Follow the rules, follow the regulations, and participate in the activities of the organization. The 6-3-3-4 System of Education, which was established in 1982, was designed to provide Universal Basic Education to citizens in order to breed species of individuals with compassion for our great nation, national consciousness, and the right attitude toward life, properties, and values required to advance national development to the next level. (Chinasa, Onwuchekwa, and Ogbonna, 2009).
However, the federal government of Nigeria's investment in education has shown to be a productive and promising reward for national growth throughout the years, providing a vivid hope for the better in the near future. There is little question that a number of reasons have stifled the trend of rapid educational growth, with absenteeism among students and instructors in elementary and secondary schools serving as a cankerworm for education. This has generated numerous concerns about the educational quality and management in Nigerian secondary schools. Huzinga and Thornberry (Huzinga & Thornberry, 2000).
Furthermore, truancy has a very visible and typically unfavorable influence on truants' current and future educational lives. Truancy leads in a loss of intellectual growth and an individual's ability to progress. It also results in low academic achievement at the conclusion of school periods, terms, and years. As a danger to a student's academic achievement, truancy is seen to lower the child's educational quality. It lowers a child's academic success standards.
It causes a decline in educational standards in schools. It raises the number of examination malpractices and bad examination outcomes, both internal and external. Truancy is also a factor that leads to idealization, joblessness, unemployment, and underemployment among today's adults, just because they engaged in the act of truancy throughout their school years. Nonetheless, the purpose of this study is to look at the actual actions, causes, and repercussions of truancy in secondary schools, as well as how these truants' academic performance is affected. (2002, Oehme and Franzke)
In Nigeria, truancy is one of the most serious antisocial discipline issues among secondary school pupils. Researchers have paid a lot of attention to the idea and acts of indiscipline. Various behavioural disorders such as stealing, violence, drug abuse, examination malpractice, segxwal abuse, and truancy, according to Peck (2003), have undermined effective teaching-learning processes to the point where some teachers have become helpless and disorganized in their task of imparting knowledge to learners. Huzinga and Thornberry (Huzinga & Thornberry, 2000).
EDITOR'S SOURCE: Project Topics For Graduating Students
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