his vulgar utterances against the Government, he is now raining sulfur and thunder against another fellow who has successfully beaten him to his own game.
Posted: at 6-01-2018 09:36 PM (7 years ago) | Gistmaniac
johnnychuks2 at 7-01-2018 09:05 AM (7 years ago) (m)
See all of una, A true prohet is never recognised by his people, Ffk is but one of the very few nigerian policians, that can help in turning things around in that country. But yet u hates him. Coursed nigerians.
Posted: at 7-01-2018 09:05 AM (7 years ago) | Upcoming
johnnychuks2 at 7-01-2018 09:05 AM (7 years ago) (m)
See all of una, A true prohet is never recognised by his people, Ffk is but one of the very few nigerian policians, that can help in turning things around in that country. But yet u hates him. Some Coursed nigerians.
Posted: at 7-01-2018 09:05 AM (7 years ago) | Upcoming