Teaching methods according to the (Wikipedia free encyclopedia) have been around for many centuries, and over centuries it have equally been modified and the success on the use of the teaching methods were solely dependent on an intelligent analysis of the educational purposes, the students in the class, the curriculum content of the moment or the type of subject matter being taught. The methods and approaches have relative effectiveness on different individuals and level. It is therefore necessary for any teacher to choose the best method or approach and also the ones that will best suit his class at a particular time. A good teacher should equally understand different methods of teaching and when to apply them so as to achieve his/her objectives, and also understand the intelligent quotient (IQ) level of his/her class, age, and choice of teaching aids, etc. Obilo (2001).
Obilo, (2001) further asserts that a teacher who understands and uses only one or two methods of teaching will find it difficult if not impossible to achieve his/her objectives, because the purpose of teaching is to impart the worthwhile knowledge and skills to the learners by the teacher, and ways of which the teacher is expected to achieve his stated objectives is by designing good lesson note from the scheme of work and employing the required teaching methods to enable him to deliver his/her lesson effectively.
EDITOR'S SOURCE:Undergraduate Research Topics
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